Friday, November 30, 2012

Expand and Care

Just as the body is the house you live in, the universe is the body of God. An ant biting the little finger of your foot draws your entire attention to the spot in a split second, and you react to the pain and make an effort to remove the tiny enemy immediately. So too, you must feel the pain, the misery of the people, in the society around you.
Pause for a moment to calculate what good you have done to the society that is helping you live your life comfortably. Do not fritter away your talents in profitless channels. You should not be a burden on others, or an enemy to your own self.
Expand your sympathies to serve others, who stand in need, to the extent of your skill and resources. Be kind to all your kith and kin.
Baba (thought for the day)
It is kind of comforting to think of that universe as body of God, sometimes I see it rather as a scary monster and I don't know how to calm down.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Power and Spiritual Growth

The first major spiritual test for every Light worker is the issue of power. The lesson here is either not owning it enough, or when you get it, letting it go to your head.
Personal power is the fundamental first key to psychological health and spiritual growth.
The ideal is to own it all the time in a considerate manner never wavering. It is through owning your personal power that Self-mastery over your energies takes place. You either own your power or give it to other people and/or your subconscious mind, negative ego, inner child, thoughts, emotions, desires and physical body.
I began on the spiritual path looking for answers, after I had met the higher self in the dream state, what Baba calls super-consciousness.
There it reflected as light, beauty and love.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Happiness, Bliss the Gateway to Divinity

Happiness is essential for God-realization. It is one of the big gateways to Divinity. If man is unhappy, this is not just a flaw. This is one of the most serious flaws! 
This is an obstacle on the way to self-realization!
"In most cases people are unhappy because of worldly aspirations, attachments, and joys: they pay too much attention to the worldly.
"In order to help one get rid of this flaw, it is necessary to point out how much serious this flaw is. 
One should realize that desires are never-ending like waves in the sea!"
In many cases, the reason for people's suffering is that only through suffering God can convince them of the necessity of turning inside, into the depth of the multidimensional structure of their organisms, of the necessity of self-examination. Without this, such people will never get rid of suffering! God is inside, in the depth! He heals from there!

"Whatever the wealth of words, whatever the standard of scholarship, it is all useless. In order to bring the Teachings… into the actual life, it is necessary to extirpate the feeling, 'I know,' see the very Essence and introspect on It. Only in that case one will certainly achieve bliss… If however the awareness of 'I' produces pride…, a fall is inevitable…"
Many years ago I met the reflection of the higher self in my dream and after I knew 'that's it' and I wanted to just go in that direction. It is a while ago and it went up and down.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The appalling Silence of good People

History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.
–Martin Luther King Jr.

We are not silent.
That means Baba just wants me to do what I am actually already doing.
I listened to the speech of a yogi and he said, in the West we should be able to make out of yoga Mc Donalds. 

I thought of TM, that is actually Mc Donalds. All over the world the same recipe and all learnt by heart so it is all over the same, like Mc Donalds, is also all over the same.
We are not Mc Donalds.

It is a concept and what is conceptualized leads to habits. It is easier to produce and to sell, but that is the world, it is the level of the mind and has nothing to do with the non-conceptual higher self. 
If it is conceptualized, it leads to habits. 
They were told that in doing that habit reg

Friday, November 23, 2012

Wisdom and Contradictions

"Do not pay attention to the day when the body was born and fulfil selfish ends by celebrating the event pompously.
The day when you manifest pure feelings in your hearts, plant firm faith in the Divine Principle in your thoughts and cultivate unselfish enthusiasm to serve others, that day deserves to be celebrated as the Real Birthday. Seva can give you the experience of the Omnipresence of God, God as Vishnu."
Sai Baba Quotes
Today I got the book 'Transformation of Hearts'.
We all wrote something and put it together. It is a book of all devotees and tomorrow they meet to celebrate and want to offer it to Baba's feet.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving, Baba's Birthday and the Security Guard

All that I seek from you is that you love your fellowmen, share their sufferings, and engage yourselves in serving them.
Rich people and those in power have plentiful servants. But the distressed, the poverty-stricken, and those who suffer have no one to serve them. Go to such people and be their friends, their kith and kin, and their closest well-wishers. Let them welcome you as such.
If you pour spirituality into the ears of those who are tortured by hunger, it will not be assimilated. First satiate the hunger. Give them God in the form of food and in the form of clothes.
Give God in the form of peace to those who are afflicted with anxiety and in the form of medicine to those who are suffering from ill health.
Give God in a form that will assuage fear, pain and sorrow. It is only when this is done that spirituality can soak into their hearts.
Baba (thought for the day)
Today America celebrates Thanksgiving and in India Baba's birthday celebration already began, no wonder I have all day the feeling it is Sunday and a Holiday.
Today the joy of that Lila took over and it feels like a different level. We had to remember to put things right and into sathva to be able get back to our own self.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fortune, Misfortune and Action

Your fortune or misfortune depends on your actions. Without realizing this truth, you are indulging in evil deeds. 
You feel sorry when the consequences of your sins haunt you. What is the use? 
You have to be careful right from beginning not to commit sin. 
Truth is the ornament for your neck (Sathyam kantasya bhushanam), Charity is the true ornament of the hand (Hasthasya bhushanam daanam). Your hands are useless if they do not perform acts of charity. 
You have to sanctify each limb of your body by engaging in sacred activities. 
Let your eyes ever look only at sacred things. 
These teachings are simple to practice in your daily life. But do not take them lightly. Though they appear to be simple, they lead you to liberation. You may not be able to see the results of your meritorious deeds. But they confer on you all the happiness and comforts in due course of time.
Baba (thought for the day)

It feels like we should be happy always and why not? 

