Friday, April 5, 2013

The higher Self Reflected in every Object

The Lord is the Immanent Power in everything; those who refuse to believe that the image in the mirror (the world) is a reflection of themselves, how can they believe in the Lord, when He is reflected in every object around them?
The moon is reflected in a pot, provided it has water. So too, the Lord can be clearly seen in your heart, provided, you have the water of Love inside it. When the Lord is not reflected in your heart, you cannot say that there is no Lord. It only means that there is no Love within you.
Baba (thought for the day)
His beauty is incredible. He is that beautiful, there is nothing else that matters and if we don't have already the experience of our true self, our true nature, we should observe and wait and want nothing else but 'that' until we get that experience, and we will get if, because if we don't want anything else but that, no other desires, he has to react and be there on a certain point.
It needs patience and perseverance, the two guardians of the Lord. Baba tells if we want to see a VIP, the Lord, we have to be able to pass those two guardians.   
It is about experience, the higher self can only be experienced in the reflection of that reality, in fact, it reflects in itself.

And Baba talks here about that reality being reflected in everything around us, that sounds amazing, doesn't it?
The self is the essence, the core of every object and it gets manifested from inside.
To make the experience we have to be focused on eternal love, it is beyond relativity, because it is true and divine and non-changing.
The light of the self is that strong, as it is never changing, it is behind everything and it includes the level of wanting. A state which is not changing is always full, always the same, it never gets less and therefore, it is that important.
It goes beyond all changing values, it is inside of it and smaller than the smallest and it is outside of it as bigger than the biggest, it envelops the relative object. 
The love we think we know is passing by, it has to be a state of love which is eternal and non-changing.
After we have the experience of the eternal truth, the knowledge about 'that' is constantly growing, because it is transcendental and limitless, it is everywhere and we have to get to the right conclusion.
A Guru has the aim to get us to the right conclusion, because reality it topsy-turvy. He helps us to get to that right conclusion.
It cannot be localized, even though I have seen it a long time only as my own self, it needs knowledge and intellectual reflection to get to the right conclusion that it cannot be only my self, but that it is in its character transcendental and therefore, non-changing and therefore omnipresent, not as experience, but as conclusion. How can we limit it if it is basically the ocean of light. My mind can limit it, because the mind is not able to get that reality, it is too big for the mind.
Therefore, we have the Guru, he knows the higher self.
The characteristic of it is transcendental and non-changing and it is eternal truth and therefore, however it looks due to the mind, however we experience divinity, whatever form it takes, the experience as light and love and beauty, the higher self, that light body experience, is basically for all of us the same, it has no limitations, its character is light and Baba is the ocean of light.
We get aware of our mind in its reflection and we get aware of the limitless and non-changing value.
It is in you, it is in me, it is in everybody and everything.
The question is how to experience it and we get back to the beginning, if we observe and wait and want nothing else but 'that', we have to make the experience of 'that', because it is on the level of reflection.
The non-changing reality of the higher self is called Atman, we also translate it as consciousness, it is always non-changing. If it changes it is not true anymore.
It is all around us, in us, above and below, if we observe and wait and don't want anything else but that, our senses are not disturbed and our senses will focus on 'that' only, and if we pass the two guardians patience an perseverance, it has to react. Atman reacts, reflects and resounds.   
To look in that mirror and to recognize the reflection in it, it is seen in the inner view and to understand 'that', is what we call when the divine reveals itself to us. 
We can be ready for it and we should be ready, that is important, because it seems such a fine level, if we are not ready, if our sense perception is only outward directed, we don't get it. 
You see if we want only 'that' and nothing else and focus only on 'that' in that process we stop having other desires and therefore there is no distraction for the mind and the senses, it is one-pointed focus on 'that'.
Only in the silence of the heart, we can hear the voice of God. (Baba)
The moon is reflected in a pot, provided it has water. So too, the Lord can be clearly seen in your heart, provided, you have the water of Love inside it. When the Lord is not reflected in your heart, you cannot say that there is no Lord. It only means that there is no Love within you.

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