Saturday, March 31, 2012

Shiva and Parvati, a sacred Relationship

"The body is Parvati (Shiva's consort) and the Atma (higher self) is God (Shiva, Eshwara).
There was a spiritual aspirant who used to repeat the Mantra Shivoham (I am Shiva) as commanded by his guru. One day someone asked him the meaning of the Mantra he was chanting. He said Shivoham meant, 'I am Shiva.'
But when questioned what is his relationship with Parvati (consort) he slapped his own cheeks and said with a tone of having committed a great sin, blasphemy (Aparadham!).
If he really had faith in the Mantra he was chanting, he would have surely said - 'Parvati (body) is a part of my own being.'
He could not say so as he was attached to his body. Attachment to the body leads to this dualities, because of which man is suffering. Eshwara (God, higher self) and Parvati (body) are present in every individual. The combination of these two aspects constitutes Manavatwam (mankind). Manava (mind) refers to human being. Ma means 'sec'. Nava means 'new'. So mankind is not new, it is ancient and eternal."
Baba. SS. 3/99, p. 72

It is common to see God on one side and man on the other and that is due to body attachment, it creates duality.
Shiva and Shakti are the oneness we try to understand, and Baba uses here the example of Shiva and his consort Parvati.
Parvati is Shiva’s Shakti and he very clearly explains above that it is the body, it is made out of nature (Prakriti).
But it is more than the difference between body and Atman, it is the relationship between Shiva and Parvati.
We all know that we have a body and what we don’t know enough is that we think we are the body, in reality there is the indweller of that body and that is unlimited being and consciousness, it is the higher self and Shiva.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The hurt inner child, how to experience Joy

Today, we are prepared to receive love from all people, but are hesitant to share our love with others. It should be a give and take policy. Love begets Love. You must also be prepared to receive love from others.
Love is a gift of God. In fact, you must rise to such a level that whatever is given by God, you must be prepared to receive wholeheartedly.
At times, God also gives you a bitter pill like the doctor. This is for your own good. Both happiness and sorrow are God's gifts. Nobody can comprehend His Divine Lelas (plays).

It is not alone the father, it is the reaction of the mother. I remember when we were younger I felt sorry with her and later I hated it when I had to listen. When she was driving, she was not driving but always in a hurry and out of herself and telling everybody what to do and when she was driving it was like sitting on the side of an explosive device.
I always felt tired listening to her, I felt exhausted looking at her. I didn’t want to hear her voice, the sound hurt.
She was running around to prove herself. So I pitied her since I had been a child and therefore, I hated him.
She was probably attached to having a family, a working relationship and a business.
If she would have left it would have ended, the family, the relationship and the business, it was probably too much to as of her to be detached, but it would have been the right thing to do.
I have never seen anyone running as she did, like it would be a test. Walking back from school it was too slow, walk fast home, all about what others might think, the neighbours, the clients.
Mind directed impressions and who would not get fed up and get out of it, the best way to do that is to get out of the mind.  
Business people.
Why should we want to run away if we are established in the self? It is just an old pattern, and it seems to be overwhelming.
Why should we run away?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Soham Meditation; find your own Nature

The power of spirituality is inexplicable and infinite. The institute or individual that cannot obtain this becomes virile.
The power of spirituality can transform an animal into man and man to a divine being.
The paths of spirituality have sprung up to lead man from human state to that of divine. Man tries to understand everything. He has been trying to acquire many types of learning.

However, he has not yet made an effort to find out his real nature. All learning is naught if it cannot help one to realise one's own nature. Knowledge without practical aspect is akin to a lamp in a blind man's hand.

We always should remember that the breath has its own sound.
It sounds with every inhaling SO and with every exhaling HAM, SOHAM. That is the primal sound of the universe, because if we are aware of it without interruption that sound will go on as OM during the night and also in sleep state inside be present.
That is all what it needs to establish continuity in our life and to go beyond the ever changing relative level.
All it needs is to remember.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Peace, become unaffected by Ups and Downs of Life

To get angry is but the effort of a moment; but to get peace, to become unaffected by the ups and downs of life, is the result of years of spiritual training.

