Friday, February 17, 2017

From 'I' to 'We' to 'He'

The whole world and the objects therein are interrelated by the bond of love. It is love that binds the human race together. The world cannot exist without love. God is love and resides in the heart of every one. Love is the natural possession of every human being. Love is the fruit of the tree of life. There are certain impediments to overcome before you enjoy the tasty fruit. First you must remove the skin and rind covering the pulp inside, and also cast off the seed. Similarly the fruit of love is also covered by the thick skin of ego. You must peel off this skin of 'mine and thine'. You can then taste the sweet fruit and its nutritious juice. With pure love, you must establish unity with the Divine. The path of love is the straightforward road to realise the Divine. Vedas describe God as, "Raso Vai Saha" – the Supreme Sweet Essence. Endeavour to progress in this journey of life from 'I' to 'We' to 'He'.
How can we make the experience of that bond of love? If the whole world is interrelated by the bond of love, how can we realize it? He is always telling the truth, but we don't have the experience of it. I was meditating regularly already for some time and I got a book, in that book about Sai Baba was some vibuthi and I put it on my tongue, my meditation was not great at that time and too many problems with the people around me. The experience was about God in the heart, there was a feeling in that vibuthi and it went directly towards the heart and it was love and it felt like it intensified and there was a tiny small form in the heart and it was God. From that moment on there was like a voice singing in the heart and it said, 'God exists' and it was such a joy and great to think one day I would be there.
The whole world and the objects therein are interrelated by the bond of love. It is love that binds the human race together. The world cannot exist without love. God is love and resides in the heart of every one. Love is the natural possession of every human being. Love is the fruit of the tree of life. There are certain impediments to overcome before you enjoy the tasty fruit.  

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Difference between Inward and Outward Path

The scriptures have declared that it is difficult to acquire a human body. Human life is the highest among all living beings in creation. With all these endowments if people lack jnana (wisdom), they are no better than an animal. It is wisdom that distinguishes man from other animals. In spite of possessing a human body with its sacred capacities, people pursue wrong paths and indulge in misdeeds, thereby degrading their precious heritage. One who ought to dedicate oneself to the pursuit of the Divine - Nivritti marga (the inward path) and experience bliss, makes oneself a slave of the senses and wastes one's life in the pursuit of the external - Pravritti marga (the outward path). All efforts are directed towards the cultivation of sensual pleasures instead of aiming at realisation of the power of the Spirit within. It is this preoccupation with the mundane that is at the root of all the insecurity and unhappiness experienced by man.

The best spiritual discipline is to strengthen your inward vision. - Baba

In today's thought for the day Baba mentions the scriptures and how difficult it is to acquire a human body and we should make the best use of it. 
If people lack wisdom or knowledge, we are not better than an animal. It is the wisdom that distinguishes man from the animal.

Work Done for the Divine Aspect

The kind of work which the wise do may appear to be the same as that done by an ordinary person. Although in appearance they may be the same, yet the result will be different in both. The work done by an unwise person is always accompanied by a feeling on one's part that he or she is doing work for one's own benefit. This kind of work is mixed up with ego; the feeling of selfish benefit will also lead to trouble and sorrow. The kind of work which a wise man does always carries a feeling which makes him identical with the divine aspect; he is aware that he is doing in the name and on behalf of God. He thinks that God is really doing the work, and that he is only an instrument. This will always give a good result and grant satisfaction to all.

What is mentioned here is the difference between work done by an ordinary person or the work done by the wise and the appearance level it may seem the same, but the result will be different. 
The question is still if we know the difference?
When is it for our own benefit and when not? 
If we see it as expanding consciousness even if there is no benefit it is still beneficial only in a different sense. 
Actually, when we look at the type of answers and reflections coming back in a study circle, we think that people don't know that difference and have rather difficulties with that kind of discrimination. 
The work with the wise man does carry the feeling that makes him identical with the divine aspect, he is doing it for God. 
God is doing the work and he is the instrument.