Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Human Life is Highly Sacred, most Precious and Divine

Human life is highly sacred, most precious and Divine. Do not fritter it away by indulging in unsacred activities. All that you find outside is nothing but the reflection, reaction, and resound of your inner feelings.
Life must be lived in the proper way by exercising control over the ten senses. Speak sweetly and softly. You cannot always oblige, but you can always speak obligingly. Pray for the well-being of all. Sanctify your senses by serving all. By exercising control over your senses, you can achieve anything in life. You may think that you have given away ten bags of rice in charity and distributed clothes to 500 people. Such accounts are to be submitted to the income tax department and not to God. God is not interested in quantity; He sees the feeling behind your acts. So, whatever acts of charity you undertake, do it with the spirit of love and sacri­fice.
Baba (thought for the day)

It was an amazing Lila after he Baba said in the the dream 'engaged' and it was on your birthday morning and the same 'I am that'.
I didn't realize in that moment that this would lead into a constant inquiry about that 'I am that', 'That twam asi'.
It is inner inquiry and also I didn't realize yet that it means to see it in our own life and to go on no matter what obstacles are there.
It was about the higher self, I had met many years ago already and I had to understand it. It was the higher self and the body was just sleeping and dark and the light was only in the higher self, therefore, the 'I' in the body seemed to somehow be there, but it had not place to be there.

I knew I had to get the right answer, somehow. And I went ahead and looked at everything crossing my path and that were first the Hare Krishnas and I hoped to get an answer following the inner light, but it was mostly worship and after a while I felt rather frustrated, because I knew that way I would not get any answers. I met someone and he had been with TM and he said that it was just meditation and I thought great, that would help to go inside, because it was inside, I had seen it in the dream and it was also attractive, because the master lived in the Swiss mountains.

Monday, December 30, 2013

As the Feeling, so the Result

People worship God with devotion and sincerity, but God is not satisfied with external worship. You should serve society. Only service can confer bliss on you. By rendering service to society, you can alleviate the sufferings of the people, and also bring about transformation in their lives.
Yad Bhavam Tad Bhavathi (as is the feeling, so is the result). When you serve with sacred feelings, it is bound to yield sacred results. Serve society to your utmost capacity. The satisfaction that you get by participating in bhajans is temporary, whereas service confers permanent satisfaction. Time is the most precious gift of God, but you are wasting it in vain pursuits and unsacred feelings. Sanctify the time given to you by serving society. Through service alone you can get rid of worries, ego, pomp and show, and other evil qualities.
Baba (thought for the day)

Tapas, spiritual work is first discrimination, second seeing it in our own life and third going on no matter what obstacles are there.
What is external worship?
When I was a teenager, I was not even aware that it was possible to worship God externally, that was not in question and we had no such service to God.
I grew up in a catholic region, but my family belonged to Protestantism and in our village they had not yet their own church, therefore, me first memories of listening to that was in an empty room in the basement of the school.
There was nothing, not even a spiritual atmosphere and they are surprised that it is all put in question? It has to be put in question, because there was nothing else but intellect.
Later we got a church, on the top with glass-windows so we could see the sky, no pictures, no warmth, it was open, we could see the faces of the other people and the pastor was talking about a bible sentence and that was it and I got out of it tired and wondered what that was.

This Christmas we went to the midnight mass to Einsiedeln and that church it is just amazing. It is of breathtaking beauty.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Message of Unity

You should broaden your heart that it may be filled with all-embracing love. Only then can the sense of spiritual oneness of all mankind be experienced. Out of that sense of unity will be born the love of God. This love will generate in the heart pure bliss that is boundless, indescribable and everlasting.
For all forms of bliss, love is the source. A heart without love is like a barren land. Foster love in your hearts and redeem your lives. Whatever your scholarship or wealth, they are valueless without love. Sow the seed of love in your hearts and it will grow in due course into a big tree. God is one. Do not entertain any differences of religion, creed or caste. Carry the message of unity to every home. Embodiments of love! Regard Love as your life-breath and as the sole purpose of your existence.
Baba (thought for the day)

When I realized it was all about love, I began to look for it in my heart, but I couldn't see anything in the heart, it was too dark and I wondered how to understand it and how to follow the inner master or the heart. How to find it if we couldn't hear it and not listen to it and it felt like there was nothing. I was glad if there was just a trace of a feeling of love and most of time we not aware of it. 

But if it should be love, we should be aware of it. But how to feel that love? I was just watching, doing my job and I decided to go on watching, on some level there should be at least a trace of love. It was kind of impossible to imagine that the universe is love and that we could just go ahead with an all-embracing love.
After a while, yes, sometimes there was some love and it was projected on someone, we were looking for a reason for it, that was the other obstacle about love.

But I went on observing to get to that boundless and everlasting love.
So first it was projected on a worldly love, nevertheless, it was love and as that didn't last I went on observing and it was not that easy, it felt kind of alone just going on and not being able to tell anyone what that was all about. Going on and on no matter what obstacles would be there in direction of love, we couldn't feel it.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Sense of Spiritual Oneness

Just as a child is entitled to enjoy the milk from its mother, there can be no objection to man enjoying the resources of nature. But as a result of uncontrolled desires and reckless exploitation of natural resources, nature is exhibiting frightening disorders. Natural calamities like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, droughts and floods are the result of disturbances in the balance of nature caused by this reckless exploitation. Mankind today appears like a foolish man who is wielding the axe at the branch of a tree on which he is sitting.
You have to develop a sense of spiritual oneness. Out of that sense of oneness, love will grow. Man today does not recognize this sense of oneness. 'Man' is not the body alone. One has the mind, intellect and the spirit (Atma) too. When the balance among these constituents is upset, people are plunged into troubles. On the other hand, when there is a balance, true humanness blossoms.
Baba (thought for the day)

How to develop a sense of spiritual oneness?
It helps a lot if we understand the purpose of oneness.  
With TM we had big meditation assemblies and lots of people came together to meditate, because we all believed if we did that, we created more balance in nature and worked against the reckless exploitation Baba is talking about here in this thought for the day.
It was a good experience in the big groups and it had a good effect on consciousness, the only problem is that we cannot prove it, but TM did about everything to prove it anyhow to get lots of people together, there have been worldpeace assamblies with 3000 people.
But what about developing a sense of oneness?
It was in the big groups of thousands of people meditating together, there was oneness, only there was no awarness of it.
Consciousness is bigger than biggest and smaller than the smallest. What does it mean? The whole is more than the sum of its parts.
On our individual level it is the higher self. If we have the experience of the higher self it is about the whole and it is more than the sum of its parts.
On an universal level it is divinity. As Baba said during our interview when he explained 'Soham', it means, 'I am God' or 'I am Shiva' or 'I am that' and he explained that it opens the mind.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Knowledge without Wisdom is Useless

