Wednesday, April 10, 2013

No Worry about Ups and Downs or Ridicule

First, have unshakable faith that can stand the ridicule of the ignorant, worldly and the low-minded. When someone ridicules you, reflect within yourself - Are they ridiculing my body or soul? 
If they are ridiculing my body, they are helping me develop detachment! Ridiculing the soul is impossible, for, the Atma is beyond praise or blame, words or thoughts. 
Then repeat to yourself, "I am the Eternal Self, Pure and Immovable (Nirmala, Nischala) and so I must transcend this feeling." 
Secondly, do not worry about ups and downs, loss or gain, joy or grief. You are the creator of your own destiny. You crave for something - when you get it, you feel joyful! If you don't get it, you are in despair. Cut the craving off, and there will be no more swings between joy and grief. Finally, be convinced in the Omnipresence of Divinity.
Baba (thought for the day)

In the case with TM it was not that easy, because we didn't know what we dealt with. 
Even if we know that we are not the body and not the mind and they cannot ridicule us, if we don't understand the source, we don't know what we are dealt with. 
Even if it helps to develop detachment, if we don't know the source, we cannot understand it and therefore, we first have to know and bring up the source of the problem. It means I left TM in 86 and somehow it was still a problem and I wondered always why. It was a problem because it was not understood, it was not seen, it was hidden and we didn't know why. 
What happens if we don't understand it? We cannot fight it. They claim to be invincible because nobody can understand it.
And I didn't know to whom I belonged and that was rooted in the TM movement, but of course, not aware of it. 
It means if we don't know the source, we cannot understand it. 

TM claims to be invincible, based on a simple meditation technique and pyramid structure, even though it is sold as yoga and yogis are our friends, that is the motivation force behind. 
In reality they are not invincible and no friends. They just believe they are and the top is made that the leaders have the power, nobody can pass them, they are different from the others, they had master contact or like the guy I knew, he was even 'personal staff'. 
It means if we want to understand it, we have to see all that together.  
What was the problem? 
Not understanding it is exposing us to it. If we don't know the source we cannot understand, the source hidden and secret, gets us not to the right conclusion, it is in purpose to not see it. TM makes sure we don't know the source. If we leave TM, we cannot put things together, we cannot find arguments, we are lost and they seem invincible. Do you get the point? 
Yesterday reflecting on the Bhagavadgita that issue came up, behind TM the structure of the pyramid.
It was all present as insight, as pictures, but to get to the right conclusion, we need the Guru. 
It is like a puzzle. I just get aware of the picture and by following the inner master I have to get aware of the meaning. 
A Guru leads people to the right conclusion, because reality is upside down. 
If there is a master claiming that it is 'yoga', but behind is the structure of the pyramid, it will never lead to the right conclusion, because that right conclusion is hidden and gets lost with the source, he doesn't want the pyramid to be seen. 
Yogis are our friends, but not if a master is not present, that is no friendship or leading people to the right conclusion, that is deceiving.
The pyramid is a structure where the top is different from the rest. Only the leaders on the top had a relationship with the master, the leader I was in a relationship with was even 'personal staff' of the yogi, nobody can reach that. 
Whoever was important for the yogi or wealthy enough he allowed to get closer to him, no others. 
Everybody got to the wrong conclusion that those people on the top knew more and nobody, only the master knows that they don't know more, for whatever reason, he put those people there. Nobody could pass them and that was the reason the leader should have to check the relationship with the master and he was too stupid, he didn't do it. Probably the lady before had confused him.
It is like with every master, they say one thing and we understand another thing. 
When I went with him to the yogi, I realized that he didn't understand the master. Above the yogi was 'criminal' in the air and I didn't know why and he gave some instructions to the leader and he understood it all upside down, that was reality, not what they thought.

