Thursday, August 30, 2012

Vitamin G to cure Mind and Body

 Illness is caused more by malnutrition of the mind than of the body. As doctors speak of vitamin deficiency, I will present the root-cause in similar lines as ‘Deficiency of Vitamin G’.
To cure this, I will recommend the repetition of any Name of God, along with contemplation of His Glory and Grace of God. That is the medicine to overcome the Vitamin G deficiency.
Regulated life and habits are two-thirds of the treatment while medicine contributes to one-third. Every one of you must reveal the qualities of love, humility, detachment and contentment through all your actions. When your mind is unattached to the ups and downs of life, but is able to maintain equanimity under all circumstances, your physical health will be excellent.
Baba (thought for the day)

Take that vitamin G, but if today would be a study circle I am certain they would not get it, there are always excuses.
I guess they don’t understand how easy it is to repeat the name of God. It seems it doesn’t make sense to them to do it. Maybe they don’t understand that it is relaxing and cleansing the mind and by repetition of the name of God we transcend the mind.
I guess they don’t understand and therefore, they don’t see the need to do it. They find excuses not to do it.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Don't drown in the River of it...

You need not drown in the river of life when you encounter the strong storms of trials. Learn to be an expert boatman and you can row across this tumultuous river to the safe shores of God. "He that endureth to the end shall be saved" (Matthew 10:22).
As you work and plan, remember that it is God who is working through you.
Your mind should be charged with joy and detached from all unpleasant experiences.
Be active, but not constantly active; relax completely when not active. Strengthen your will power so that you will not be controlled by circumstances, but will control them.
Develop your will power by striving to do things that you thought you could not do. Work for others. Thus will you develop endurance and strength.
Paramahansa Yogananda

I read the newsletter of Yogananda Paramahansa and you know what, they are real nuns, full dedication and women do really matter.

As you work and plan, remember that it is God who is working through you. Your mind should be charged with joy and detached from all unpleasant experiences.

That was always my aim inside telling myself there must by a reason for all those difficulties.
And I got a letter of my ex and this time it was not upsetting, he explains why coins and he even said that you think the same way and that somehow made feel better.
It makes me reflect on the real values of life.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Continent Walkers, the World his Play

With a little reasoning you can know for yourself the path you need to take, thereafter, it can be trodden step by step until the goal is reached. Whatever be the path, retain this knowledge that attachment causes pain and detachment results in joy. But you cannot easily detach yourself from activity; the mind clings to something or other.
Make it cling to God, let it do all things for God and leave the success or failure, the loss and the profit, the elation or the dejection, to God.
Then you have the secret of peace and contentment.
To get this attitude of surrender and dedication, you must have Faith in God. God, whose play this world is.
This world is not an empty dream; it has a purpose and use. It is the means by which one can discover God. See Him in the beauty, the grandeur, the order and the majesty of Nature.
Baba (thought for the day)

That sounds so easy to know when reading the words of Baba. It is indeed easy to know the direction of the path.
And I just read a good thing about witnessing, because we try to live not only the present, but past and future also and of course, we leave success or failure to him, the same as elation or dejection and we have the secret of peace and contentment.
But in fact, it was not easy in my experience, because it was terrible, it was really past, present and future mixed. In the past I had seen them talking together and there was ‘horror’ in the air, I knew there was something wrong and in the present during sleep there was a nightmare, because in the future, next morning, maybe three hours later, he went under the train.
In that moment was fear and I wanted to not get afraid anymore, therefore, I began to meditate.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Cheerfulness and Reality

Cheerfulness consists principally in the attitude of the mind, and is conditioned only incidentally by outside factors. Your happiness need not die, stricken by poverty, sickness, or sorrow.
Realize that enough hidden strength lies within you to overcome all obstacles and temptations. Bring forth that indomitable power and energy by being cheerful at all times in spite of your circumstances.
Only when you lose your mental balance are you vulnerable to suffering. If you are burned by the fire of difficulties, apply the salve of cheerfulness until your inner balance and peace are restored.
Paramahansa Yogananda

In going inside for truth, arguing was out of question and I noticed that insights are true, when arguing outside would result in Tamas and that will never be true. That was already the case with TM.
We didn’t know what was wrong. There was no way to know, because they don’t know themselves, but Sai Baba took care of the insight that it can be understood. I wondered why it was not possible to see and to know what it was. It forced them to meditate to solve problems.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Intuition the Master of all Knowledge

Intuition is the discriminative faculty that enables you to decide which of two lines of reasoning is right.
Perfect intuition makes you a master of all knowledge.
Your will and intuition should go hand in hand. A person with a strong will usually has an active intuitional power. You should develop the latent intuitive faculty; it can grow only through meditation.
Do not make unimportant things important, nor concentrate on trifles at the expense of vital matters, or you will hamper your progress.
Impulsive actions that are not in keeping with one's real duties are undesirable. Let soul intuition guide your thinking, and then proceed confidently in any undertaking.
Paramahansa Yogananda