True education will make you divine. Education is not mere knowledge of words; it should broaden the mind. The mere acquisition of degrees is valueless. Character is more important and it can be developed only by taking to the spiritual path. Of what use is an education that does not promote good qualities? Together with academic education you have to acquire wisdom and a sense of right and wrong. Knowledge without wisdom, scholarship without determination, music without melody, learning without humility, a society without discipline, friendship without gratitude, and speech without truth - all these are utterly useless.
Hence everyone should seek to follow the correct path. It is not greatness that matters but goodness. Make proper use of your education for the good of society.
Baba (thought for the day)

Baba said in an interview that we should meditate with Soham, our breath tells with every inhale, SO and with every exhale HAM and the meaning of Soham is, 'I am God, I am Shiva, I am that'.
I had been a TM-teacher and we were told that the mantra was a vehicle only and had no meaning and we had the feeling we didn't know anything about it and Baba called our group in the interview room after a group meditation and said, that all mantras are okay and that the meaning of the mantra is, 'I am God'.
The most important questions we have to ask are, 'Who am I?' 'Where do we come from?' and 'Where do we go?'
If we send a letter away we put the address that it can reach and if we do not have an address, it will reach nowhere.
Therefore, in using a mantra just like a vehicle, it was not possible to get aware of the 'I am that'.
But first my mind wondered how I could think only that 'I am God' and Baba went on explaining to us in the interview room that it opens our mind. That is a way how we can broaden the mind.

Self-confidence, self-control, self-contentment, self-sacrifice, self-realization. (Baba)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Between Unity and Duality

What is true humanness? You should treat your fellowmen as your own brothers and sisters. You deserve to be called a human being only when you cultivate the spirit of unity. Where there is no unity, there you find enmity and hatred. 
Consequently, the principle of love is lost altogether. Your foremost duty is to share your love with others. Only then can you realise the dictum: 'Brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God'. You may or may not believe in the fatherhood of God, but you must have faith in the brotherhood of man; practise it and experience bliss therefrom. It is only when we share our love with our fellowmen, can we experience Divinity.
Baba (thought for the day)

How do we share our love with our fellowmen? 
Writing is one way to share it, whatsoever, it has to be shared. 
It was in meditation, first the experience of heaven on earth and afterwards hell and a precipice. 
It was both, first friends and after enemies.
And that connection to a personal staff of the Maharishi had been in a relationship, it meant only problems, when it always looked good and the opposite, like friendship, but he was never a friend. 
He seemed to have been there only to create problems, even though he was assigned as the national leader at the same time, with the task to enlighten the world, he meant problems only.
And in the inner view it is present as precipice and I was somewhere in between the two levels, but it is incredible, that guy meant only problems. 
It means there was no unity, it is still on the level of duality, therefore, after all all they felt like enemies. Whatever, it was a very difficult experience.

How do we share our love? 
It is not only sharing love, but it is sharing it with our fellowmen. 
Writing seems to be a way to share. The blog is kind of a great tool to share our thoughts. 
And how do we get aware of the experience of Divinity? 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Get nearer, wherever we may be

In every one of you, God is the moving spirit, the very Soul; how then can you be evil, when you are here fulfilling God's purpose, according to His will, His plan and His law? God has endowed you with many faculties so that you may seek Him and reach Him. 
You are not therefore, a helpless and neglected individual undergoing a sentence of death. You are an embodiment of bliss, born to a rich heritage, which is all yours! Only you fail to ask. Have faith in your destiny and work steadily to attain it! Devotion is attachment to God - you need not leave hearth and home for it. If the seed is planted away from the parent tree, will it grow any different? No! Boil the seed and then it will not grow again. Similarly, boil your instincts and impulses, and scorch the sensory cravings that enslave you. Then you will get nearer to God, wherever you may be.
Baba (thought for the day)

We are immortal beings, if there is no sentence of death, but to reach that we have to know that we are God and how do we get to that self-realization? Always remember, who you are.
Who am I? 
That is one of the key questions, Baba mentioned it in a thought for the day last week. 
If we can answer the first question, we also know the answer for the rest. But around us is everything relative, everything passing by and nothing is permanent, but our own self is a non-changing and permanent level, we have to realize it. 
It is of no use to go and search for it, we should just remember who we are. 
After I had understood that, I thought, there must be a way to find that eternal reality in my heart and I began to just watch, just observe, because life goes on and on and on that level everything is always changing, there had to be a means to get to that hidden reality and that non-changing and immortal being in our own self. 
I watched, decided to not change anything on the mind level if it is not out of my own self and it was never my own self, it was always outside of it and therefore, I began to think about God, because it felt not okay, not comfortable, there was only uncertainty.  
Where do I come from? Where do I go? How long do we be here? 
We are embodiments of bliss. 
I wondered, where the bliss was gone? We should be all in bliss. 
That is how I began to remember who am I? And in remembering in time I hoped to be able to realize it. 
As Baba always said, just be happy and enjoy. 

You are not therefore, a helpless and neglected individual undergoing a sentence of death. You are an embodiment of bliss, born to a rich heritage, which is all yours!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Examine the Mental Make-Up, using Discrimination

There is no dearth of good books, telling you how to live happily and be free from grief, and many thousand copies of them are being purchased. Yet there is nothing to indicate that the content in the books have been read and assimilated. The habits, conduct, and character of the readers of these books have not undergone any change for good. 
Egoism and greed are still rampant; hatred has not abated and envy eats into the vitals of the society. 
Henceforth, do not treat My words lightly. Decide to implement in your life, at least one advice for your spiritual growth. Every one of you must examine your mental make-up and see whether you have used your discrimination and scientific temper (Viveka and Vijnana) to clothe yourself with detachment (Vairagya), so that you do not suffer from the attachment to the worldly objects.
Baba (thought for the day)

How do we know if we have enough discrimination? 
It is not that easy to know, we might think we have it and find out later on that it was all wrong understood, but it is easy to practice, we have to get aware of it that our own self is unlimited and one way is to get aware is to focus on the heart, in the heart is the indweller of the heart, a tiny form of God. 
And we can get aware that our breath tells with every in- and exhale, Soham and that means it inhales So and exhales Ham and the meaning is as Baba said, 'I am God' or 'I am Shiva' or 'I am that'. 
I was meditating with 'I am that', because I had problems to think, 'I am God'. I just thought it was easier to think 'I am that', but today I would tell anybody to just do it, to go for God, because it opens up the mind and the mind understands God as not only 'that', but going beyond, in calling it God, it is like addressing the letter to a name and the letter will arrive.
If I don't know, he knows. If I cannot do it, he can. If I don't have the strength to go for it, he has. 
If we try to realize the observer, we watch and in doing so, even if we are not aware that the breath tells us, 'I am God', we get aware that everything else is 'not that', because it is just passing by and in watching we get aware that our soul needs actually something else but passing by stuff. It is about the soul level.

