Friday, July 29, 2011

The mirage relationship dissolved into nothing

"I am" itself is God.
The seeking itself is God.
In seeking, you discover that you
are neither the body nor the mind,
and the love of the self in you
is for the self in all.

The two are one.
The consciousness in you
and the consciousness in me,
apparently two, really one,
seek unity, and that is love.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The great peace, the deep silence

That which cannot change, remains.
The great peace, the deep silence,
the hidden beauty of reality remain.
While it cannot be conveyed through words,
it is waiting for you to experience for yourself.
Then, even in the body, you are not born.
To be embodied or bodyless is the same to you.
You reach a point when nothing can happen to you.
Without body, you cannot be killed;
without possessions, you cannot be robbed;
without mind, you cannot be deceived.

There is no point where a desire of fear can hook on.
As long as no change can happen to you,
what else matters?


Unity of faith

“All faiths are inter-related and mutually indebted to each other for the principles they teach, and the disciplines they recommended.
The Vedic Religion was the first in time;
Buddhism which appeared about 2,500 years ago, was its son;
Christianity, which was influenced much by the Orient was its grandson.
And Islam, which has the Prophets of Christianity as its base was like the great-grandson. All have Love as the fundamental discipline of the mind, in order to chasten it and merge man with the Divine”.
SSS VOL VII B Chap 15 p 113.

o There is only one caste - the caste of Humanity.
o There is only one religion - the religion of Love.
o There is only one language - the language of the Heart.
o There is only one God - He is Omnipresent.
o There is only one law - the law of Dharma”.

“Let the different faiths exist, let them flourish, let the glory of God be sung in all the languages, in a variety of tunes that should be the ideal. Respect the differences between the faiths and recognise them as valid as far as they do not extinguish the flame of Unity.”

Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, July 23, 2011

'David wants to fly' in TV, a movie about TM

Yesterday on TV was on the film by David Sieveking, "David wants to fly". He admired David Lynch, went to Fairfield Iowa. David Lynch was in the mean time a TM teacher and invited his fans to Iowa. He was meditating in privacy and after 32 years meditating he began to teach. (A fan of David Lynch doesn't know that it is learnt by heart, always the same.) Also Donovan was there.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Gold-embroidered shoes, a Sai Baba present

Tonight in the dream I had darshan, three times and the third we nearly missed, we just got it, whatever that was during the third one, and it had to do with a car in all three darshans, but I don't remember details.
It woke me up, but when falling asleep again there Baba sat in front, and then it was darshan again and Baba passed by.
He was wearing a necklace, but not the right one. I wanted to give it to him.
When he passed by I took his hand and kissed it, reached in my pocket and put a present in his hand. He didn't walk by, he was standing there and he looked at it very thoroughly, it seemed to be a watch and he said that it was beautiful and it had value, we as well put it in two, half and half.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

"Let me efface your karma", Baba is the best therapy

"Let old memories well up in you, from My subconscious in you... Old patterns..., old forgotten feelings and thoughts. Now plunge them into the Ocean of Light, burn them from the consciousness, so that you may be true emblems of My Being.
Right now, Visualize My burning flame rising higher and higher as it burns through you.
It is a flame that is cooling, cleansing and healing,
That soothes the hidden sorrow..., and leaves you calmed and quiet.
Rest in my Love. Let all that you have been through in your many lives up to this day, melt away in My redeeming Light. Children of My Being, dissolve your sorrows and fears in Me.
Let me efface all your karma."
Sathya Sai Baba

First I wondered when old stuff came up, I wondered why. I knew it was what I was waiting for since a long time, I could face it and look at it.    
After the first interview with Baba at night in the dream was my mother, love was much stronger. My body felt like a clove and he had filled it out completely. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My true devotee - Sathya Sai Baba

Our Beloved Bhagwan says:
I have come to describe the virtues of my true devotee.
He/she has, Eyes that are radiant and peaceful
Eyes that constantly search for Me
Eyes that have compassion and love
Eyes that show determination of truth
Eyes that focus continuously on the goal
A smile that shows confidence in My decisions
A smile where no pain is painful
A smile that melts and wins all
A smile that speaks all my teachings
A smile that is ever content
Hands that serve
Hands that never tire
Hands that give and never take
Hands that carry all burdens of others
Hands that stroke and love others
A heart in which I shine
A heart in which I speak
A heart that knows no preferences
A heart with a steady heartbeat
A heartbeat that calls My name
A heart that speaks My language
A heart where I reside.

Sathya Sai Baba

Poem written by Sathya Sai Baba

A Poem written by Sathya Sai Baba

Children of Immortality, remember that you are created
In my image and likeness. Perfect.
Live up to this image, in every way, in all planes.
Live like Masters!

Walk this earth with your heads held high,
Your spirits soaring...,your hearts open to Love...
And believe in yourself and God within you.
Then all will go well.

Earth is but a manifestation of My Being, made out of My Life!
Wherever you look, I am there.
Wherever you walk, I am there.
Whomsoever you contact, I am that person.
I am in each, in all My Splendour.
See Me everywhere, talk to Me and love Me, who am in each.