That is why I began to go inside and into silent sitting as meditation. The intuition was there as two lines of reasoning, and I acted accordingly but as it turned out it was very difficult to understand.
It was kind of easier to do it than to understand it.
When we are on a not right path, all others involved think it is right and it gets constantly enforced by them that we do the right thing, the peer pressure gets immense and therefore, it seems it leads into a jungle and we have to be able to not get lost in it. And even if it was the right thing to do, it was kind of awful to realize that it was a jungle and that we went through a jungle.
There was the ‘strength of an elephant’ in the air during Baba’s Darshan, it was inner view. Good to know, the elephant is that animal which is able to go through the jungle and it doesn’t get lost.
But to become a master of knowledge is a long way to go, because that insight has to make sense first. 
Perfect intuition makes you a master of all knowledge.
Your will and intuition should go hand in hand. A person with a strong will usually has an active intuitional power. You should develop the latent intuitive faculty; it can grow only through meditation.
That is the very reason for meditation, because it can grow only through meditation.
After meditation a lioness with their cubes was present in the insight. Usually we look at inner challenge about right and wrong or about path as time and energy waste, because there is no immediate result, it doesn’t make much sense seen in the light of the relative world.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Fear attracts the very Thing we Fear

Do not take life’s experiences too seriously. Above all, do not let them hurt you, for in reality they are nothing but dream experiences. Play your part in life, but never forget it is only a role.
If circumstances are bad and you have bear them, do not make them a part of yourself.
What you lose in the world will not be a loss to your soul.
Trust in God and destroy fear, which paralyses all efforts to succeed and attracts the very thing you fear. All Nature will commune with you when you are in tune with God. Realization of this truth will make you master of your destiny.

To be able to not take it too seriously means to be in peace with it. We cannot take life not seriously, if we are not in peace with ourselves and driven by inner conflict.
If the circumstances are bad, we should not make them part of ourselves, to remember that is not only helpful, but it reflects the reality that higher self is not part of the circumstances.
To be able to realize that if we do not trust in God and if there is fear, that it paralyses all efforts to succeed and it attracts that very thing we fear, that seems to be an insight which is not easy to get, because it is about fear.
I was looking at ‘neurotic fears’ searching for the right answer.
He is solving my problems ‘inside’ and giving the right clue in the right direction and it has to do with my ex and fear, moreover, neurotic fear.
It is kind of difficult to get into such a mind. And it feels always negative, even if we try to make it positive, because he is negative. He said I was the wife Baba sent to him…, and that he knew, why did he do it?
My question was, ‘what does he know’? It turns out it is an assumption that he knew and that it was Baba who did it was a dream.

Friday, August 17, 2012

In the Illusory World we have to search for Truth and experience it

In Truth (Sathya), there is no illusion (Mithya). But in the illusory world you have to search for Truth and experience it. This you can achieve only if you rid your mind of all modifications and modulations.
Let it be like the sky, which does not bear any mark, though millions of birds fly through it and thousands of planes move across it.
Let your mind be unattached, untouched and unaffected.
This is the spiritual discipline that will reveal the Reality and ensure you both physical and mental equanimity.
Baba (thought for the day)

It means illusion does not exist, it is not real, not true.
But in the illusory world we have to search for Truth to be able to experience it.
Truth is not obvious, it is hidden behind the appearances.
How do we search for truth? In inquiring, observing and meditating we can get the experience of truth. It is important to get the experience of it. It has to be experience, on the level of words it is just a concept.
Why does illusion not exist if everything around us is illusory? Because nothing is permanent and everything is just passing by and that is not truth, what we understand as truth is eternal, unchanging like unshakable faith, otherwise, it cannot be true.
Let your mind be unattached, untouched and unaffected.
That spiritual discipline is called meditation it gets to a level where the mind is unattached, untouched and unaffected.
When my ex writes in a letter that you want to sell your house and move, that is information which was already given by Baba when he said, ‘I am in Africa’. In fact till now I wondered why he said it, but now it begins to make sense.
My ex said he did TM, but in fact he never did it, he just said so to make others believe he did. He doesn’t know meditation, not enough and he doesn’t know how it is to be unattached, untouched and unaffected. And he said he also will leave in about three years’ time.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Belonging to the Divine - Oneness

Why waste precious time in scandalous talk and criticisms of others' behavior?
Cultivating envy, malice, hatred and anger against others is an evil pastime that recoils on oneself. In every one there is resident the self-same divine spark; so caviling at the neighbor is tantamount to caviling at Divinity.
The game of life is worth playing and becomes interesting only when there are bounds and rules which limit and control. Imagine a game of football without any rules or boundaries – it will be chaos; it will be a free fight, a riot. No one can say who wins and how.
The path of virtuous conduct (Dharma marga) is the boundary of the field, in the game of life. Play the game, paying heed to the warnings of ‘foul’ and ‘out’, and let your virtues win over the vicious tendencies within you.
Baba (thought for the day)

How do we get aware that we go beyond the mind and the self goes on forever?
When Baba left the body he dropped it and it fell into dust and afterwards there was Krishna and his brother, the brother was carrying a bow, the warrior.
What means ‘I am that’ in the light of Krishna, brother is devotion. The divine Krishna has a blue color and the brother is just normal, whatever color we have. If we are the same ‘I am that’ it means I can project ‘that’ on you and it is true, because we are both with him. It is not me alone, it is about ‘us’ – ‘we’.