Yesterday I got an email of my ex about Greece and the conflict between Germany and Austria.
I answered that there is no control, because there is no unity, they don't belong together and he shouldn't take that too serious.
Only afterwards came up that I spoke of our theme, because it had been always a question of belonging or not belonging.
Because when I met him he answered a Baba question. Baba had asked another devotee in the interview room, to whom I belonged?
I translated and spoke later about that interview and my ex took advantage of that and said, 'you belong to me'.
I had to get the right answer, because it was Baba who had asked it and it had to do with unity, but that is an inner belonging and the questions 'Who we are? Where we come from and where we are going?'

The right answer between us was - there was no answer possible on that level - because it was Tamas, turned reality upside down and he took only advantage of it.
I thought he will help to get the answer, but he was of no help, he was an obstacle, the problem was - that it was a Sai Baba question he took advantage of and he was not aware what he was doing.

Difference between Happiness and Peace

Everyone is after happiness. The hunt for comfortable jobs and positions of influence, the founding of banks and business houses, the growth of bungalows – all these are evidences of the eagerness to live in happiness. But there is no real eagerness to live in peace.
Happiness should not be confused with peace. No one rich, well placed, prosperous or powerful has peace. Peace cannot be found in passbooks or iron safes. You can investigate and verify this truth yourself. Peace cannot also be ensured by the piling of bombs and weapons. Mere terror and counter-terror will not establish cordiality and harmony. Realize that the physical is subordinate to the spiritual. The secret to peace lies in service and love towards all beings.
International peace cannot dawn until the minds are cleansed of hatred and terror; remove these two evil traits within each heart and plant therein love and service.

That means our motivation is different from the outcome. We look for happiness, but we don't get it because there is no peace. If we live in peace it makes happy.
When I met my ex I went for it because of Baba behind, I thought he would make sure it would go in the right direction. 
If happiness is not there, we quickly adapt and find another situation which seems to be happier, but peace is a spiritual training.
That was the difference between my ex and me.
I went for it in Baba’s presence to make sure I would not lose the aim of going in direction of peace and with the focus to reach peace.
As it didn’t work out, Baba called me to him to make peace with him.
My ex had no notion of it, not even when we were with Baba, disturbing the inner peace he cancelled our financial resources thinking that my parents should take care.
He was stupid, he didn’t know what he was doing.
Already when he said that 'I belonged to him' he didn’t know what he was doing, because I spoke of an interview question Baba had asked and he took advantage of it. He never asked himself if that was answering a spiritual question, and he couldn't live with it that it was not the right answer.
Tonight I went from one nightmare to the other.
When I was meditating I focused on the breath getting finer and on the sound of it ‘Soham’. As we know from TM it had to become finer to transcend. The sound is the main level to transcend. It felt alright.
The shock came up when that ended in a black hole and the question was, what had a technique to do with a black hole?
Even if the mantra and the becoming finer was right and it felt like it would go on forever. There appeared a black hole and that ended up in doubt, something was wrong and that made it not better, but worse. And there were no answers and no peace.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Acquantances and feeling at Home

Just close your eyes for five minutes and think of the profit your efforts have won for you. One wish always leads to another and this goes on like a never ending chain. Initially, you wish to marry, then you get a daughter or a son, after this you desire to finish their education, marriage and the list goes on and on. The joy one gets by fulfilment of any desire is imperfect, limited, temporary and pregnant with grief. The secret to true happiness lies in detachment (vairagya). The tongue has oil, fat and greasy substances rolling over it, but it is unaffected by these and does not become greasy.

The mind too must be tamed to be unaffected by the experience of success and failure, gain and loss, well-being and illness. Practice surrendering at the feet of the Lord at all times; let His will prevail.

Years ago I lived in a relationship with a neighbour and after it was finished, that guy turned into the opposite, it was not friendship but manipulation. After was disturbance in the air only felt by me. Everybody in the family said, what do you have, there is nothing.
Most of abuse are offenders acquainted with the victims; often relatives, brothers, fathers, uncles or cousins and other acquaintances such as 'friends' of the family, babysitters or neighbors.