Then from each, I will respond and bring you into Glory.
You cannot see Me in one place and not in another, for I fill all space.
You cannot escape Me or do anything in secret, for there are no secrets with Me.
Live... Live... Live... in perfect accordance
With My laws, and wonders will ensue.

Think now. Does error clog the free flowing Essence of My Being through you?
Ask Me this moment to reveal to you your errors
In the silence of your meditation.

Let old memories well up in you, from My subconscious in you...
Old patterns..., old forgotten feelings and thoughts.
Now plunge them into the Ocean of Light, burn them from the consciousness
So that you may be true emblems of My Being.

Right now, Visualize My burning flame rising higher and higher as it burns through you.
It is a flame that is cooling, cleansing and healing,
That soothes the hidden sorrow..., and leaves you calmed and quiet.

Rest in my Love. Let all that you have been through
In your many lives up to this day, melt away in My redeeming Light.
Children of My Being, dissolve your sorrows and fears in Me.
Let me efface all your karma.

Come back into My Consciousness, which is your own true Consciousness.
Let your petty human self fade away, right now,
As you come to Me, who am your Inner Self.
You are now My radiant glorious Self.., no longer separate from Me.
Melt with Me... Merge with Me..., become Me

Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Self-satisfaction, self-confidence, self-control, self-sacrifice, self-realization

In Sadhana (spiritual practices), there are six steps: Sama (mind-control), Dama (body and sense-control), Titiksha (forbearance), Uparathi (beyond joy and sorrow), Shraddha (unwavering faith) and Samadhana (focus on Atma). Sama, Dama and Uparathi have to do with various aspects of mind and sense control. Titiksha refers to having equal-mindedness in gain or loss, in pain or pleasure, and in praise or censure. Shraddha (faith) is very essential in spiritual life. Only the one who has Shraddha will attain illumination and wisdom. So whatever work is undertaken, one should do it with diligence and faith. Samadhana refers to contentment. He who has the least desires is the richest man in the world. He who is filled with desires is the poorest man in the world. Therefore, one should have contentment and self-satisfaction. Self-satisfaction comes from self-confidence. Self-satisfaction can lead one to self-sacrifice and thence to Self-realization.-Baba...

But remembering TM, the principle of self-satisfaction was in the principle of invincibility. There is everything known, nowhere to go to look for more knowledge, all problems solved, if you know how to help yourself, you help the world. All you need to do, meditate.
About the future, nothing to do but meditate to enlighten the world, the best one can do. By meditation is all covered.

Yoga Suthras of Pathanjali by Sathya Sai Baba

Excerpt from book of Sri Sathya Sai Baba "Prashaanthi Vaahini" about Yoga Suthras of Pathanjali

When one knows that there is absolutely no iota of distinction between the Jiva and the Atma, that they are One and the Same, then it is the highest Samadhi.
It is the fruit of ripest Dhyana, the dearest moment of Yogis, the destroyer of Ajnana, the signal of the Grace of God. Incessant thirst to know the Atman as all, is worthy to be encouraged and welcomed, for, it is the path through which all doubts can be eliminated.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sai Baba; inside motivation

Why writing a blog? If you ask me that, I will tell you a long story.
It began years ago with Baba, who said during an interview, 'Follow the inner master, fight to the end, finish the game'.
I don't remember the people who were with me in that interview, he took always country groups together, but I didn't know them. I don't remember them at all, it fees like he spoke only to me. He was very close and looked at me when he said it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The melody coming out of the heart of all hearts

Another video clip is named 'Musing on God', and listening to it in Baba's presence about twenty minutes of music, a real joy, I got aware that is all about the beautiful melody coming out of the heart of all hearts, love only. That melody was there during the first meditation course and was due to that projected later on into a wrong path and a technique.
To get aware that 'I am that', it is the focus on the 'melody coming out of the heart of all hearts', on love.
It is being one with him, it is the same. There is only one heart of all hearts, and that is he, as he is the indweller of the heart. 'He is that', and 'we are that' and then 'all are that'.
The focus is on that 'melody coming out of the heart of all hearts', that is the inner essence, the oneness and it gets to an experience of belonging to the same family, to his family, being the same.
There is no such thing as projection of the self into a methode, when there is only one reality of the self, the experience of oneness and sharing the beauty.

Musing On God from Sairamark on Vimeo.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A sutra to keep focused

It is a wonderful summer day, it will get very warm. During driving to work I thought about how to deal with that situation. I decided if I feel uncertain about the work place, instead of worrying and getting into fears, I need even more the strength of the sutras.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Peace - Shanti mantra - basic need for growth and sathsang

Shanti Mantra – Om Sahana Vavatu

Om Sahana Vavatu Sahanau Bhunaktu
Sahaveeryam Karavavahai
Tejas Vinavati Tamastuma vidhwishavahai
Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi

May He protect both of us.
May He nourish both of us.
May we both acquire the capacity (to study and
understand the scriptures).
May our study be brilliant.
May we not argue with each other.
Om peace,peace, peace.