Thursday, April 4, 2013

Difference between Good and Pleasant

Yet there is something that is finally good, which is the good of the soul of an individual. That which is permanent can be regarded as good. As things in the world are transient and passing, they cannot also be regarded as finally good. We also pass away, as far as our body is concerned, but the soul will not pass away. Therefore, that which is commensurate with the needs of the soul of a person may be regarded as really good.
And, there is nothing in this world which can feed our soul. The world can feed our sensations: our mind, intellect and ego can be fed by the diet of this world, but the soul is suffering.
Our soul is hungry; its appetite cannot be properly met by anything in this world, because the impermanent cannot satisfy that which is permanent. 
"The permanent cannot be attained through that which is impermanent." The impermanent cannot satisfy what is permanent – that is, that which is relatively good cannot be set in tune with the soul, which is the ultimate good.
In the Katha Upanishad we find the famous talk between Yama the Lord of Death and Nachiketas. He grants the boy three boons and the last one he wants to know what happens to the soul after death.
And finally he explains the difference between what seems pleasant to us and changes in time and what is good always.
And truth has only to do with things which cannot be changed, therefore, what seems pleasant one time, is not in another state of life and it cannot be true.
But what is good, is really always the same and good in the real sense of the word.
That which is permanent can be regarded as good.
And after Baba had made that Lila and he was inside and said, 'I am hungry and you?'
In this Upanishad he tells why he said that, because the soul is hungry. Of course, he made me get aware with that question that I am not hungry for food or drink, or anything like that, but it is the hunger of the soul starving in that sense already for a long time. 
Our soul is hungry; its appetite cannot be properly met by anything in this world, because the impermanent cannot satisfy that which is permanent.
But it was also the hunger for the right answers I was waiting already such a long time for.
In my dream was an old girl friend of mine. We were neighbors and good friends until we were twelve.
She got married with seventeen being pregnant and it said she had to get married, what looked bad at that time. In the dream she was sitting on the floor with her small child and she was blessed as mother and there was a voice telling, how beautiful.
I noticed how sweet the baby was, instead of finding faults as the village saw only other values and faults.
That she had to get married that young seemed rather a blessing, but it was not seen that way in the village I grew up or by my mother.
Behind that picture the mother finding faults instead of seeing the beauty in it. It was kind of reflecting the village consciousness. And I remember my ex when I was sitting on the floor with the child and how we were treated by him. 
I was not aware how bad she had been judged by others. She had been my best friend, because actually, there was nothing at all wrong about that, in the opposite, I would have liked to have her life. She is in many ways better of than I ever had been.
She never had to bother to work and face what I have to face since years and all my life. She had always a husband at her side since she is seventeen, and I guess she is blessed.
But that boy committed suicide, he was only seventeen and that was a shock.
It was about the difference between seeing faults and seeing the blessing of being a mother.
It somehow seems to reflects the sick village consciousness and she couldn't protect the child as she should, being somehow too young herself. I don't know, but it is kind of surprising to have her in my dream with a small child, because they are grown up now. It somehow means that motherhood was the real thing, not evaluated as it should be, no human values. As my parents were very imposing I was scared of that and avoided it, but the real enemy was in the parent's mind and not in the reality of becoming pregnant without being married.
The joke of it is that I have been most of the time in my life alone and alone educating mother, exactly the worst happened what was not okay with my parents.
It is also said that we attract what we fear in that sense, my own parents are the source of it, because they were the reason for that fear in the background of my mind, I was not even aware of it.
I get aware of it now with that insight. It seems they actually have exactly attracted what they feared.
The good is called sreyas; the pleasant is called preyas. There are two roads you can tread; you can choose what is good or you can choose what is pleasant. It is proper for a person to choose the good. It is improper for any person to choose the pleasant, because the good does not always look pleasant and the pleasant is certainly not always good. That which is pleasant is nothing but the reaction of the sense organs in respect of objects outside. The pleasantness is only in the sensations. (Katha Upanishad)

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