I am the One

Do not consider prayer and meditation (japam and dhyanam) as the pastime of 'freaks, geeks and cracks'. Hold fast to them, for they alone can save you from ruin. Offer to the Lord, not flowers got in exchange for a few coins or rupees from the shop, but the fragrant flowers of your own virtues. 
Let tears of joy be the holy water with which you seek to wash the feet of the Lord. Consider the Lord you adore, be it Hanuman or Krishna or Jesus, as comprising of all forms of Divinity. Do not argue that other forms are less and your form is greater. Be aware that every form of Divine is equally sweet.

Tonight he was in my dream and said, 'I am the one' and that felt kind of amazing. 
If I get aware constantly in my own meditation that 'I am God', what opens our mind and gets us in touch with the higher self, I also get aware that I am not the body and not the mind. And it is very sweet and amazing, also it reflects in the outside and therefore, if I am that, 'you are that' as well and it means, 'we are that' and from the 'we' it expands in our consciousness to all, 'all are that'. 
That was meant by that inner confirmation of, 'I am the One'.

The movement is actually from 'Thou art That', (Tat Tvam Asi) to 'I am That', it is the mirror in which we recognize our own self and realize that we are the same. It creates the awareness that we are two, 'we are that' and from that our consciousness expands to 'all are that' and as it seems to, 'I am the One'. 

Friday, November 29, 2013

The Four Questions every Person must Know

There are four questions that every person must interest oneself with:
"Who am I?", "Where have I come from?", "Where am I going?" and "How long will I remain here?".
These questions have been answered clearly in the Vedas.
All spiritual inquiry begins with these questions and attempts to find answers to them. If you drop a letter in the post box without writing the 'From' or 'To' address, it will go nowhere but to the 'dead letter office'. In fact it is a waste of time writing that letter, is it not? So too, if you do not know the purpose of your life in this world, you will get caught in the cycle of birth and death, and will never reach your destination. To find answers to these key questions, you must begin enquiry about the Self. To get the answers, you must practice spiritual discipline. Then, you will find that the answers become part of your daily living experiences!

Baba (thought for the day)

I had an interview and he asked the devotee who sat at my side to translate and he asked her, 'who is that girl?' And I had to translate.
I don't remember how I felt, somehow it seemed strange to be talking about me and to translate it. I just remember that I translated and it was about who I am and I was aware that I was not that, when she finally said my name.
Who am I?
And he asked it three times and that are the three levels, body, mind and Atman, the level of the soul. The third time she said my name and in my thought I was aware that this is not who I really am.
I knew it was about those three levels, but I did not think it over enough at that time and therefore, I did not have the feeling to get an answer. Today it is different, because in thinking it over we get inside of our own self an answer. 
Also I was no yet writing as I do today, writing helps to get aware of it.
And he went on and asked, 'what is your relationship?'
There was also no answer to that, we both did not know? What was our relationship? We were in the same ashram and probably sisters, considering the fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man.
We spoke about yoga and she did yoga and she must have been a very good pianist, it felt like she missed her life and that she could not play the piano in the ashram, she had only a room and never really felt comfortable in it, she was constantly painting it and it was overfilled with stuff.
We had talked about yoga and I had for sure mentioned that I worked as a TM-teacher and probably I spoke to her about meditation. 

There are four questions that every person must interest oneself with:
"Who am I?", "Where have I come from?", "Where am I going?" and "How long will I remain here?".
These questions have been answered clearly in the Vedas.
All spiritual inquiry begins with these questions and attempts to find answers to them. If you drop a letter in the post box without writing the 'From' or 'To' address, it will go nowhere but to the 'dead letter office'.

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Heart is the Spring of Joy

Just like a fish which can live only when it is immersed in water, when it feels the element all around it, so too man is a being that can live only when immersed in ananda (bliss); one must have ananda not merely at home, in society and in the world but more than all, in the heart.
As a matter of fact, the ananda in the heart produces ananda all around; the heart is the spring of joy. That spring has to be touched by constant meditation, recitation and the intermittent dwelling on the glory, the grace and the inexhaustible manifestations of the Lord, that is, smarana, chethana and manana. Hold fast to the goal; the devotee should never turn back. Never give way to doubt or despair.
Baba (thought for the day)

It is not different from us, it is not outside, it is inside and the same. 
We have to find it in out own heart to understand that statement of Baba that we should be able to see ananda, bliss in our home, society and the world, but more than all in the heart.
Without that ananda in the heart it will not be present in the outside. The joy is in the heart.
We have to listen to our heart and in the heart it is his language, it is 'He'.
What does it mean when we tell 'He' and not 'I'?
If we think 'I', the I is identified with the body. The voice in the heart is not the same 'I' and it is only possible to hear it in the silence of the heart. Yesterday, the memory of the twin soul was present and it is the value of the heart, both souls the same, there is no difference and no separation possible.
When Baba left the body a few days ahead in the inner view we went down a deep well and there was only some little water left and we went up again and on the way he dropped the body and on the top was Krishna and his brother.
That is also the twin soul, Krishna is not incarnating in this world without his brother and brother means 'devotion', he is here for his devotees and with his devotees.
This morning it was present in my meditation and it is like going on through all experiences, the presence of the twin soul, knowing it is 'that'. There is no doubt possible on that level, there is also no despair, but if the reflection of that level is not met, it can result in doubt and despair and the heart begins to suffer.

Hold fast to the goal; the devotee should never turn back. Never give way to doubt or despair.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Just be Happy and Ways how to get there ...

