Sunday, April 21, 2013

Between Practice and Indigestion

Ravana sought wealth and gratification of desire by utterly violating the principle of Right Conduct (dharma). He was a scholar par excellence who had mastered the sixty four disciplines of learning; whereas Rama had mastered only thirty two. However Rama put them into practice and thereby digested what he learnt, whereas Ravana failed to digest them. The indigestion arose in the form of desire (kama), which ultimately destroyed him.
While Rama was the Embodiment of Dharma, Ravana remained as the embodiment of kama. Thus, there arose a conflict between Righteousness and the unrighteousness.
Rama transformed Himself into the embodiment of Sathya, following the principle of dharma. This eternal warfare between righteousness and unrighteousness, truth and untruth, exists in the minds of every person. It is your primary duty to follow and practice the twin principles of truth and righteousness and win the game of life.
Baba (thought for the day)
I guess that is why we get problems with digestion. What does this tell us?
If Rama, who is divine, mastered less disciplines of learning than Ravana, who is a demon, the only difference is that he put it into practice?
If we don't understand it and don't make an effort to put it into practice, we are more or less by the nature of our digestion which doesn't function properly on the level of Ravana. 
And he asks us to do an effort to understand it, but most people I know think they don't have to do anything, not even understanding the principle of truth and love, because they are already there, because they think they know love.
That means they are not even getting the disciplines of learning and think they know because it is about the feeling of love, that is foolish.
The only difference is knowledge and if we digested it or not.

What I do here and call it self-inquiry is digesting it, because of a constant indigestion and in the mean time there are certain foods I cannot digest anymore.
It means it is just too difficult. It means not only understanding the knowledge, but it means also to put it into practice, what means also that we have to see in the light of our life and self, because life is the best teacher.
Therefore, see it as my hobby to find the truth.
The indigestion arose in the form of (Kama) desire which destroyed him and probably us too, and what worries me most is the indigestion part.
While Rama was the Embodiment of Dharma, Ravana remained as the embodiment of kama. Thus, there arose a conflict between Righteousness and the unrighteousness.
Rama transformed Himself into the embodiment of Sathya, following the principle of dharma.
It feels like most of us have already lost that battle before they began, because in the West is everything based on Kama (desire). We get already married in that way and go on living our life in that way and we meet incredible obstacles on the way.
And how complicated that is.
Do you know what happened in my dream?
I was sitting with a group and they said, so let us practice our religion and they began to recite the Tora and I left and said, I don't belong to them and I went to the next group and felt not okay and the next and in the end the voice said, in the end you will be alone.
At the beginning I was looking for truth and had no idea where it would lead. Good was the direction of truth, but what was not good was that I believed in something I had no notion about, not aware of the law of Dharma and duty, and not aware of it, we don't know what we are doing and therefore, we should be able to repent the crimes committed against any living being.
That repenting part seems to me quite difficult.

In order to clean one’s path from the karmic impediments, it is important to repent all small or big crimes committed against any living being.
“By sincere repentance all sins can be washed. God’s Mercy is responsive. If He has a wish to forgive, nothing can prevent this…
In spite of past sins, if there is deep remorse and love for God, then all sins get washed and the nature of man becomes clean. To be afraid that this will not happen is a weakness. God has unlimited compassion; look for His love and you will find forgiveness!

Sathya Sai Baba Teachings

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