Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Women and Happiness

The women of a country should be happy, healthy and holy. Every woman has a very crucial role to play in their individual uplift and the uplift of their homes and societies around them. 
Young girls and women alike should learn the technique of mental calm, social harmony and contentment with their livelihood. They should also know that joy can be attained only through service to those in need and in distress without any expectation of the benefits that may follow from the kindness shared. They should learn to lay aside the egoism that poisons the service activities. Even those serving for years tend to extol and promote themselves as the founders of institutions and guardians of the poor and needy. The benefit and joy from any act of service is the act itself. The fruit of service is the removal of egoism, not its multiplication.
Baba (thought for the day)

Thinking of young girls first I remembered the school girls sitting nicely and for hours waiting during Baba Darshan. 
That is when Baba told her in the dream, that her father was not knowing what he was doing and destroying himself and if she would go back to him, he would destroy her too. Before he had asked her in the dream if she would like to go to his school, but we had not time and space to even reflect on it afterwards, it was just out of question. Without support and with a hostile father, who didn't know what he was doing, it was not possible to stay and we had no time and room to look at it. I had to go back and begin new, find work and I couldn't leave her alone with Baba, not if I had at least some time to spent with her until she got used to it.
That means she was growing up in the biggest city in our country and she is in competition with all the other pretty girls of this city, they all want to look as good as possible. The weekends she gets out at midnight and comes back in the morning, that is her type of service and that is what youngsters do here.
But she works, but she has definitely not understood the service to her mother, because I have to do about everything for her. 
We tried to do our best to make her understand the value of service and it has an effect, she went into the work process and never asked if it was not good enough for her, she just did it. On that level we noticed the effect. 
Her cousin is studying and never worked and once he said that he will be an banker and get rich, and another cousin too seemed to be very choosy. She was the same age and said to him that working at a bank is just a job and has nothing to do with getting rich. She has much more feeling for reality than others have in her age, that is what we noticed.  
We never complain, we take it as it comes, we are happy and most of time even healthy, but we are not the women of our country and we are not able to influence the women of our country. 

Young girls and women alike should learn the technique of mental calm, social harmony and contentment with their livelihood. They should also know that joy can be attained only through service to those in need and in distress without any expectation of the benefits that may follow from the kindness shared.

I learnt that technique of mental calm, social harmony and contentment with meditation. 
I meditate, I never pray. Meditation is going inside, it is not on the verbal level of duality. 
She went to SSE being a child, but teenager age changed her very fast and she began to feel ashamed of her spiritual past, because it tells that her parents are not quite normal and they are divorced and her father didn't care, there are so many things coming together. 

The future of the world is decided by the ideals implanted by teachers in the minds of young boys and girls entrusted to their care.

Those ideals are somewhere hidden behind that social life we are part of here, which has nothing to do with it. 
The West has not much changed when it is about God, they like science and prefer to talk about things they understand and if every second word is 'God', they usually don't get it. There are so many words we can use to describe divinity, but has it always to be the same?  
Why is wellbeing of women a barometer of the society's wellbeing? What should women do to be happy themselves and spread happiness? 

That means our society is not okay and where are the happy women? 
They would laugh in my face if we would tell them. We are not living in an ideal society and we are not living in India, where the culture dictates that the women are the heart of the family. 
Even though we are also the heart of the family, but we are not aware of it, we are not protected by the family who looks for an ideal husband, we meet all those not ideal husbands and then we go to the ashram and should adapt to what they think is right, we have to face all those men telling us what to do and not to do, single women don't get a room, men do and we don't even dear to look into their eyes, because that is not okay and this is not okay and in our society that doesn't make sense. 
And if we dear to say something they threaten to throw us out of the ashram. But coming back here we have the feeling life stands head, because here everything is different. 
I married that so called devotee, who was neither a father nor a husband later on, because we wanted to go back to the ashram and we couldn't possible get together a room in the ashram without being married and that arranged him, he took advantage of everything, but he never even in the dream intended to put Baba's teaching into practice. 
Just a replacement partner and I just went on, it could have been good look that it would work out finally, but it didn't. 
And after began that self-inquiry to find the reason why it didn't work. 

They should learn to lay aside the egoism that poisons the service activities. Even those serving for years tend to extol and promote themselves as the founders of institutions and guardians of the poor and needy. The benefit and joy from any act of service is the act itself. The fruit of service is the removal of egoism, not its multiplication.

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