Sunday, September 22, 2013

Performing Duty without any Expectation of Results

The jeevi (individual soul) has come to this birth in order to reveal the splendour of the spark of Godhead which It is.
A rat is attracted by strong smelling cheap little stuff inside the trap; it neglects all other articles of food in the granary, and thus falls a prey to its own foolishness. Similarly people disregard and waste their life in the pursuit of mortal riches.
Be aware and alert. Live in the world but develop the skills to wonder and discriminate between the eternal and temporary. Learn to see through this drama and discover the Director behind the scenes, who is none else than God. You can easily develop these skills through devotion (Bhakthi), based on performing duty without any expectation of results (Nishkama Karma).
Baba (thought for the day)
How can we reveal the splendour of Godhead which we are?
Tonight in my dream it said that there is only one and one alone cleaning up here.
If we don't develop skills to wonder and discriminate between the eternal and temporary, how can we know who we are?
If someone tells, I am divine or even some think they are able to give Darshan, what I read some time ago, we should first think if we do the right work. Because how can we be the light, if we go in direction and the pursuit of mortal riches?   
How can we think of ourselves as being a light being and behave like that rat attracted by strong smelling cheap little stuff inside the trap and become like the rat prey of its own foolishness?   
Why does he tell us to be aware and alert?
Be aware and alert. Live in the world but develop the skills to wonder and discriminate between the eternal and temporary. Learn to see through this drama and discover the Director behind the scenes, who is none else than God. You can easily develop these skills through devotion (Bhakthi), based on performing duty without any expectation of results (Nishkama Karma).
How do we discriminate between the eternal and temporary and learn to see through his drama and how do we discover the director behind the scene?
Listen, think it over and absorb.

By listening to his words and thinking it over it got clear in the inner view why some things were upside down. We should be able to command our vision to be the light and not part of darkness.
He who is silent appears to consent.
If I thought that with TM there was a friend and it was not a friend and it seemed all upside down, the question is why it is Tamas and upside down?
I don't know how long it took, but it was very difficult to understand because it was on the level of Yoga and Veda and still upside down.
But finally after thinking it over again and again in the insight or vision the false friend was as just an 'actor' and since it is somehow clear and understood, the light is there and it is logical that it was upside down. 
How do we find the director behind the scene? He is the light, how can we claim to be the light and not be in the light?
If we are the light, we have to develop that skill of discrimination between the eternal and temporary and we have to see through this drama and discover the director behind the scenes.  
How does it feel to do that?
I guess it is kind of like cleaning up, because there is a mess left behind of all those who don't live in the light, but in darkness, for whatever reason. And we have to be able to face that.
Follow the master, fight to the end, finish the game.
It is not possible to be in the light or even to claim to be the light and to not do his work, if we want to be 'that'. To be on the level of the 'I am that', we have to see it in the right light to be able to reveal the splendour of it.
The jeevi (individual soul) has come to this birth in order to reveal the splendour of the spark of Godhead which It is.

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