Friday, October 4, 2013

Shining in mental Health, Happiness and Wholesomeness

Prayer is the very breath of religion; for, it brings man and God nearer and nearer to each other. Meditation (dhyana) is the process of listening to the Song Celestial, the flute of Krishna, with the mental ears alert on the melody. Just as every day you engage in exercises and consume tonics, calculating the intake of calories and vitamins, paying meticulous attention to the nutritional value of the food, pay attention also to the intake of impressions into the mind, whether they debilitate or strengthen, whether they add to the power of resistance of the mind against the viruses - greed, envy, hatred, pride, malice, etc. 
Have a meal of good acts of service, divine thoughts, and drink the juice of Love (Prema rasa), so that they may be washed down, and digested well. Then, you can be shining in mental health, happiness and wholesomeness.
Baba (thought for the day)
If you meditate regularly you will find it that easy to understand why it brings us nearer to each other, even if it feels sometimes like the opposite. 
Meditation is a wonderful tool to calm down, to get rid of headache and mental stuff. We improve our health and get rid or all kinds of mind problems, before they become a problem for us. There are impressions in the mind they stick to the mind and why, we don't know usually, because it is just activity created by the restlessness of the mind. 
Once I was not meditating regularly and I noticed that I woke up in the morning and had the impression of the past day at work and a person I don't like very much and just that was still on my mind. 
Not the person felt disturbing, because I have to work with her, but my mind and why in the heck was it still present, I wondered? After all I had past a good night sleep and didn't think of yesterday anymore, but the mind was not at rest as I thought. 
I began again to meditate regularly at least in the morning in waking up, just sit up in the bed and meditate for twenty minutes or a half an hour usually before getting into activity. At waking up it is easy, because the mind is not that active and half asleep. 
I have done it for a long time and I stopped for a while, because I had changed my meditation practice and I went into dynamic meditation. I just tried something new and in that time I didn't sit silently as I did before, because dynamic meditation should take care of it. 
But it was not really the same mind level and after I noticed that the past was sticky and I didn't get rid of those past impressions in my mind that easily, I began again with silents sitting meditation, anyhow in the mean time I like the silence and there it is that charming to listen to Krishna's flute as Baba tells us here. 
There is something more in that meditation than just an exercise. 
If you meditate regularly you don't have that problem of the past impressions being still there next day, it feels easy, relaxed and always new again and that is how it should be. 
Just as every day you engage in exercises and consume tonics, calculating the intake of calories and vitamins, paying meticulous attention to the nutritional value of the food, pay attention also to the intake of impressions into the mind, whether they debilitate or strengthen, whether they add to the power of resistance of the mind against the viruses - greed, envy, hatred, pride, malice, etc.

If that restlessness is in our mind, we don't even know why. The mind takes anything in our environment to justify its mood and projects itself on it and if that happens, we are identified with the mind. 
If we meditate regularly it is like brushing teeth in the morning, we just make sure the mind is relaxed and open and free of all those past impressions and not restless and even worse, we getting into identification with it. 
What happens if we find something in our environment and we get identified with it? It is an inner state if thinking 'I am that' and if I feel and think like that, it begins on that level and the thoughts turn around just 'that' and the identification is wrong, everything coming out in the end of it will be wrong as well. 
If we put our identification, the 'I am that' on the light or God, the level of truth, always real, that inside process will also be going on in our mind, but it will turn around reality and wisdom and result in insights. 
If we are identified with reality and truth, the result will be true. If we are identified with something wrong, the result will be wrong. That is called illusion, if we are not aware that our mind is just moody and restless and everything what comes out by that is not real. 