Be eager and earnest to learn more and more about the art of joyful living, the art of being happy always. 
People are happy when they dress well, wear rich clothes and strut about the streets. At times, this may cause envy among the little children who cannot afford these, and one may even feel elated with that response! But you can afford to be legitimately proud, only when you are able to control the vagaries of your mind and direct your emotions along honorable and healthy channels, braving even the ridicule of your so-called friends.
That is true freedom; that is true success. If you reach that stage, then you become a seasoned driver and you can be trusted with the wheel on any road, and with any cargo, however precious. Now you are trained to not cause harm, either to yourself or to others. This stage is when you truly deserve to become a leader.
Baba (thought for the day)

Being in Baba's presence it was just about helping and in his divine presence it didn't come to my mind that the devil has his own ways. Or maybe it was a pattern behind and it reflected that attitude of my father and my mother wanted to help and save him and if I get the insights right I got from the inner master, after her death and in my dream, it has not helped her, but it got her down. We revered her like a hero, because she never let us forget that she had to help him, that she had to take care and that it was onto her to save everything, I guess there was some admiration of that in all of us, but somehow that didn't work out later on. 
If it was right and sathvic, why was it not in the sense of Sathva and the Lord. After her death was an avalanche in my dream and later reading Baba's thought for the day it said, avalanche means attachment. 

Desire is a storm, avalanche is attachment, precipice is pride and whirlpool is greed. (Baba)

Milking the Cows and the Blood sucking Fleas

Nothing is ever born without the will of God, nothing ever happens without His will. This is the message of the Vedas.
Understand the scriptures well and this lesson will be instilled in you.
Fleas suck and taste only the blood of the cow, but we draw from her, sweet nourishing milk. So too, you must draw and learn from the scriptures, the potency of the will of the Lord.
If fixed in that faith, you will be able to brave all dangers. In Ramayana, not all the stones that Lord Rama stepped on, turned into a human being. Only one stone changed into the form of Ahalya, for repentance and penance had elevated that stone to win the Grace of the Lord. If God is invisible to you, the fault lies within you. You are unable to recognize His various manifestations. You yourself are His very own manifestation. Fix your vision!

Baba (thought for the day)

Everything is his will, that we hear often and that is the easiest to understand. 
If we don't know the answer, we call it his will.
But Baba calls it the message of the Veda and that we should understand the scriptures well to get the lesson.
What does it mean to understand the scriptures? How can we get closer to the scriptures and Veda if we don't even know really what is meant by Veda?
It is not the culture of the West, but with Baba we experience the Veda, but to make the experience is not the same as knowing it.
If we do not know the scriptures are we like the fleas that suck the blood of the cow? I guess it depends our intention.
As Baba said that my ex took only advantage of it, I get the idea of it with that example, he is that flea sucking the blood of the cow and why, I can tell you why. 

So too, you must draw and learn from the scriptures, the potency of the will of the Lord.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Watch the Heart, cleaning the Mind is not enough

Spiritual knowledge cleanses the mind and helps us undertake good actions. But that is not enough. The heart also should be pure. In the absence of purity of heart, there can never be purity of the mind and intellect. 
We should not give scope to the creepers of bad qualities to entangle the heart. A creeper that goes around covering the tree ultimately smothers the tree itself. One should ensure that the creepers of lust, anger, greed, and infatuation do not get entangled to one's own Self. The society will ultimately value purity of heart more than all other achievements. One can escape from the house on fire, but not from the senses which are ignited by the fire of evil qualities. It is the foremost duty of every individual to keep their senses under control.
Baba (thought for the day)

Years ago I became a meditation teacher, it was a great experience and we really thought, we do that for the rest of our life and people would come and learn to meditate. We initiated them with a Puja and for a short while it was okay. And therefore, we thought it would take care of everything. We didn't think of money, who cared about money if it was about a fulfilling work and dedication to something we believed in. 
I had no idea what I went into when the national leader of the TM-movement began to call. 
He wanted me to look for houses for the Maharishi and real big and very expensive hotel buildings. 

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Roar of the Divine Lion

Hatred does not exist in God's nature; He is all mercy and full of love! 
Lord Krishna proceeded to the Kaurava court, as a messenger of peace, with compromise proposals to show how one should be patient and self-controlled, when provoked and during difficult times. The Lord has no favorites or rivals. Like fire, He spreads warmth to everyone near Him. If you do not feel the warmth, do not blame Him; instead blame yourself that you are far from Him! Hiranyakashipu said, 'He is nowhere' and so, He was nowhere for him; Prahlada asserted 'He is everywhere,' and He appeared from the pillar to prove him true. God did not have to run into the pillar in order to come out of it, to reply to the challenge of the father. 
He was there all along, just as He is in everything else. He had only to make Himself visible! Take Him as your charioteer. He will steer you through the heaviest odds.
Baba (thought for the day)

But also God is not involved in a personal relationship, he is always out of it, bigger than the bigger, smaller than the smallest.
But the relationship of Lord Krishna with the Gopis reflects the divine relationship. He was the strongest, he was invincible, like superman, the strongest enemy had no chance against Krishna and for me it felt great to read those stories, the author was a college professor and they were adventure stories better than Superman and especially in Baba's presence, it became alive because of him, I read the books during the time I was in the ashram, several books, about seven or nine. 
And it also felt good reading it in Geneva, in my twenties, I liked it, because Krishna was not crucified.
We know that God exists and we have to find it in our own self, but our fight is that of Prahlada. 
His father was one of the biggest demons of his time and he was already born in that family to destroy that demon, because he was that powerful, nobody could destroy him but God himself. He sent his great devotee Prahlada with that task in that family and it was incredible what that demon father did everything to destroy the boy, he had to endure awful tests and the father was madly fighting and arguing with him and trying to kill him in all different ways, that much he hated God. 
As the boy said that God is everywhere, the father screamed at his son, 'is he also in that pillar?? hitting with his sword at it and in that moment pillar transformed itself in Nrsingadev. God took the form of a lion to be able to fight that demon. 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Win his Grace and you will not Feel the Pain

Some might argue that the inheritance (Karma) of the previous births has to be suffered in this birth and that no amount of grace can save you from that. Evidently, someone has led you to believe so. 
The Grace of the Almighty knows no bounds or limits! I assure you, you need not suffer from Karma like that. When severe pain torments you, the doctor gives you a pain killer injection and you do not feel the pain, though it is there in the body. God's Grace is like the pain-killer. Nothing can stay in the way of the Grace of the Lord. If you win His Grace, you will not feel the pain, though you go through Karma. Just as medicines with expired dates are ineffective, so too, the effect of Karma is then rendered ineffective, or null and void!
Baba (thought for the day)

We will go through the Karma, but not feel the pain? 
We get sick, but we do not suffer as others do, but we nevertheless get sick. 
If we have the grace of the Almighty, we do not feel it, but we still have the Karma. 
Thinking about it seeing out of my experience. First we should listen and discriminate and that is what we do and then we should thinking it over and see it in our own life and Baba said, 'follow the master, fight to the end, finish the game'.

