Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Right Conclusion and Inner View

Brindavan is not a specific place on the map; it's the Universe! All human beings are cowherds; all animals are cows. 
Every heart is filled with the longing for the Lord; the flute is the call of the Lord; the sport Raasakreeda (the sportive dance of little Krishna and the Gopees), is the symbol of the yearning and the travail to merge in God. 
The Lord manifests such Grace that each one of you has the Lord all for yourself; you need not be sad that you won't have Him; nor need you be proud that you have Him and no one else can have Him! 
The Lord is installed in the altar of each and every one of your hearts. Revere the gift of this body, the senses, the intelligence, the Will and all the instruments of knowledge, action and feeling as essential for His work.
Baba (thought for the day)

I guess that is difficult to understand for some of our Western devotees. Lots of us don't know Brindavan that well and the story of Krishna. 
I went always in direction of the observer and the higher self, not just God, not being aware of that it is the same.
The higher self is love, it has all those divine qualities and it is only love and white light and when I translate it, somehow I get to the same conclusion, even though I never just think of God. 
In Brindavan the little Krishna was in his divine Lilas with the Gopis, the girls who watched the cows. And he tells us here how to understand the Krishna stories, the Rasa dance. Krishna was playing the flute and attracted at night the gopis to the famous Rasa dance. 
One night in Brindavanam, Baba's ashram in Whitefield at night in the dream I danced with Krishna and the next day during Darshan there was a blue light around Baba's body, that was the Rasa dance in the inner view, it is mostly during sleep because the mind is calm and not obstructing during sleep. 
In that moment, when seeing that blue hue in the Darshan around his body, I knew it was him and the Rasa dance was inside in the inner view and in the sleep in meeting that divinity. 

It is about inner view. Baba always spoke about inner view, but until we develop that inner view, we don't know it really. Maybe we think we know, but we don't know.
And inner view is also always symbolic, it tells us something and afterwards we know it, but there is no way it can be proved. 
He talks about inner view and that the lord is in every heard, but we have to hear the call and listen to hear it. 
And the mind with all its desires is the outer storm. But it is also seen like that in the inner view. 

The Lord is installed in the altar of each and every one of your hearts. Revere the gift of this body, the senses, the intelligence, the Will and all the instruments of knowledge, action and feeling as essential for His work.