All secret, hidden behind secrecy is the pyramid structure, that is hidden, the hierarchy. People think it is yoga. They get fooled with siddhis, yogic flying and big houses, Patanjali never thought a pyramid system, he is the father of yoga.
They have no knowledge what so ever about Patanajali and the yoga sutras. 
No friends, if an organization functions as pyramid. It takes just power away and they think they have power, and that is delusion. They can never reach the top, it is always far away. They think it is yoga and they are in the tradition of the master, but it is all fake.
If it would be yoga, yogis are our friends and a master has the aim to help his people to get the right conclusion.
But this system is not only not yoga, it is deceiving about the masters behind, about invincibility and all the rest, it leads no one to the right conclusion.
It is top secret so that nobody should get aware of it, it means, nobody should get aware of the right conclusion.
If for whatever reason you get in there, if there is a relationship, whatever person, it gets lost in TM, all the same. 
You don't know anymore to whom you belong, that means cut off the source.
There was a feeling of marriage, but the husband was gone and if we don't know the husband, why marriage, that was the blunder, it didn't make sense, the source was gone and understanding no more possible. 
If you are in there, you don't even understand the problems anymore, cut off, therefore just meditate, no problem. (that is what they think, in reality you cannot understand it is anymore and you just meditate to feel good).
In reality it means you are cut off the source and don't understand anything anymore and you take that for no problem.
After a while TM you become real stupid, they can do with you what they want.
Being lost, but you don't know that you are lost, you think maybe even that you are enlightened, you go in upward direction pyramid, but you can never reach it.
You don't know where you stand. You don't know who you are, you think it is yoga and you have to hold on to meditation, because there is nothing else anymore you can hold on, because you are lost. There are no answers, only a stupid instruction, meditate and all problems will be solved, everything else is stress only.
All secret, you can be sure you will never know that TM is a pyramid structure and therefore, you never get out of it anymore and you never will get any answer and you will have for the rest of your life to take a mantra and repeat it as the only solution to all your problems. 
As you don't know the source, you cannot understand it. 
The tradition of masters is not real, no teacher ever has thought to his disciples in a pyramid, it is all fake, you believe in the tradition of the masters and the last master, the yogi is not there. It has no value. It is making people believe that it is yoga, a simple technique and that it is only 'good'. 
It is just make believe and in reality it is the worst mind trap. 
It is not true. And you can be certain that after a while you don't understand anything anymore, because you have been brainwashed and you think it is pure knowledge. 
And you can be sure, you will never reach the top and you will never get enlightened, because the background of TM is fooling you. 
A master who leads to enlightenment has to make you aware of the right conclusion. 
But here is everything wrong, you will never get to the right conclusion and therefore, you have no means whatsoever to get enlightened, it is impossible, because for that you would have to get aware that you have been brainwashed and fooled.
And TM made sure, you will not get aware of it.
The top of the pyramid, the leaders claim to be invincible, there is a master relationship, that makes them better than others, what others cannot reach.  
And that was the very thing which didn't work with the leader I was in a relationship with.
Because of the lady he knew ahead of me, after being with her, he thought checking was for marriage only and he said when I asked him to check it, what if he says yes ...?
He was afraid of the consequences and he was not that bright. It didn't come to his mind that the checking could be for another reason.
He was not aware of the pyramid.  
To call that a method of enlightenment, that is a joke. 
Nobody gets enlightened, they just get dependent, controlled, brainwashed, not able to get out of it anymore, lost self-power. 
That is the reason for ups and downs, as long as it is not understood. We have to able to understand it and therefore, TM is not even a means to get equanimity of mind, but in the end effect it is just disturbing, because it doesn't solve our problems, but in the end we have a real problem, we don't understand it anymore and that is the end of everything and most of all, it is the end of equanimity and peace of mind. 

Secondly, do not worry about ups and downs, loss or gain, joy or grief. You are the creator of your own destiny. 

But if we have to deal with a not right path like TM, we will have a problem and that problem is to not be able to understand what we went into and why it didn't work and that is an obstacle in itself, an obstacle to self-realization. 
To be able to be the creator of our own destiny we have to find the right path, on a wrong path will get into troubles and it can take a long time to get out of it and to understand it and that is no means for enlightenment, but it is only an obstacle. 

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