In the beginning I wondered how to follow the master, listening to him and using discrimination, it is about the Almighty only, because only he has no bounds and no limits, only he can make us not suffer from Karma.
How do we reach the Almighty? 
Following the inner master, he said in the inner view, that my brother does the worst he can do. 
I worried about it, thought that something was going to happen to him, but it was all different. And Baba said that he is the insight and the next step. He also said to take care of my brother. 
So that was the insight, what is the next step? The worry was not the next step. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Prepare the Field to get to the right Conclusion

To realize the truth of an Advent (Avatar), the aspirant must culture the mind as the farmer prepares the field. The farmer clears thorny undergrowth, wild creepers and tenuous roots from the field. Then, he ploughs the land, waters it and the seeds are sown. The seedlings and tender plants are then guarded from pests. To prevent destructions by goats and cattle, he erects a fence. So too, the aspirant must remove egoism, pride and greed from the heart.
Truth, Repetition of the Lord's Name and Meditation refer to ploughing and levelling.
Love is the water that must flow into the field of your heart to make it fertile, soft and rich. Lord's Name is the seed and devotion is the sprout. Protect the seeds from the cattle of Kama and Krodha (desire and anger) with the fence of discipline. Then you will reap bliss as the harvest.
Baba (thought for the day)
We can compare it to culturing the mind as the farmer prepares the field. We follow insights, as Baba said he is the insight and the following step and in doing it, we get aware that everything looks quite different than we thought it was? We get aware that it looks different if we see our real parents as divine and we realize that we belong to the divine parents and in that sense we get a feeling for the truth of an Advent. 
How do we otherwise realize the truth of an Advent? 
We culture the mind as the farmer prepares the field, we plough the land, water it. My father was a gardener and it felt already like that years ago writing my dairy. It was like the cultivation of flowers in the heart and getting rid of the bad and egoistic tendencies, because they are like weeds taking over.
When I began with meditation I thought it was easy, because meditation took care of it and it was like that, it did take care of it.
It just didn't take care of the insights and the right understanding of it.
The insight was there since the beginning, focused on the observer in writing, watching feelings, thoughts, emotions.
TM didn't tell that the teaching is in dreams and in the inner view. And because it said that everything was stress only and mind, we concluded that it was possible to think a mantra and meditate to go beyond the mind and that took care of it.
The conclusion was not right, because we stopped thinking and it resulted in only meditating. We were not used to ask questions anymore, because we thought that all questions were answered by that meditation. It was a good experience, the mind did settle down, but it didn't tell us how to understand insights and how to see it in the light of meditation or wisdom and even less in the light of technique, it didn't make any sense. If the insights would have made sense, it would have been perfect, but they didn't make sense.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

How to destroy the mind? - White Light I am

How to destroy the mind? It is easy once you know what it is. The mind is stuffed with desire, similar to a football filled with air. Puncture it and it will not move from place to place. In a square field filled with water from an irrigation canal, water appears in the form of a square. If the field is circular or triangular, then the sheet of water will match the geometric shape. The mind too takes on the form of one's desires. Take another example - the mind is like a piece of cloth, the warp and woof being the yarn of desire. The texture, the color, the durability, the feel, and the shine of the cloth will depend upon the desire that constitutes the warp and the woof. Remove the yarn strand by strand, and the cloth automatically disappears. This is the technique of destroying the mind (Mano Nasanam). A wise person will wipe out all traces of the mind.
Baba (thought for the day)

Over thirty years ago I began with a simple mantra and we didn't know the meaning, it was called a vehicle with the aim to carry our thoughts and attention, the mind, and to go inside. Later it was said that those mantras a special seed mantras and they are not used with the Pranava, the Om and used with the Patanjali sutras and they have to be given by a master and with puja, everything else was secret and we had the feeling to know nothing about it and most of all people thought that the OM was only for people who wanted to become monks. 
After I went to Baba one morning we meditated and after that meditation he took the whole group in the interview room. He talked about mantras and Soham and he said, 'all mantras are okay'. It was only that way I got aware that there was doubt about it, because we had not enough instruction with those Bija mantras we used with TM. 
It was by a TM-teacher we got initiated into that mantra and I had during that time, eight years of my life, about three or four advanced techniques and every time the mantra got longer. 
I liked it, because I noticed that it relaxed my mind. I saw myself as a watcher and I just observed and didn't change things, it means things should not change, but out of the inner self. And I noticed, when that inner self was there, it had to be done, there was no other way but to do it. 
Later Baba was in my dream and he was two Babas, one was the insight and one was the next step.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Source of Bliss and the Individual Experience

Just as underground water is the sustenance of all trees, the Atma is the underlying source of all the bliss that the individual experiences. The process of digging a borewell to bring the underground water to surface level involves steady hitting, digging, and thumping through a pipe which holds and directs the drill. The people who do the boring take a lot of care to ensure that air does not go into the pipe, for then the drilling process becomes unsuccessful. 
Finally through a lot of effort, you bring the subterranean water to the surface level for human consumption. So too, you must undertake the repetition of the Lord's Name (Japam) very intensely taking care that you do not allow the attachment to worldly objects (Vishaya vasana) to enter and interfere with the process.
Baba (thought for the day)

If we talk about inner view our 'mind' thinks that it is like seeing with the eyes. If it would be like with the eyes, we just could close the eyes and it would be inner view, but it is not like that.
Thinking about dreams, we know that our subconscious is awake in it and that we don't just understand it with the mind, but it needs lots of skill to know the meaning of our dreams. 
The inner view is our subconscious awakening, it is the inner master and we have to learn to understand it and for that reason we need discrimination. 

