Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Joy of Self-Realization

Discard all low desires for a few acres of land, a fat account in the bank, or a few more bungalows or cars. Desire rather the joy that will never fade; a joy that is deep, steady and strong - the joy of Divine realization. 
One has only to know one-self in order to contact the springs of Bliss and Immortality and of kinship with all beings.
Your innate Divinity is your reality; discover it, dwell in it, and desire to divulge it. Discover your holiness, your divinity, your truth.
You may have doubts as to what is dharma (right conduct), which is sathya (truth), which is prema (love), and so on; but you can have no doubt about yourself, is it not? So, find out who you are and be fixed in that truth. That is enough to save you, and give you everlasting joy.
Baba (thought for the day)
But we have to get to divine realization first, before we are able to enjoy it and on the way all those low desires seem very tempting for the mind at least, they don't give lasting joy, but temporary for sure.
We have only to know our-self to contact the spring of bliss, and have you tried to find that self and to get saved?
Find yourself, safe yourself. But how do we find one-self? That is the question?
It means we have to realize our innate divinity in our own life, which is not perfect, in our parents, who never thought of God. How do we find that divinity behind which made our life as it is?
It is that covered by Maya (Illusion) that we have to clean and scratch and find it in all that stuff which happened in the past, there is a divine guidance between the lines we have to find.
Your innate Divinity is your reality; discover it, dwell in it, and desire to divulge it. Discover your holiness, your divinity, your truth.
Now we could think that is easy, we just think instead of being the body, we are divine.
But it is not that easy, because it has to be a permanent reality to be divine and that means, it has to be real.
What is real? If it is limited, it is not real.
We know if we meditate we transcend, but we are not aware of it, there is no feeling of time or space, when we come back we are in the mind again.
That means the conceptual reality is everything we know and if we are in that unlimited reality, we are not aware of it. How can we experience the non-conceptual? How do we even know that it is real?
God is love and we know that love has an eternal value and that is truth?
But how do we experience it as truth, if we don't know how to get the experience of it?
If we meditate, we get in touch with that silence inside and that is still conceptual, because there is someone who is experiencing it, but if we are in transcendental truth, there is no silence, no feeling, no perception, no time and space feeling and no memory, but it is nevertheless experience, because we have passed that time in meditation and for someone looking at us, we might look gone like sleeping, but we are still very present in the body, we are just meditating.
By meditation we think of Samadhi, Baba explains that sama means 'even' and 'budhi' is intellect, Samadhi is equanimity, even intellect, that is an experience of always the same.
It has to be there always. It cannot be a passing by reality and what can be there always, only a principle. 
Baba tells us to do our duty. 
"Money lost, nothing lost, health lost, something lost, character lost, everything lost". (Baba)
How do we experience the innate Divinity? If we live our duty and Dharma we get to the reality that divinity is in the parents or in the husband.
When I met a devotee who thought I was the right wife for him, I went on because I thought he would be on the level of 'husband'. But he just took advantage of it and he had never been a husband, but we had a daughter and one day during writing I remembered my mother and how it felt when I had been a child. I woke up in joy at that time hearing the voice of my mother and in that very moment I realized it was the same joy I felt in the relationship to my daughter and that is the higher self. That means that principle of motherhood in the higher self was present in the mother, in my relationship to the daughter and it went beyond time. 
You can see the point?
It is a non-conceptual reality mirrored in the conceptual. If you are a father, it would be possible to realize the same joy you have for your children in your father he had for you, the same joy you experience to day with your child. If it is the same joy, he is 'that' and you are 'that', it goes beyond time and space.
Conclusion, if is real now, it has been real in the past and it will again be real in the future and it is real for everybody, it is a principle which is always true.
It is just called 'I am that' and it is mirrored in our own family.
It is not business, it is family.  
I don't know how to realize divinity in business, but I know how in family. But I know TM talked about business and explained it that way as infinity in everything, it is a TM concept.
In reality it is not that easy.
The same with the principle of husband, a relationship of joy. If it is present as 'that' it can be realized in marriage and it would be present again as the 'same that', and therefore, possible to tell, it has been there in the past and it is still true in the present, therefore, it is real always.
It is a divine principle and a principle goes beyond time and space. It is not just about infinity. It is about realizing that infinity in our own-self to get to self-realization, husband is divine.
You know, if you felt that divinity in your relationship or marriage, it will not be possible to find just another partner, because it has to be real.
It has to be that same level of 'that'. Only if that level is reached, it can be a divine principle, otherwise, it is just something ..., deception and not that.
That is the trouble if we lose someone and feels that tragical if we lose someone on that path, we cannot just replace that person, because we are on the path of self-realization.
You may have doubts as to what is dharma (right conduct), which is sathya (truth), which is prema (love), and so on; but you can have no doubt about yourself, is it not?
