Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Equanimity and inner peace, all differences dissolve in the light

The most precious possession is equanimity, that is something we cannot give to anyone, even if we own it. For everybody it is hard to get. But we can talk about methods of self-discipline to others, with the help of serenity and inner peace (shanti) it can be obtained. Equanimity we cannot get by a higher standard of living, clothing, transistor radio, couches, air conditioning, etc.

It is the equanimity which is in question if there is no peace. With the focus on the light I went in direction of the inner Master and the feeling of going on in the presence of the yogi made it feel safe. It felt close to equanimity, what they called invincibility and peaceful inside.

Subtle Difference between Light and Mantra

All spiritual practice must be directed to the removal of the husk and the revelation of the kernel.

If we are on the wrong place, we cannot expect anything good. Today looking back and realizing I always had meditated with light, witnessed the light, been focused on light, I was different from the others. But with TM, which claimed to be everything, the difference got lost, as everything else gets lost. I was not like the others, but I was not aware of it. TM is that taking over, being so simple it infiltrated into everything.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Observe and Wait; the strenght of an elephant

“As the food as the mind, as the mind so the thoughts, as the thoughts so the action, as the action so the destiny.”

Observing thoughts, feelings, life situations, I tried to get back to the inner self. It was not a question of understanding yet, just a question of where it had gone. Everything felt ouside only and had really nothing to do with the inner self, and I didn't know where it had gone.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Soham Meditation, take in God, leave out Ego

What is the inner meaning of the Inhalation and exhalation processes, i.e., 'So - Ham'? 'So' means 'That' (God); 'Ham' means I. The sum and substance of this is, we have to take God into us ('So' -Inhalation) and leave out Ahamkaram ,i.e., ego ('Ham' - Exhalation). This is called "Hamsa Gayathri".
This Inhalation and Exhalation process goes on continuously for 21,600 times in a day in us. This means, you welcome God into you and drive out ego from you as many times. So long there is ego in you, you will never be happy.

The exhalation feels like 'not that', only on the breath level. We don't even need to think it, the breath does it, but we still need to be aware of the breath.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The absence of something (Osho)

Here a text, the words of Osho about something missing. The absence is painfull, and he explains why it cannot be solved on that level, because it is something which doesn't exist.
What is missing that is the light, therefore, they don't fight darkness directly, because it is not real, but it shows problems.
The missing light has to do with right understanding. We are not even aware that we have those problems, that is the absence of self-awarness. The same with empty values, it is the absence of light and right values. It is of no use to fight the wrong values, because they are the absence of something else. Therefore, I like that text, it makes it so clear. 
What is missing in an 'empty Western shoe' is the absence of fullness, of real values and of light.
Baba tells that 'Yogis are our friends', because that is the missing light. With TM missing is the awarness of friendship, they just talk about technique. The missing link is the light, the relationship, if that is not there, what is left in the end is nothingness.
The text of Osho, a lot of text, anyhow I copied it. And don't worry about the contradiction, light is excluding darkness, whereas, in the dark the light is missing. The light never will be empty and the dark never will be full.
The body is the instrument and therefore, dark. But the self is awarness and observer and always light. The dark cannot see and the light is constantly growing awarness. And sexuality will always be on the mind level and the love of the higher self will always be in the light and go beyond it. That are basic things which never change.  

The darkness of loneliness cannot be fought directly. It is something essential for everyone to understand, that there are a few fundamental things which cannot be changed. This is one of the fundamentals: you cannot fight with darkness directly, with loneliness directly, with the fear of isolation directly. The reason is that all these things do not exist; they are simply absences of something, just as darkness is the absence of light.