Tuesday, May 17, 2011

God's power; and the five faults

In the Bhagavad Gita part 2, Abhyasa Yoga, Baba tells the story of Arjuna, who lost his strength, when Krishna left the body.
As long as the divine power was in him, he fought several battles, and when the daiva bala, (the God's power) was lost, he couldn't even protect the ladies.
That is the answer to my question, why Balarama, the brother of Krishna is strong, it is nothing else but the bala daiva, the bala rama, it is the power of inner self. It is the identification with atma swarupa.
When atman is established, it reflects, and that reflection is difficult to understand, it needs the inner identification to understand the reflection.
The mind and the senses are of no help, when they are too strong, the reflection of the atma swarupa is not understood right.
And in the chapter of The Pancha Dosha he explains the five faults, and it is speaking bad words, seeing bad things, doing bad deeds, hearing bad words and thinking bad thoughts. He explains that man has to keep his tongue under control. That is; speaking, seeing, doing, hearing, thinking bad. It is the opposite of what Baba teaches: Do good, bo good, see good, that is the way to God. Baba told ex, he had bad thoughts. But he didn't get aware of it and never of the ongoing battle behind, that leads into Moha and Kroha, Moha is a fire which is never satisfied, it is very dangerous, you can put in anything it is not satisfied and Kroha is anger and the result, and that are the worst obstacles on the spiritual path.
It explains why it had been a terrible mistake.
The Bhagavad Gita is the war between good, pure inner qualities, sattva on one side of the battle, rajas and tamas on the other side. The battle is ongoing in our own body the Kshetra or field. If we don't control bad thoughts and bad deeds, we are on the demoniac side of the battle field, not on the side of Krishna and Arjuna.
I knew that Baba had said ex that he had bad thoughts, but I had no idea in what battle I would get into, opening the door to the demonic side of the battle. That battle is ongoing, it never ends.
He explains the five mistakes, therefore, he made me aware that it was a terrible mistake to get into that.
And there will never be peace possible, because it is an ongoing fight between the uncontrolled sens objects, the identification with body and mind and no control of the Pancha Doshas, no control over the five faults, no control over thoughts and speech, and the other side which is self-control and self-respect.
That is why when he never stopped talking, my whole body hurt, my mind got dull and tired, I had the feeling I couldn't think anymore and finally it resulted in a nervous breakdown.
There was no protection from that, I was in the same car, same house, in the same living space, we lived in a mud hole, as Baba showed it in the dream. What a terrible mistake.
It was all on the level of words, abusive thoughts, bad thoughts. That is the answer, why it was a terrible mistake. Reading the Bhagavad Gita is getting answers.
And being on the side of Krishna is being on the other side of the battle field in that eternal ongoing fight between good and evil, and Balarama is the brother of Krishna. We need more of that strength to be able to fight that battle.

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