Thursday, March 31, 2011

Baba is in Hospital

You cannot see Me, but I am the Light you see by.
You cannot hear Me, but I am the Sound you hear by.
You cannot know Me, but I am the Truth by which you live.

We got today the news that Baba is in the hospital.
My experience in the dream when he was holding up the door and there was nothing behind the door but darkness has a different meaning.
It is just another level I got darshan, it was all in the inner view and not in the body.
I have to look at my travel plans.
Now I feel sick too, I didn't even think in the least days of something like that.
It makes me feel scard and afraid, it is all him. 
Does it mean that I will not see him like in the Darshan I had first row but he was not there? He was at the door, but behind the door it was dark.
It feels desolate.
It seems too late and it feels in the moment like empty and forlorn. 

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