The process of digging a borewell to bring the underground water to surface level involves steady hitting, digging, and thumping through a pipe which holds and directs the drill. The people who do the boring take a lot of care to ensure that air does not go into the pipe, for then the drilling process becomes unsuccessful. Finally through a lot of effort, you bring the subterranean water to the surface level for human consumption.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fit in the Divine Plan

Every one of you must fit in with the Divine Plan. 
Strive to know its main principles and be equipped for the tasks He allots to you. Give your heart completely to the duty assigned to you in life. Be ever vigilant of your own nature and duty (swadharma) and engage in the tasks that your role demands. To attain the Divine, you have to climb from the animal state to the human state and from human level to Divinity. This climb is hard given the several forces that are always around you, ready to pull you downward. The engine in the car if clogged and worn out, will whine and groan when it has to ascend a steep hill. On the other hand if it is well-maintained, free from the dust and dirt of sensory yearning, then it will ascend heights very easily. Baba (thought for the day)
How do we know the task that is allotted to us?
I have no idea, of course it is to my daughter, that is clear, but why her father doesn't get it? Why he doesn't ask that type of question? 
We were focus on knowing the main principles and I thought we did that together, until we left and at once we faced something else, as it seems he just said yes to it and took advantage of it as long as it lasted. 
At my birthday he sent greetings and said, just be happy. 
First I thought great, Baba's words, but in the mean time it has changed and remembering what it means really to him, he is telling me just think about your own self, as Baba tells, self gets and forgets and he had another dream where he said, give, give, give, I will not give, you lived a dream and that is your problem not mine. You need a psyche I will give. 
I don't think he ever reflected on the dream or tried to understand it, so what it means when he is telling me, 'just be happy', he is telling me that he is just thinking about himself and as he thinks he is happier that way, even if it is not true, he goes the path of least effort. 
Sathva begins bitter ends sweet and Rajas begins sweet ends bitter and Tamas is upside down. 
It makes out of a vice a virtue and vice versa. 
It means he goes for all that what seems sweet in the beginning and it will turn out bitter. And how often for my feeling we spoke about it that duty is that which is usually first bitter and ends sweet. 
He doesn't know what he is doing in going the path of least effort, therefore, when he tells me, just be happy, it feels like a joke or an insult, but now I got more distance to it and I see why that is so.
Give your heart completely to the duty assigned to you in life. Be ever vigilant of your own nature and duty (swadharma) and engage in the tasks that your role demands. To attain the Divine, you have to climb from the animal state to the human state and from human level to Divinity. This climb is hard given the several forces that are always around you, ready to pull you downward. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Subtle Effect of Mantras

The subtle effect of mantras (mystic formulae) mentioned in the Vedas cannot be seen or heard by the senses; they have to be experienced in and through the inner consciousness, the Anthahkarana.
The sound of these mantras has the power to transform the impulses and tendencies. The word mantra means 'that which saves when turned over in the mind'. Repeating the mantra constantly in the mind will keep off wild talk, purposeless conversation, aimless gossip and scandal. Talk only when the talk is most essential and talk only as little as is necessary. Talk sweetly and without any reservations or circumvention. I want all to be convinced of the excellence of these teachings of the Vedas and Shasthras(scriptures).
Baba (thought for the day)
We were initiated in a TM Bija mantra, seed mantra and they were not used with the Pranava, the OM and had to be given with Puja by a master. We had to memorize that Puja during the teacher's training.
It was beautiful, but afterwards I noticed that it was a program, which never changed. The teaching said with a mantra we will use more of the unlimited potential of the mind as life is progressing in direction of more and more, we will be more creative and find it easier to go on with the changing lessons of our life. It also said that life is always changing and we have to be able to go with those changes and as meditation makes us more creative, it is possible to Keep up with the changes of our time and to adapt easier to it. That sounded convincing until the inner view showed changes ahead and it didn't make sense and it was impossible with TM to realize it and to get right answers, we had to get it with another master.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Cleanliness of the Mind takes care of Bad Thoughts

External cleanliness, devoid of internal cleanliness is nothing short of deceitfulness. Internal cleanliness is more essential than external cleanliness. 
Though a cup may be clean and attractive outside, we cannot drink water from it, if it is unclean inside. Food cooked in copper vessels turns poisonous, if the vessel does not have a silver coating inside. Hence, observe internal cleanliness with meticulous care. Strive to remain free from the diseases of hatred, bad thoughts and vicious practices. God has gifted you this human body for achieving excellence in your daily life and attaining proximity with Divinity. Cultivate spirituality, acquire spiritual traits, attain proximity to the Divine and merge in Him. This must be your firm resolve. You can achieve this by sanctifying your body with sacred actions, until your last breath.Baba (thought for the day)

The best internal cleanliness we know is meditation, it takes care of the mind. If our mind is full of rubbish and past impressions and we cannot forget it or are tired because of that reason, we need to meditate. But also if we think we are in good shape and everything is okay, we should meditate to be able to get to know our mind and to develop discrimination.
If we have often headache, it mostly has to do with strain and stress in the mind, it is a sign of pressure, all of that we can get rid of with meditation, we deal with the source of psychosomatic diseases.

Meditation is like a clean bath for the mind, after the meditation, body and mind should be relaxed and past impressions in the mind should not load anymore on our present consciousness.
It is not possible in our thoughts to control those subtle processes and we don't know why past impressions stick to our mind, it is usually a sign that the mind is not relaxed enough. Therefore, cleanliness of the mind is the A and O of spirituality and mental health. In today fast living time it is even more important, because we cannot relax anymore only with sleep, not enough because the expectation of our time is high and therefore, it leads to burnout and constant tiredness. If we meditate regularly we have more strength and can deal with it on a better way. We have to go with the pace of our time and if it is fast changing, our health depends on how we are able to keep that pace. Time is constantly changing and we should be flexible enough to go along with it, if we are not, we get old and sick.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Actions done to the Satisfaction of our Conscience

For a person living in the materialistic world, the sensual pleasures are a source of extreme delight. However, the senses themselves are temporary, and hence grant only transitory joy. To a person suffering from jaundice, everything looks yellow and tastes bitter. So too senses fraught with illness cannot give true happiness.
As there is no person without desire, and it is difficult to live without desire in this world, Lord Krishna came out with an excellent solution. He said, "Perform all actions for the pleasure of the Lord without an eye on the fruits of the action." Pay your respect to duty and dedicate all actions to the Divine. Ensure you do all actions to the satisfaction of your conscience and then your heart is free from all blemishes.
Such an action qualifies to become an act of Anapeksha, not tainted by desire.
Baba (thought for the day)
If we live in a spiritual world all that seems to make somehow sense and it seems to be easy, because we are carried by that spiritual energy which is around a master, some call it a field, which is created when spiritual people live together on one place like an ashram.
But as we have to live in the world and around that materialistic world, which sees in sensual pleasure extreme delight, it is not that easy. Even if the senses are only temporary and grant only transitory joy, at least there is some joy and not only frustration.
Sathva begins bitter and ends sweet and Rajas begins sweet and ends bitter and Tamas turns it upside down, it makes out of that extreme sensual pleasure a delight and holds it high. 
And fact is, there is no person without desire and therefore, we got that excellent solution, perform all actions for the pleasure of the Lord, without an eye on the fruit of action'.
Pay your respect to duty and dedicate all actions to the Divine.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Installed in our Hearts, He will Redeem our Lives.