So, find out who you are and be fixed in that truth. That is enough to save you, and give you everlasting joy.
Lets find out who we are.
Watch, words, action, thoughts, character. I began to watch I was about twenty-three, I decided to go for truth. I felt bored and I didn't find the meaning of life as I had before.
My mother didn't leave my father, she remained with him, even though he was unfaithful. And a neighbor was the same, he was disloyal and using that background for manipulation, and that was the mirror of the situation in my parent's house, even if she idealized it.
But when it happened to me, she changed, she began to fight her own shadow. That was upside down, wasn't it? Yes, it felt also upside down in every means possible.  Upside down with the neighbor or my first love and upside down with the family, in no time it look like only problems and as they looked for the fault in me, they threw me out of the house for practically nothing and that for the faults they had done. It happened three times, until I had enough and I didn't go back anymore. 
Baba said in the inner view that my family let me down. But it is work to find what it means. I was not aware of it.
I didn't know to whom I belonged, but I thought it was my fault, because they had said it was my fault and it was my responsibility, but that was the abuse, it was their responsibility fighting their shadow in us. 
The Nazis were fighting their own shadow in the prisoners in the concentration camps, behind the idea of creating a pure race. 
That means she saw her own attachment in me and made me feel like a silly girl, and it was never seen as it really was, I had not only let him go, I had even told him to go, because I thought if it was love and a real relationship, he would come back.
And if not, I didn't care about the relationship.
It felt not possible to make her see that. It was not possible to talk to my mother, she always interrupted, avoided it and didn't ask questions and made me look stupid.
It was like the neighbor had sensed that and he was therefore quite successful in his manipulation. It created that much harm, I never felt at that place really home anymore and I just wanted to leave again, as soon as I had said hello.
But I didn't realize that she was fighting her own shadow.
Once it was in the air, it was when I went together with my daughter to Baba and Baba had said in her dream, that her father was stupid and he didn't know what he was doing and that he would destroy himself and if we would go back, he would destroy her too.
It was possible to have a doubt about me, but not about her. That was clear, we couldn't go back, anyhow, he would have destroyed me too. It had to be a real reason to begin our life. 
My parents lived in Spain and we went first back to Spain and had to find a way back to our country, there was nobody helping us, my sister and brother noticed our existance only after we were established again. We did it with the help of a devotee, who went to Australia and we could be at his place until he came back. We had a half a year to find an apartment and a job and to be established enough to get our own place.
We had to begin everything new, we had no cloth, no furniture, nothing at all and my daughter had to learn German too, but a half a year later nobody and not even her teacher noticed that she didn't speak German before and she was always good in school. 
She had been in preschool in the US and went early to a Montessori school, therefore, she knew reading and writing already and wrote a diary. She had never problems with spelling and she is very good in languages.  
Nobody noticed how difficult it was for us to come back. And we went to get some winter clothes in a second hand shop in Spain, because we had nothing. We had left in April Portland and were in India, we had only little and only summer stuff with us. At that time I noticed the feeling of my mother. 
For me there was no doubt, therefore, I went ahead without any second thought. But she was attached and for her it seemed impossible and she thought we had nothing to laugh about. It was in the air her feeling, that was her attachment. 
So, find out who you are and be fixed in that truth. That is enough to save you, and give you everlasting joy.
That was the reason why it happened, she was fighting her own shadow in us. In the inner view it was present as a concentration camp and the father as Nazi, but it came up with her after she came back from Spain. 
The inner master is inside and in the dreams and waking us up, these are visions, but we have to understand it.
About six years ago the picture of the Nazi and the family in the concentration was present inside, during the inner child workshop. Do you see how difficult it is to find one-self when it is overshadowed by such clouds?
After we get the pattern, we can tell that it was a gift, as we have to find the self to be saved, but what kind of gift.  
Discard all low desires for a few acres of land, a fat account in the bank, or a few more bungalows or cars. Desire rather the joy that will never fade; a joy that is deep, steady and strong - the joy of Divine realization. 
It is not about a fat account in the bank and a few more bungalows or cars and more land, we don't have any of it, and we cannot tell that we have a comfortable material life.
How could we after all?
There was no time to focus on a bank account. We had enough to do just to follow the inner master.
But in reality it was created by those who were fighting her shadow in others and that was not only done by the Nazis.

We are three people, the person we think we are, the person others think we are, and the person we really are, Atman (Divine, the higher self). (Baba)
Govern yourself from the divinity within.
I remember an interview and the upset Germans coming out of it and Baba had told them all had a Hitler in them.
We have to understand what it means to fight the shadow in the others to understand what really happened during the Nazi time and also why it happened.

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