Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The principle of I never changes

In the chapter "The principle of I never changes" Baba tells in the Bhagavad Gita part 2, how to enquire into the nature of the I.
The observer, the I, he calls the master of all possessions, my body, my land, my car, my intellect. The question of I is observer, the subject, the changless entity and the question of mine is about the object experienced. 
It gets to the insight that the I is not that, and not that, he is not the car, not the body, not the mind..., nethy..., nethy..., what left attributless and just watching that is a pure I ongoing reality.
'Men may come, men may go, but I go on forever.'
To recognize the atma tathwa, by process of enquiry we should use three fourth of the time to enquiry and one forth to sadhana (ex. meditation).
He tells not to waste time. 

But with TM was only sadhana, no enquiry, because it was all learnt by heart, people give themselves up to a technique, blindly trusting that it will solve all problems and lead to enlightenment, never getting aware of the danger of blind trust, not getting aware of atman and the difference between the subject and the object, all power given to a technique which becomes a habit, not going beyond the mind, but strengthening the mind, therefore, it leads only to more delusion about reality and their spiritual achievements.
It is all illusion, it doesn't work, it is a wrong path.

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