Prayer is the very breath of religion; for, it brings man and God nearer and nearer to each other. Meditation (dhyana) is the process of listening to the Song Celestial, the flute of Krishna, with the mental ears alert on the melody.
If we meditate regularly we get attracted from that inside beauty we feel that song celestial and the flute of Krishna as Baba tells us that beautifully, it is a different level. When the mind gets aware of that inside melody meditation gets very easy, because we begin to listen to that instead of the chatter of the mind. It is an inside getting alert and awake.
Just as every day you engage in exercises and consume tonics, calculating the intake of calories and vitamins, paying meticulous attention to the nutritional value of the food, pay attention also to the intake of impressions into the mind, whether they debilitate or strengthen, whether they add to the power of resistance of the mind against the viruses - greed, envy, hatred, pride, malice, etc. 
It doesn't mean that I don't watch TV or even something stupid from time to time, if it is too stupid I turn it usually off, because I think that is just time waste. We are not living in an ashram here, where we do not have all those disturbances for the mind. But if we meditate regularly it has not such an impact on us and during meditation we can go back to the celestial sound of Krishna's flute. 

Have a meal of good acts of service, divine thoughts, and drink the juice of Love (Prema rasa), so that they may be washed down, and digested well. Then, you can be shining in mental health, happiness and wholesomeness.
As we have a meal every day, we also should meditate regularly to get rid of whatever is disturbing in our mind and to make sure we don't go into wrong identification and by that into impressions like greed, envy, hatred, pride and malice. 
With meditation we get aware of it that it is not part of our own self and in getting rid of tiredness and strain in the mind makes sure we don't get emotional and identified with it and therefore, build around us negativity on a basis when everything is wrong.
Not long ago the lady I shared job with quit and someone now just began. We had our hours reduced and that means also less salary and she was not motivated anymore to do the work. We have a third person in our team, but only two hours a day. 
One day I got a note she was telling me that our most dynamic person in our team, she is only two hour here, was not motivated anymore and that it could not go on like that. 
It felt like incredible that she went that far to tell such a thing. It felt very much like malice to accuse her colleague when the problem was in reality her own. That means we didn't make a big thing out of it, but just put it right. But in reality it not only didn't feel good, she was accusing the other about something that was her own problem. It turned into aggravation for that poor lady who is here only two hours and the rest of time, whatever is said was behind her back only. In reality she is the most dynamic worker of all of us, because she has to do everything in only two hours time and we have to be here all day. She has usually not much time to talk to others and has to finish her task in that time, that is why she is always busy and fast also when walking around. It just didn't make sense.
That is the mind. 
And it felt not good at all that the mind of hers projected this on someone else, that was certainly not okay. And she even went that far, she wrote her SMS and asked if she wanted another job without telling her name. It was a bit disturbed. 
After she quit and found another job for herself and I guess that was the right thing to do for her. And in the mean time my colleague is actually happy in the morning coming here she had not to see her again, because that lady found always some kind of troubles for her as it seems. 
If we meditate every day we are more settled inside and by that the behavior improves and expands into better levels than finding faults on a wrong level, with another person, when in reality it was just her own thing. 
That is meant with illusion. And we should be able and take care to not harm anyone. 
The not settled and restless mind finds some reason, any reason and turns around it and if it is not based on the inner master or a level of reality, nothing of it is true, it is just purification going on in the mind. 
If the mind is restless, it takes anything to justify its moods and anything serves the mind to be occupied with, it is thinking and gets emotional out of its own activity and restlessness.
To get out of that restlessness of the mind, we have to know how to meditate and to make it calm down. It is a tendency of the mind get restless and that is a state of mind we have not only difficulties to take right decisions, but also to enjoy, because if it is restless nothing is really enjoyable.  
If we develop discrimination we get to know the difference from untrue and true and at least we are careful to not blame others until we get aware first what happens in our own mind. We can easily develop that discrimination, knowing right from wrong and how to deal with our mind and its moods and realizing the difference when it is real, if we just practice regular meditation.  
Have a meal of good acts of service, divine thoughts, and drink the juice of Love (Prema rasa), so that they may be washed down, and digested well. Then, you can be shining in mental health, happiness and wholesomeness. 

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