Sunday, November 30, 2014

Wake-Up Call in Baba Dreams

When you enquire earnestly in order to experience Prema (Love), the human being goes about searching for several methods. If we really want to experience love, Prema, we have got to understand what Peace or Shanti means. If we want to follow the path of Peace, we will have to accept the path of right action, Dharma. If we want to follow the path of Dharma, we will have to ac­cept the path of Truth. 
Here is a small example. Let us take Prema as the shining light. If we want to experience this shining light, we should have a bulb. If we want the bulb to glow and experience the shining light, we should have a connection to the bulb. By just a connection of wire to the bulb, the bulb is not going to glow. In that wire, we should have an electric current. Here we see that the electric current can be compared to the Truth, the wire can be compared to Dharma while the bulb can be compared to Shanti or Peace. If we call these three things, then only we will get Prema, the light. We may have a good new bulb. We may have a wire. Are we going to get light out of that? Unless there is current inside the wire, we cannot get the bulb to glow.
(Text about ‘love’, 5th chapter – human values)

We have to go through that text about ‘love’ in the study circle and by preparing the text and in thinking it over, there is the meaning of the dreams you had, the three dreams before we went back to Baba what you understood as making peace with Baba.

In that dream Baba said that I had to come and make peace with him and here he tells us why, it is in his words. 
We all go to Baba because of ‘pure love’ and not because of career or wife, money etc. 
If we want to experience that ‘pure love’ without reason and without season …, we have to understand first peace and we have to listen to him.
It means we have to go the path of peace.
And that dream was followed by an other dream. In that dream of yours he said to me, ‘go back to your lovely husband’ and that he explains us here is about ‘right action'.
But it also tells us that you thought that he gave you a wife and that you said you had asked for a wife and therefore, you knew it was like that and it was not the right answer and no right action. We have to accept that is 'no right action' and we have to accept that he said instead, 'you didn't listen, you have to get a divorce' and that part is about truth.
If we have to accept right action, we also have to accept truth.
That is the meaning of the words in that Baba quote.

If we want to follow the path of Peace, we will have to accept the path of Dharma. If we want to follow the path of Dharma, we will have to ac­cept the path of Truth. 

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Universal not Changing

Have faith that Truth will save you in the long run; stick to it, regardless of what might befall. For if you are true, the sense of guilt will not gnaw your insides and cause pain. It is cowardice that makes you hide the truth; it is hatred that sharpens the edge of falsehood. Be bold and there is no need for a lie. Be full of love and there is no need for subterfuge. The easiest habit is speaking the truth, honesty; for if you start telling lies, you will have to keep count of them and remember how many you have told to whom, and be always alert not to contradict one lie with another! Love a person and you need no longer deceive the person with a lie; you will feel that the loved one deserves the truth and nothing less than the truth. Love saves a good deal of bother.
Baba (thought for the day)

If he tells us that truth will save us in the long run and that we should stick to it, regardless of what might befall, he more or less tells exactly what happened between us.

For if you are true, the sense of guilt will not gnaw your insides and cause pain. It is cowardice that makes you hide the truth; it is hatred that sharpens the edge of falsehood. Be bold and there is no need for a lie.

Since I had been about seventeen I went in direction of self-realization. I was in Neuchatel and in a love story with someone and with him I went to Geneva and I was waiting for the higher self to make the decision for me. I was just watching and not taking any decision until the higher self from the inside would show me were to go.  One night in Geneva it was in my dream, a beautiful white light and it was love only and all I wanted. I changed the job because I didn’t need to wait any longer and I got a new job in a bank and there I met the Hare Krishnas, they were selling books. On the way to work I saw the light passing by in a couple and it was like a sign to look at everything what was passing my way. I got the Bhagavad-Gita and afterwards I went for a visit, because in reading the Bhagavad-Gita and the Bhagavatam lots of questions came up. And I spent fourteen days with the Hare Krishnas and stopped smoking and I hoped I would be able to know more about the light of the self I had met in the dream.