How sweet
It is amazing to be in family and afterwards to realize, that it feels great the time it lasts.
It was probably that part which made my mother fight for it, they have had such a strong family feeling for each other, my mother's family. My fathers was the opposite. And she was fighting for her family, but that was not good, it turned into the opposite, Tamas. It is not a level of fight, it is a level of understanding, being and sharing, human values.   

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Concept of Reflection, Reaction and Resound

One might concede the concept of reflection, reaction and resound in cases where the person is not directly involved.
A man sees a snake swallowing a frog; he is upset and angry with the snake. Where is the question of reflection etc., in this case?
To understand that, let us suppose that this man is an astronomer and discovers that one galaxy is swallowing another - galaxies are known to do this occasionally. This astronomer is happy that he has made a discovery and even publishes a paper on it.
In both instances, one entity is annihilating another but in one case the man/observer is angry, whereas in the other he is happy.
Where did this anger and happiness come from? Did, for example, the gobbling galaxy part with a bit of its joy, (that is, if it did feel some joy)?
In both cases, the person or the observer was reacting based on what was within him.
As Swami often says, As is the thought, so is the feeling.
In the world of computers, there is a phrase: What you see is what you get - WYSIWYG.
In spirituality the rule is: "What you see is what you want to see!"
I am actually fascinated by mathematics and I know it is possible to prove the existence of the irrational transcendental reality, but I don't know it enough to be able to calculate it myself.
In this text of Baba articles are two examples showing the relationship of our inner reaction to different situations and in question is reflection ...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Upside Down, the Pig and the Mud Hole

But, Indra, in the form of the pig, replied, "Narada, why are you coming in the way of my happiness? The joy that I am getting in this dirty water I will not be able to get anywhere else. The wonderful life that I am enjoying here with my wife and children in this mud hole I cannot even get in heaven. Why have you come here to meddle with my life and get in the way of my joy? Please go your way and leave me be."
Indra, who was under the spell of the illusion of attachment, did not realize his pitiful condition.
Narada had to summon Indra's own weapon, the celestial thunderbolt, to render that pig body asunder and free a much-relieved Indra from his prison of attachment and body-consciousness.
When you are under the spell of attachment; you will be completely deluded. This delusion is due to the irresistible power of maya, which veils your truth and keeps it hidden from you.
If you want to destroy this power of illusion, you must develop your knowledge of the true self.
Therefore, Krishna took it upon himself to start out his teachings by instructing Arjuna in self-knowledge. It is only after you have the direct experience of your eternal self, that you can truly do your work and discharge your duties properly. Without this knowledge you will not understand even the mundane daily activities relating to the world.
I don't like that Baba Lila and how it looked in the past. But it is not really about liking I guess, but about realization and we have to know the difference. 
The problem began when the TM leader, who felt like a friend, made the yogi appear as the opposite. It was all upside down and Tamas, but somehow it didn't seem to make sense that the master was overshadowed by it.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Heaven and Hell

Real love is when you are constantly watching the progress of the soul. 
As soon as you cater to someone's physical desires and bad habits you are not loving that soul anymore.
You are just pleasing that person to avoid ill will.
No matter how unpleasant it is to tell a friend that he is wrong, if you say it with love in your heart and stand firm on it, sometimes that person will respect you if you are right.
If you are wrong, even then he will know that you did it with sincerity, out of love.
P. Yogananda
Coming back from Paris I went on a TM course.
It was called invincibility, but it was not invincible.
During the course it broke in pieces, only we didn't know what 'it' was.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Purusha and Mother Divine

The first step to love all and serve all is to expand love in your own homes. You must revere and please your parents who gave you this chance to live and learn.
If you ill-treat them or inflict grief on their minds, how can you ever gladden others by service and understanding?
You know that when a balloon is blown, it bursts and the air inside it merges with the vast limitless expanse outside. Similarly your love must fill your home, then the society you live, and finally burst open to spread in the Universe.
A drop of water held in the palm is soon evaporated; but drop it into the sea and it survives as a part of the sea. It assumes the name and the taste, the majesty and might of the sea! Cultivate Love; sow the seeds of love in all hearts, everywhere around you.
That is My Wish, My Mission!
Baba (thought for the day)
That's it the reason why it doesn't work if we don't care about others and if we don't expand love in our homes. If we inflict grief on the parents' minds, how can we ever gladden others by service and understanding? Because we don't know what we are doing if we inflict grief on the parents' minds, we can also not be of service to others.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Mission and Love my Uncertainty

Your mission has begun. Those are My words to you, My devotees. Each of you has a unique and valuable part to play in this lifetime. Only those whom I have called can serve Me.
My Mission has now reached that point in time when each of you now has work to do.

This planet has a purpose in the great galaxy in which it it held. That purpose is now unfolding before our eyes.
I call upon you to radiate the Bhakti (devotion) within you so that its unseen power will envelop all who come into your orbit. To successfully perform your part, always remain centred upon Me.

Saib Baba - Your Mission 

It is all wrong to think we know. It is wrong to think of the end, it is a Lila and that needs trust.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Transient Things results in Disappointment

All worldly pleasures are transient and temporary. Very often they result in sorrow and disappointment. You often experience loss, depression and confusion and have no contentment. Know that lack of contentment is the real loss (Asantrupto nijo nashtah). There is no limit to desires.
One feels hungry, another is thirsty. If the thirsty man is offered water, he is not satisfied, he wants a cool drink. When he is given a cool drink, next he wants ice cream, and so on. He is not satisfied with anything. Realize that there is no end to desires for material things in the world. To get rid of these desires, one must turn their mind towards God. The purpose of human birth is to realise the inherent Divinity. That is the way to achieve contentment and lasting bliss. God alone is the source of enduring bliss.
Baba (thought for the day)

Because worldly pleasures are transient and temporary they result in sorrow and disappointment.