Mantra means that which saves, when meditated upon. The Name of God, any one of His countless ones, can serve the purpose. The Name is like the goad that can tame the elephant in rut, make it bend its knees and lift the log on to its tusks. 
Liberation (Moksha) is not a five-star hotel, or a deluxe tourist home. It is just the awareness of your reality and the rejection of all contrary conceptions. You can recognize your Self quickly and clearly, if you purify your heart with a mantra or by the singing of the glory of God. Both will grant you that boon. Sing from the heart, conscious of the layers of meaning that each word has. These are the surest ways to have God firmly installed in the throne of your hearts and it will redeem your lives. 
Baba (thought for the day) 

Being with TM thinking we got a so called personal mantra, but it was given by age and it said because we use it, it becomes personal and it was said that it should solve all problems. That made it that we were not careful, didn't know anymore how and when to finish things right, because we thought meditation would take care of it. We went into stuff and relationships, we probably would not have otherwise, because we would have thought it over twice before doing it. 
If we think that all problems can be solved by a method or technique, we are not very careful, go ahead, certain nothing can happen and our life gets in no time upside down. It was taught like that and inside we were convinced in doing TM we could do nothing wrong as long as we went on with meditation, which took care of everything, that means we didn't finish anything properly and if we noticed it was not as we would like it to be, we again thought meditation would take care of it. It was moving with the wind, no character and no idea what was done really. 
It was also a kind of take off, only it was about everything and just going beyond everything we would use common sense usually. 
It had to lead into troubles, if it didn't work and it was all based on the believe that it would work, but what if it didn't work and it doesn't work as we know in the mean time. It just lead to the blind believe people were evolved spiritually and better than others, they didn't see problems anymore and for everything it was the standard answer, TM will take care of it. 

Yesterday I went to Amma's Darshan. She is here until tomorrow. This morning I woke up and noticed it was great. And I wondered, what has happened? 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Merging in the Divine

The ascend to a human form has been made possible for you all; but you will truly be deserving of this high status among the animals, only by finally merging in the Divine.
That is the goal which the pilgrimage of evolution has in view since life began on earth as the amoeba on the waters. Faith in that goal and steady march towards it, are the signs of one being aware of the responsibility of being a human. The Call of the Divine echoes in every heart; it provokes the reaction of awe, reverence, affection, love and sacrifice - all ingredients of devotion (bhakti). It translates itself into acts of worship, of praise, of adoration and of rituals. The mind through these means gets saturated with divine thoughts and is recast in the divine mould, until the flow of bliss (Ananda) is unabated.
(Baba (thought for the day)

To reach that, we have to realize that we are the higher self and not the body. The higher self is beyond time and space, but somehow, even after seeing it in the inner view, it was very difficult to understand.
First the higher self was as a vision present during sleep state. It was just great, it was very white light und very beautiful, it was love and beauty and I felt totally amazed by it and somehow from inside transformed, but after waking up the situation outside was still the same.
But I knew 'that's it', it was love, yet the mind felt confused about it and I didn't know what to do with it, because it had not substance, it was a transcendental entity.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Shining in mental Health, Happiness and Wholesomeness

Prayer is the very breath of religion; for, it brings man and God nearer and nearer to each other. Meditation (dhyana) is the process of listening to the Song Celestial, the flute of Krishna, with the mental ears alert on the melody. Just as every day you engage in exercises and consume tonics, calculating the intake of calories and vitamins, paying meticulous attention to the nutritional value of the food, pay attention also to the intake of impressions into the mind, whether they debilitate or strengthen, whether they add to the power of resistance of the mind against the viruses - greed, envy, hatred, pride, malice, etc. 
Have a meal of good acts of service, divine thoughts, and drink the juice of Love (Prema rasa), so that they may be washed down, and digested well. Then, you can be shining in mental health, happiness and wholesomeness.
Baba (thought for the day)
If you meditate regularly you will find it that easy to understand why it brings us nearer to each other, even if it feels sometimes like the opposite. 
Meditation is a wonderful tool to calm down, to get rid of headache and mental stuff. We improve our health and get rid or all kinds of mind problems, before they become a problem for us. There are impressions in the mind they stick to the mind and why, we don't know usually, because it is just activity created by the restlessness of the mind. 
Once I was not meditating regularly and I noticed that I woke up in the morning and had the impression of the past day at work and a person I don't like very much and just that was still on my mind. 
Not the person felt disturbing, because I have to work with her, but my mind and why in the heck was it still present, I wondered? After all I had past a good night sleep and didn't think of yesterday anymore, but the mind was not at rest as I thought. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Dive Deep into the Sea to get the Pearls

You must dive deep into the sea to get the pearls. What good is it to dabble among the waves near the shore and swear that the sea has no pearls in it and all tales of its existence are false?
So too, if you are determined to get the full benefit from the Sathya Sai Avatar (or any form of the Divine), dive deep and get immersed in full. Half-heartedness, hesitation, doubt, cynicism, listening to tales, etc. is of no avail.
Concentrated complete faith alone can bring victory. This is true of any worldly activity, is it not? 
How much more true must it be in the spiritual field? A hundred people might come to your house and even treat you with affection, but you do not address them as, "Papa or Daddy!" So too, remain attached to the one Name and Form that is dear to you. Have your mind fixed on that form at all times.
Baba (thougth for the day)
How do we dive deep into the sea to get the pearls? 
Getting aware that 'I am light', 'we are light' and 'all are light' is diving deep into the see to get the pearls, if I am light there is also love. 
I know some who would like to dive deep into that sea to get those pearls, but they just don't know how? 
They are singing once a week and it feels not deep enough, not for them and there was a time it felt like that to me as well, there were many reasons why, but it has changed. 
I meditated twice a day and it kept me busy, but it didn't give me the answers I needed. 
Baba was in the dream holding up a book after we came back here, and we had to dive deep into that sea to just find about what to write, it was kind of difficult in the beginning, there were only lots of picture, but it was not possible to put the puzzle together. 

What exactly is Truth?

What exactly is Truth? Is it the description of a 'thing seen' as one has seen it, without exaggeration or under-statement? No. 
Or, the narration of an incident in the same word as one has heard it narrated? No. Truth elevates; it holds forth ideals; it inspires the individual and society. It is the Light that illumines one's path to God. A life inspired by Truth will enable man to live as man - not degrade oneself to the status of a lower species. There is God everywhere and there is no second entity. God is the Truth, the only Truth. God is in every article or thing, as the basis, as understanding and understandability, as the source of Divine light, as Atma. 
Truth is the One Awareness, the One Divine Energy that activates every living being, nay, every particle of matter.
Baba (thought for the day)

If I am reminding myself that 'I am light' or 'love', it is true, even if we have not yet realized it. 
What is truth? It is a non-changing, eternal, permanent value. For me it was easier to relate to 'light', because I had that experience. 
I still had to realize that it was not different from God and in the beginning it seems that far away, we could hardly grasp it, therefore, I always repeated the mantra in the hope to be somehow closer to him, because he said in my first interview, I should think about God only. But that made the question come up, how do we think about God? 
It is the Light that illumines one's path to God.