Friday, November 28, 2014

On the Edge of Falsehood

Have faith that Truth will save you in the long run; stick to it, regardless of what might befall. For if you are true, the sense of guilt will not gnaw your insides and cause pain. It is cowardice that makes you hide the truth; it is hatred that sharpens the edge of falsehood. Be bold and there is no need for a lie. Be full of love and there is no need for subterfuge. The easiest habit is speaking the truth, honesty; for if you start telling lies, you will have to keep count of them and remember how many you have told to whom, and be always alert not to contradict one lie with another! Love a person and you need no longer deceive the person with a lie; you will feel that the loved one deserves the truth and nothing less than the truth. Love saves a good deal of bother.
Baba (thought for the day) 

First reading Baba's words is one thing. If we listen again a second time, usually we go deeper into it. And if we think it over it begins to take form or to get interesting, at least in those words of Baba, like yesterday and today it is again very interesting to look at his words.
We all should think it over to get to the truth in it. In Baba's words is truth and therefore, we can accept the path of truth in listening to him and in thinking it over and by that we also get closer to accept the path of right action and after all that is how we understand 'peace', do you agree?
And if we get there, truth, right action, peace – we are able to experience that 'pure love'.
As Baba said, 'I am hungry and you?'
Baba asked me that before he left the body some years ago in the insight, he said 'I am hungry and you'?
At that time I didn't understand it yet.
It is kind of challenging to think it over and  to see it in our own life to be able to absorb the meaning.
I wonder why not more people are doing it, because it is much more rewarding to accept the path of truth than to go on dreaming about miracles and gifts.
The experience we want to get is 'pure love'. That is all our duty as Baba said yesterday.
We can get it only if we understand the path of peace. But it is not only about 'silence', but about right action. The question is what is right action? It is certainly not deception and falsehood. Therefore, we also have to accept the path of truth.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Magnificent Treasure-House

The one who is filled with love has great peace of mind, is pure at heart and is unruffled by any adverse circumstances, failures or losses. This fortitude is derived from love of the Lord, and it endows one with self-confidence. Self-confidence generates an immense internal power. Everyone has to develop this power to experience the bliss of the Self (Atma-Ananda). Love should be free from feelings of expectation of any return or reward. Love which arises out of a desire for something in return is not true love. Utterly selfless and motiveless love should be developed. This is the bounden duty of all. You should not pray to God seeking this favor or that, for your vision is limited. None of you can fathom what immensely precious, Divine and magnificent treasures lie when you secure the treasure-house of Divine Grace.

The time we went to Baba we experienced that love and the peace of mind because Baba is the connection between the tank of God's grace and the water taps. Due to his presence, we experienced the water taps as flowing and some even projected it in undesirable objects and the beautiful love got contaminated by that.
We didn't have to get aware of the difference between the water taps and the tank full of the divine grace of God, the treasure-house of Divine Grace, because he did it for us.
But now he has left the body and we cannot just go and get the same experience of divine love as we did before and now we have to face it, if we are able to experience that divine love or not.
It seems everybody had another explanation why he experienced that 'love', only not the right one. But we have met self-confidence in Baba's presence and the internal power and therefore, we know what he is talking about, the question is just, where is it gone now?
Most of us didn't know what they were doing and we went ahead anyhow assuming that someday we will know.
This fortitude is derived from love of the Lord, and it endows one with self-confidence. Self-confidence generates an immense internal power.

The Treasure-house

The one who is filled with love has great peace of mind, is pure at heart and is unruffled by any adverse circumstances, failures or losses. This fortitude is derived from love of the Lord, and it endows one with self-confidence. Self-confidence generates an immense internal power. Everyone has to develop this power to experience the bliss of the Self (Atma-Ananda). Love should be free from feelings of expectation of any return or reward. Love which arises out of a desire for something in return is not true love. Utterly selfless and motiveless love should be developed. This is the bounden duty of all. You should not pray to God seeking this favour or that, for your vision is limited. None of you can fathom what immensely precious, Divine and magnificent treasures lie when you secure the treasure-house of Divine Grace.
(Baba - thought for the day)

