Sunday, September 23, 2012

The right Answer and the holy Tradition of India

This is an ancient observation true even today – that most people spend their childhood in pranks and play, their youth in sports, pleasure and pastime, middle age in plans and schemes to pile up a fortune, and old age in hospitals trying to bolster failing health through failing wealth. Earning and spending, one fills their time with work and worry.
People are busy with a number of attempts to earn happiness, but success is little and short-lived.
The only panacea for all ills, the effort that will result in total victory is the control of the mind, which is the master of the senses.
Every sense organ is an outlet for energy that binds one to the objective world. The senses are induced by the mind to move out and attach themselves to objects.
You must make the mind submit to wisdom, which discriminates between right and wrong. Then the mind, instead of harming, will help you.
Baba (thought for the day)

I was with Sai Baba in the mountains and meditated after Darshan. He came back and I didn’t notice it. When I opened the eyes I was surprised to see him standing just in front of us, but there was also a group of the boy all dressed the same way and above all was the thought of ‘I am that’. What does that mean?
I somehow was in meditation, as you know well, we just take the mantra and go back to it when thoughts come. It was not a place to think or to reflect. I didn’t think, I meditated and thought it was all right and therefore, it took time to realize that it was about identification and that it was Darshan, sight of truth and he was identified with everything.
It was difficult to understand, because it didn’t make sense to me that we could be identified with everything, even if he said always that he is everything. I was still used to see everything separate.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Lost in a Jungle where real Values have no Meaning

Man is lost and is wandering in a jungle where real values have no meaning.
Real values can have meaning to man only when he steps on to the spiritual path, a path where negative emotions have no use.

We know why negative emotions have no use, because they come out of the identification of that jungle where real values have no meaning.
But as we are lost in that jungle, conclusion, there can only be negative emotions and we have to find others to get out of it.

It means it has to be the spiritual path, because everything else is negative and a jungle.
It is a desperate wandering in the jungle, it is a scream to find the way out of it and it creates fear to realize that we are lost.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Being a Princess - as opposed to ...

Earning wealth is one of the legitimate objectives of human endeavour, without a doubt. It is one of the four objectives (purusharthaas) of every human life, the four being - righteousness, earning wealth, desire and liberation. The order they are mentioned in, has a purpose too. Righteousness has to direct and control the process of earning wealth and liberation has to be the regulating factor for one’s desires.
All wealth accruing through unrighteous means is to be treated with contempt as unworthy.
All desires that do not subserve the one supreme need for liberation are to be given up as beneath one’s dignity. So the spiritual basis of righteousness and liberation must be the root of both the pursuit of wealth and fulfillment of other desires.
Baba (thought for the day)

Somehow it seems the question is how to be able to live that good conduct without ‘arguing’, but anyhow asking the questions we have to ask and follow the inner master.
Your good conduct is your true wealth. - Baba
I guess the answer is, we have to realize it. Righteousness is the right way of thought and understanding to be able to live in peace and to help others to reach that goal too.
Liberation directs our senses and one’s desire that is serves everybody and not only the ego.

All desires that do not subserve the one supreme need for liberation are to be given up as beneath one’s dignity. So the spiritual basis of righteousness and liberation must be the root of both the pursuit of wealth and fulfillment of other desires.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to the Beginning

Earning wealth is one of the legitimate objectives of human endeavour, without a doubt. It is one of the four objectives (purusharthaas) of every human life, the four being - righteousness, earning wealth, desire and liberation.
The order they are mentioned in, has a purpose too. Righteousness has to direct and control the process of earning wealth and liberation has to be the regulating factor for one’s desires.
All wealth accruing through unrighteous means is to be treated with contempt as unworthy.
All desires that do not subserve the one supreme need for liberation are to be given up as beneath one’s dignity. So the spiritual basis of righteousness and liberation must be the root of both the pursuit of wealth and fulfillment of other desires.
Baba (thought for the day)

If Soham meditation turns into Hamsa, the experience is different even if the outcome seems the same. With Soham we inhale So and exhale Ham, Soham is first light and we exhale darkness, or inhale cool and exhale warm air.
The Hamsa is the swan and it feels like plunging into the depth of water with its long goose neck and finding there the light and discrimination. Dark is first and therefore, Ham and only after Sa, light and discrimination, and that seems kind of natural.