And he goes on explaining it to us. There is God everywhere and there is no second entity. God is the Truth, the only Truth.
It means if I think 'I am light' and not darkness and that is truth, I get in touch with the reality which alone is real. It is called truth and even the only truth. It is not a relative truth, as we know it from science, it is an absolute truth and therefore, there is only one and it is non-changing.

Truth elevates; it holds forth ideals; it inspires the individual and society. It is the Light that illumines one's path to God. A life inspired by Truth will enable man to live as man - not degrade oneself to the status of a lower species.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Develop Faith and Stand like a Rock

Develop faith in yourselves, so that you can stand like a rock braving the rushing waters of the flood of negation. 
That faith will make you overcome the changing circumstances of the outer world. Keep the flame of detachment (vairagya) burning with tiny sticks until it grows into a big bonfire; welcome all chances to develop discrimination (viveka). 
Take the Name of the Lord and repeat it always. Sing to the Lord with faith and enthusiasm. Let the whole environment reverberate with the devotion you put into every Name that you sing. The Lord's Name promotes comradeship and establishes concord; it stills all storms and grants peace. Become a blossom, exude the fragrance of seva (selfless service) and prema (love); then you will find a place in the garland that adorns the Lord.
Baba (thought for the day)

It is a good way to get aware of God as half awake and as a dream, he is both and in our dreams we get insights we never had before. 
And that God feels this universe, also that is a great way to get aware of it, because it is always about how we feel and if we are not used to watch feelings, we have to get used to it.
Out of watching my feelings I got aware that my family didn't do that and that it was challenging them beyond measures, when I began to express my feelings, actually they couldn't take it. 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

In Blame Forgivness is not Possible

No manifestation of the Lord needs any publicity. What do you know about God? Is your faith unshakable?
You praise Him when things go well, and blame when things go wrong. Even before your devotion ripens, you strive to lead others, and plan for subscriptions and associations; all this is mere show which brings more spiritual loss than gain. When you start publicity you descend to the level of those who compete in collecting clientele, decrying others and extolling themselves.
Remember, where money is calculated, garnered and exhibited to demonstrate one's achievements, God will not be present.
God comes only where sincerity, faith and surrender are valued. Sing with yearning for Him. Hours of shouting do not count; a moment of concentrated prayer from the heart is enough to melt and move God.
Baba (thought for the day)
It was kind of special to get inside aware of how the Lord is present and tells us that it is the right level. It was about light only, it was a beautiful light blue and he said inside, if it is light blue you can go on. That was the only indication we had.  
No manifestation of the Lord needs any publicity. What do you know about God? Is your faith unshakable?
And Baba said in the interview, just think about God, but how do we think about God if we don't know the Lord?
I began to repeat my mantra or Soham to somehow be in touch with 'that', because I didn't know how to get otherwise in touch with the Lord and even less how to think of him, because he is bigger than the biggest and smaller than the smallest.
But I knew it had to do with the higher self and light.
It had been in my dream as an inner vision, quite some time ago and I was on the way and also with Baba to get answers, because I didn't understand, why it was possible that the higher self was reflected as white light in the dream as vision and it seemed very important, the most important thing we could think about and we had never heard of it before. It was white light and beauty and love.
What do we know about God?

God delights in Watching

" You must be the solution. It is that simple. You must be the solution.  
When I come to your planet, I am sitting in a human body, and a woman's body.  But the presence of My Self is so certain that I am unchanged.
Do you know what I do when I come here?   
Because this is what you must do in your life. When I come upon you, can you imagine how incredibly boring it must be for a being like myself to come to a planet like this and chit chat about 'Why won't you focus on God instead of problems'?  
Do you know why I am not bored?  Because in my experience of Me there is nothing I Love more than being me in the presence of anything and watching it squirm, or watching it grow, watching it die, watching it live, watching what My presence does to anything.   
That is what God does.  God brings the rain and watches what the rain gives to the flowers.  God brings laughter and watches what laughter does.  God brings everything, for God is everything it brings, and then delights in the watching."

We are the solution and that is what we need to get it, the awareness that we watch and it is not about that we like what we watch, but that we realize that we are just observing and we have to be able to get there. 
It needs that type of detached focus, but I warn you it will be hard to get there.
We are the solution.
It means in my own inner view, is not about what I am watching, but that we are watching, whatever that is, but we have to get there.
I don't like what I watch or I forget what we got.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Performing Duty without any Expectation of Results

The jeevi (individual soul) has come to this birth in order to reveal the splendour of the spark of Godhead which It is.
A rat is attracted by strong smelling cheap little stuff inside the trap; it neglects all other articles of food in the granary, and thus falls a prey to its own foolishness. Similarly people disregard and waste their life in the pursuit of mortal riches.
Be aware and alert. Live in the world but develop the skills to wonder and discriminate between the eternal and temporary. Learn to see through this drama and discover the Director behind the scenes, who is none else than God. You can easily develop these skills through devotion (Bhakthi), based on performing duty without any expectation of results (Nishkama Karma).
Baba (thought for the day)
How can we reveal the splendour of Godhead which we are?
Tonight in my dream it said that there is only one and one alone cleaning up here.
If we don't develop skills to wonder and discriminate between the eternal and temporary, how can we know who we are?
If someone tells, I am divine or even some think they are able to give Darshan, what I read some time ago, we should first think if we do the right work. Because how can we be the light, if we go in direction and the pursuit of mortal riches?   
How can we think of ourselves as being a light being and behave like that rat attracted by strong smelling cheap little stuff inside the trap and become like the rat prey of its own foolishness?   
Why does he tell us to be aware and alert?
Be aware and alert. Live in the world but develop the skills to wonder and discriminate between the eternal and temporary. Learn to see through this drama and discover the Director behind the scenes, who is none else than God. You can easily develop these skills through devotion (Bhakthi), based on performing duty without any expectation of results (Nishkama Karma).
How do we discriminate between the eternal and temporary and learn to see through his drama and how do we discover the director behind the scene?
Listen, think it over and absorb.