We have to listen inside to the heart, it is inside that we hear the voice of the Lord. 
And if it is present as a picture or vision, it is not just understood, therefore, we inquire and finally we understand it hopefully in the end, it is about getting to the right conclusion. 
It is different from the mind. In the mind we have a picture and we thing that is what we want. In consciousness or inner view the pictures are kind of symbolic, like Brindavan is the whole universe, that is also symbolic. 
We have to inquire to get to the right conclusion. 
Baba said in my inner view 'I wanted a big house' and after all possibilities are gone, what is left has been a long time ago, I had forgotten it. I remember a time in Geneva and I met the Hare Krishnas and they lived in a castle. 
It was my first Krishna experience, in my motivation I went for the inner view, but he wanted a big house and that is why I went for that experience, it is the hidden motivation. 
I always was focused on the light of the self and kept that focus, but he indirectly motivated differently. Even if I was not aware of it, indirectly I went for the big house what attracted me with the Hare Krishnas. 
Baba makes us aware that divinity is indirect, we have to get the right conclusion. If it would be only mind, it would just be wish-fulfilling thinking. The mind is wish-fulfilling thinking, not the higher self, that is the observer and it has to do with motivation and reality. 
Truth is always hidden, we cannot just know it with the mind, we have to find it.   
Even if I went for the higher self, that was the real reason I tried to understand the background of the Hare Krishna movement and why people were living in that big house. 
In France it was a big castle and they were in Paris near the Arc de Triomphe.
It was never meant that I wanted a big house in my mind. It was just my first step in direction of Krishna and what I met in that movement in reality, instead of the answers in insight I was looking for. 
I didn't get an inside answer and didn't understand the inner view still and it means I wanted to know how to understand the higher self in the inner view. It was all about inner view. 
I began with TM, but it was also not inner view, it was about flying and that was the motivation with TM. 
That is why Baba said 'I wanted to fly' that was the motivation in that movement. 
With the vibuthi it was the divine presence in the heart, that was inner view and I knew I had to go there. 
Therefore, we went to Baba. And it was right and here we got the inner view, still to know how to get right answers is not that easy. 
He said in the interview, not inner view, 'follow the inner master', 'fight to the end', 'finish the game'. 
That means the inner view is present and in following it we have to question until we can finish the game, until it is understood. 
It is symbolic and in inquiring we get the feeling for it and begin to understand it.
During the time in the ashram the inner view began about parent's house, mother, the shadow and the environment. 
There was manipulation of and ex boyfriend still going on and disturbance in purpose to cause harm, and mother was fighting her shadow in the family. Therefore, she was not able to get aware of it and looked at it the same way as she did with everything, a shadow which had to be destroyed and that didn't work, not in the case with the neighbor. 
I got in conflict between the reality that he was a disturbance and the reality of the mother who was fighting the shadow and therefore, couldn't get aware of it. 
On one hand side it was naive, not being aware of what the neighbor intended and dangerous, because they were not aware of it. 
It was not facing it, projecting something else in the situation, seeing it like nothing. For her it was impossible to see it. The reason was that she was fighting her shadow in the family.
I was between two fronts. The disturbance which didn't go away and the family which was not able to see it. And we were let down by the family. Nobody cared how I felt.
There were two problems, the neighbor and the question was why he did that, what he got from that manipulation to hold on all his life, there was a reason behind. 
In the inner view it said that he learnt it in my parent's house, so indirectly it was a mirror and he probably knew that he could do that with mother that she would not see it.
The other reality in the inner view is the fighting of the shadow in her own family, reflected as father being a Nazi and the family in a concentration camp. It means basically nothing what we did was okay and good enough, the feedback was always devastating and it destroyed motivation. That is how we grew up. 
And we all have to deal with it and are in some way traumatized. 
When Baba said, 'I wanted to fly' it was about that Siddhi course. At that time I had already meditated for about three years only for myself and went a Siddhi prep course and afterwards I went ahead and got deeper and deeper into that movement, even though I didn't get the answers on the inside level. He was the hidden motivation behind the TM movement.
In my mind I went in direction of the higher self. 
He tells me the hidden motivation behind was that he wanted a big house, that was an indirect motivation to go for the Hare Krishna experience and with TM, he wanted to fly, even though I always was focused on the observer and the higher self, I was not aware of the indirect and hidden motivation. 
It is him behind, that is why he reflected it like that and it is his doing behind, the relationship between what I thought it did and what he really did. And we don't know the movements that well. To see his motivation helps to understand it to get to the right conclusion.

The Lord manifests such Grace that each one of you has the Lord all for yourself; you need not be sad that you won't have Him; nor need you be proud that you have Him and no one else can have Him! 

I always saw him as present in the higher self and I went into those movements in direction of that higher self to get answers and to understand that 'inner view'. There was no inner view with the Hare Krishnas, but it was a big house. And with TM there was no inner view as well, but it was about flying. 
But with Baba it was about inner view, only it is difficult to understand. 
Baba tells me inside, 'I wanted a big house' and because he made that relationship between us ad the same 'I am that', it is him and not only my mind. 
If that relationship being the same 'I am that' would not be there, it would just be my mind.
If it is the outcome of a relationship, if it is us (both of us are he and I). 
It means the value present in those movements with the Hare Krishnas was also like that hidden and the 'the big house' was what attracted people in the Hare Krishna movement and afterwards they lives renounced and slept on the floor and ate with the fingers. 
And with TM it was 'I wanted to fly' and we went into the TM-movement, that is the hidden motivation and after they meditate for the rest of their life, but will never fly.
In my mind I was looking for a way to understand the inner view even in those movements and that tells me why I couldn't find it. 
Because there was his motivation the big house and with TM was the motivation flying. It was not the right place to find it. 
And finally with Baba it is about inner view. 
But it is not so easy. 
There is no book we can study and we know the inner view. 
It ends in self-inquiry and that is what I am doing here and by that I get aware of the inner view and how to get to the right conclusion.
It is all about the right conclusion!

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