We have to understand that everything Baba does is Baba's Lila. We go to Baba for that love and it results in great peace of mind. As he said before, if we go the path of 'peace', we have to understand peace to get to the experience of that love.
We are in the kitchen and the first thing we need is understanding peace.
How do we do that? We take some peace from the shelf and add some right action in the pot and some truth?
Not exactly, to understand peace, we have to accept right action first or it means, if there is no right action, there is no peace.
We have no choice about 'right action', either it is 'right' or it is 'not right' and when it is not right action, there cannot be peace. Therefore, if we want to understand or accept the path of 'peace', we have also to accept the path of right action. And if we accept the path of right action, we also have to accept the path of truth.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Beastly Mind and Atmic Beauty

All of you have a whole set of animals within: the dog, the fox, the ass, and the wolf. You must choose to suppress the tendencies of all these beasts and encourage the human qualities of love and friendship to shine. Above all, begin the cultivation of virtues; that is more important and beneficial than mere book-learning. This will give real Ananda (bliss); that is the essence of all knowledge, the culmination of all learning. Treat everyone as your own and even if you cannot do them any good, desist from causing them any injury. Light the lamp of love inside the niche of your heart and the nocturnal birds of greed and envy will fly away, unable to bear the light. An unbending person is infected with egoism of the worst type; Love (Prema) makes you humble, it makes you bend and bow when you see greatness and glory. Use that capacity and derive the best advantage out of it.

(Baba thought for the day)

Baba talks about a set of animals and we feel like in a zoo. To understand Baba's words better, we can see that Baba Lila in the light of the dog, the fox, the ass and the wolf.

If we see those animals in Baba's Lila, I went to him and we had interview and for some reason I had to translate for a devotee from Geneva, I had to translate from English into French and Baba talked about me with her and it felt rather strange. He asked her, 'who that girl was, to whom she belonged and what our relationship was?' 
There were no answers only questions, but I began to talk about it, because I had to get an answer. It was Baba's Lila not mine and if I questioned it I had to get an answer because Baba had asked the questions, not I asked the questions. 
And he answered, that I belonged to him and I said how he could know that it was about truth and right action and he said that he knew because he had asked Baba for a wife and he knew that I was the wife Baba gave him and I told him there was no way I could possibly know and I told him about the dream with Baba.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Love needs three Things

When you enquire earnestly in order to experience Prema (Love), the human being goes about searching for several methods. If we really want to experience Prema, we have got to understand what Peace or Shanti means. If we want to follow the path of Peace, we will have to accept the path of Dharma. If we want to follow the path of Dharma, we will have to ac­cept the path of Truth. Here is a small example. Let us take Prema as the shining light. If we want to experience this shining light, we should have a bulb. If we want the bulb to glow and experience the shining light, we should have a connection to the bulb. By just a connection of wire to the bulb, the bulb is not going to glow. In that wire, we should have an electric current. Here we see that the electric current can be compared to the Truth, the wire can be compared to Dharma while the bulb can be compared to Shanti or Peace. If we have all these three things, then only we will get Prema, the light. We may have a good new bulb. We may have a wire. Are we going to get light out of that? Unless there is current inside the wire, we cannot get the bulb to glow.

Here Baba explains that we have to understand peace first if we want to experience love, Prema and we go to Baba to experience that love, why should anyone go for some other reason like wealth and money?
But in the dream of my ex it was different. He had a dream and in his dream was a water tap and there was flowing water from it and he thought that is was worldly wealth confused by the former boss who was also a Baba devotee and with him he went to Baba, but he kept his dream going, even if it was only a dream.
If we do not listen to Baba, we will not understand the insights and Baba dreams right. It is Baba who gives us the right answers or the right insights. So he was that foolish to project the insight, Baba dream into the level of the mind, the level of the objects and not insights and he didn’t listen to Baba so he never got aware of the mistake. So there was a water tap and the water was not flowing anymore, because the connection between the tank of Grace and the water taps is missing.

We have the big tank of God which is filled with His grace. We also have devotees in the form of taps but the connection between this tap and the tank which is God’s grace is missing. If there is no prema (love), how can the grace of the Lord flow? The pipe which connects the devotion of the devotee and the grace of God is the prema. God is always an embodiment of prema and if the devotee is filled with prema then prema can es­tablish the connection. Unless you have all these three—namely the devotion of the devotees, God who is the embodiment of love (prema) and the link of prema between the two—a connection cannot be established. God, who is the embodiment of love (pre­ma), can be attained only by prema and not by any other method.