Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Pleasure and Pain

Life is a mosaic of pleasure and pain - grief is an interval between two moments of joy. Peace is the interlude between two wars. You have no rose without a thorn; the diligent picker will avoid the pricks and gather the flower.
There is no bee without the sting; cleverness consists in gathering the honey nevertheless.
It feels like being in a 'vail of tears' living here. 
For how many years we lived here and didn't join the meetings they had, the invitation for dinners and whatever, because we didn't feel okay and I didn't want to be constantly remember that my family let me down. I never went, I guess only once joined the dinner, it just didn't feel okay, and there was constant pain.  
Now it has changed and the only positive thing is the study circle. It seems it has changed, now it is someone elses turn to feel the pain. It is sad, and only about a the study circle and no socializing.
There is no bee without the sting; cleverness consists in gathering the honey nevertheless.
It means whatever we do, there is always behind the pain that it is not lasting forever and that challenge that Baba is not on that level. The bliss in him has no end and goes beyond life and death.
That is probably a reason why the pain is felt stronger or we feel like not part of it, when Baba's presence is mentioned. We can have compassion.
But he is always there, he should be comforting and not make the pain even bigger. 
There is always pain. There is no rose without thorns.
There is no bee without the sting; cleverness consists in gathering the honey nevertheless.
And the best thing to do is to get on with our Meditation, because if ever pleasure pain follows already behind, why bother, relax and meditate. 
We go into silence and how do we do that?
Meditation is the repetition of a mantra, it transcends the mind. We mostly use the Mantra Soham, 'I am that'. It is more than only silence, because it transcends our thoughts and the mind and we get on that level of 'that'.
'I am that' is the meaning and 'Soham' is the mantra. If we focus on regular meditation we can get beyond pain and pleasure, but pleasure we don't mind only the following pain we would like to avoid and that doesn't work. Meditation goes beyond pain, it transcends duality and therefore, we should meditate and hold on to it, because even if we seem to be happy and our life seems to be great, the pain is waiting behind, we have to let it go.
In the study circle I notice always that most of them didn't start even or not regularly of they don't know how, that means, there will be always pain. 
Of course, we get aware of pain if we remember the bliss of Baba's Lila and feel that far away from it, that is only pain, because we have not yet even started to do something about it.
In that inner silence we get that inner strength which goes beyond pain.
Some remember it with Baba, but others not. 
I think it is a good way to see it all as a gift, even thought, I have troubles to accept it. Even if I know that we learn the most of those difficult situations, because it forces us to look at it.

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