Images in the Mirror

Desire and bondage to the objects desired and the plans to secure them are attributes of the individualized selves, not of the Self or Atma resident in the body. The sense of me and mine and the emotions of lust and anger originate in the body-mind complex. Only when this complex is conquered and outgrown can true virtue emanate and manifest. The sense of 'doer' and 'enjoyer', of 'agentship', might appear to affect the Atma, but they are not part of the genuine nature of the Atma. Things get mirrored and produce images, but the mirror is not tarnished or even affected thereby. It remains as clear as it was. So too, a virtuous person might be subjected to some contaminating activities due to a backlog of acts in previous lives, but they cannot obstruct the person's present nature or activities. The virtuous person has these genuine, basic attributes: purity, serenity, joy and is ever cheerful.

These are for me the probably most important words of Baba. Of course it adds to if we think it over and see it in our own life and by that we get more into it. But when reading it only first I didn't even get the real meaning of it, only when commenting and thinking it over, we get to the right insight.

The first experiences with inner seeing or inner view I remember many years ago during writing a diary and it was in the air about 'self-realization' and I knew I wanted to go in that direction, but at the time I had no idea how and I thought it was about writing and it got lost later again. 
As nothing made sense anymore, also not the experience of 'self-realization' I began to look for it all over and it was of no use. 
Finally after reading a book from Paramahansa Yogananda, I realized that it was in my own self and if there is something or a way to experience it, we have to wait and watch. So I waited and watched and in the beginning it felt great and with time it became real heavy and the insights began to be there more often, but as it had always to do with reality and truth and I didn't go in a spiritual direction, most of those experiences were negative and scary. 
But finally I met the higher self and after that I knew I had to get answers and I wanted to meet a spiritual master to know more about it. 
I didn't know why and how that beautiful white light and only love and higher self could be there and we didn't know before anything about it. 
I thought that I would find the right master in going on waiting and it would come from the inside, but there were the Hare Krishnas dancing on the streets of Geneva and I went because I saw the higher self passing by before they came at my job place and sold books. 
I went for a visit and learnt that we had to make the experience and that is why I went for it and I met more people and somehow they couldn't get me to the understanding of it, it was mostly routine and I began with meditation and after years I got in touch with Sai Baba in the heart. 
And here I was sure it was right, but in the mean time that lot of rubbish had accumulated and the insight got more and more difficult, but the answers were still not there and listening to Baba we begin to see it in our own life. 
That is the most important part of it to see it in our own life and in that thought for the day Baba finally explains it so clearly at least for me that it is the answer of years and years of waiting. 

Things get mirrored and produce images, but the mirror is not tarnished or even affected thereby. It remains as clear as it was.

In the meantime there have been that many images that it seems not possible to remember all of them, but by seeing it in our own life it comes up and also the background of the experience is by that coming up and we don't know how, but by listening to his words we get it and after all it does make sense. 

The mirror, the higher self, is not tarnished and not affected, it is like the sun far away from he clouds of the world and if there are clouds or not, the sun is always going on shining in the same way and it depends only to the world if we see the sun or if there are clouds or not. The mind is like the clouds and sometimes they don't just pass by and are gone again and we have to do something about it or understand it right that the sun can be there again. 
So finally wîth those words we got the confirmation that on the Atma level things get mirrored and produce images and we know why there are images and also how to get to the right answer to understand those insights. 
As long as they are only images, it can go on like that and they don't make sense to us and only when those images become insights, they can make a difference and help us that that the clouds move away and we can enjoy the sunshine again. 

As Baba said in the insight (dream), he is the insight and he is the following step and by listening to him the images reflected on the Atma level become insights. 
That is why he is telling us, 'listen, think it over, absorb'.

And as soon as we have the experience of it, it does make sense to us and we understand it and know what listening means and why we have to think it over to be able to absorb the teaching finally in our own higher self which is not different from his higher self, we are all one and the same on that level, but it needs to be transformed into experience, if we think it only, it is not real, but only the mind and we can only transform and absorb the highest wisdom if we share it with him. 
It happens when we think it over and see it in our own life, that is how it gets absorbed.  

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