Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Eternal Warfare in the Mind

Ravana sought wealth and gratification of desire by utterly violating the principle of Right Conduct (dharma). He was a scholar par excellence who had mastered the sixty four disciplines of learning; whereas Rama had mastered only thirty two. However Rama put them into practice and thereby digested what he learnt, whereas Ravana failed to digest them. The indigestion arose in the form of desire (kama), which ultimately destroyed him.
While Rama was the Embodiment of Dharma, Ravana remained as the embodiment of kama. Thus, there arose a conflict between Righteousness and the unrighteousness.
Rama transformed Himself into the embodiment of Sathya, following the principle of dharma. This eternal warfare between righteousness and unrighteousness, truth and untruth, exists in the minds of every person. It is your primary duty to follow and practice the twin principles of truth and righteousness and win the game of life.
Baba (thought for the day)
First when focused on the observer it ended in a light that was beyond the body and in the ocean of light. It was not seen as a personal divinity, I didn't know who it was, it was just a light person and between the body and that light person was a blue ribbon and in it was written self.
The energy flow in meditation has as it seems to do with the ability to fully relax and out of the light of the inner self, if someone is disturbing that level of the higher self, by a presence like described here as not right conduct (Dharma), it can disturb that level of relaxation or make that energy flow not possible.  
To understand it on a subtle level in going for self-realization we go for that digested level, all the efforts we do to get there, by meditation and singing and doing good.
If we would meet a person who is by renunciation not able to let go and to make the light seen as the ultimate ocean of light, that personal aspect would disturb the inner view enough to remain a constant problem in the inner energy flow, as it would not be possible for the energy to flow in direction of the light.
The conflict which arises in consciousness is between righteousness and unrighteousness, but it disturbs the ability to relax and to be focused on the light.
In the last months I had experienced in the insight that different people I had know long ago, were dissolved by the light of the higher self. I was not really aware what had happened because I had not been aware that they had been a problem.
But the fact is, that now the energy flow is on a different level and has become stronger and I am not used to it anymore.
This eternal warfare between righteousness and unrighteousness, truth and untruth, exists in the minds of every person. It is your primary duty to follow and practice the twin principles of truth and righteousness and win the game of life.
If this warfare happens in every mind of a person, we follow that practice of truth and righteousness to get there.
The first person disturbing was my first boyfriend, he turned into a Ravana. There had been a promise between us and he manipulated it into something else.
Even if there had been the feeling of self-realization in the air before, afterwards the situation felt disturbed, it was not possible anymore to find the feeling of 'self-realization'. It had turned into a level of conflict between truth and untruth.
There had been a promise given, the manipulation was such that it created a life long problem.
At the same time he didn't let go, he sat in front of my door disturbing the relationship with my family. My mother's pride was hurt and therefore, she was not able to acknowledge the reality of the problem and looked at it avoiding it, behind was attachment. That means it was a problem on body and mind level all life, because the family was involved.
That was the reason that the feeling of self-realization, which had been there first, was no more present afterwards, disturbed by manipulation and I began to look for it. 
The second problem I had met was in the TM structure and the hidden relationships I was not even aware of.
Those relationships came up and by getting aware of it, we also got aware of the hidden problem and by that process it dissolved in the ocean of light.
The result is, if we meditate now we relax more and there seems to be some disturbance gone. Also the disturbance on the relationship level with my ex is gone, he was also disturbance. 
What happened is that the energy flow got stronger, because the obstacles seemed to have vanished. 

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