Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Grief is Illness and it has to be Cured

If only the culture which is based on the Vedas, and expounded in the Ramayana and the Bhagavatha, is practised with a true understanding of its value, people can ensure for themselves perpetual joy or bliss. The Vedas exhort: Sathyam Vada; Dharmam Chara (Speak the truth; practise righteousness). What is Sathyam and Dharmam? The Ramayana and the Bhagavatha reveal this knowledge through story and example so that anyone, however poor or illiterate they may be, can understand, practice it and benefit by it. 
Grief is the illness; it has to be cured. The medicine is prescribed in the Vedas; it is taught in the scriptures; it has to be discovered and taken in; then the experience of bliss will certainly follow. Of this, there is no doubt.
Baba (thought for the day)

That is the illness which has to be cured. The reason is carelessness and not living Baba's teaching. 
Westerners go to him, take advantage of it, feel good, because he is only love, go on cheating, abusing, lying in his name, to get their desires fulfilled, because they go to him with new age attitude that if we just wish, it will become true. 
It is practically based on a naive concept of wish fulfilling thinking which has no reality in it, based on level confusion and if it doesn't work as they tell it should, we will get the answer, 'can you blame me?' And if it doesn't work out for us and the family, they will tell, that is your karma, your mistake. 
They destroy your life and don't even get aware of it. That is my experience of American devotees going to Baba. 
I have met nothing more foolish than the new age ideas which think they just can wish and think about it and it will be there, not based on reality, the whole thing understood on the wrong level. 
This guy was swearing by everything what was holy to him that it was true and it was not so. 
That is Tamas, upside down, but it is still kind of a shock to realize how people live the opposite of what Baba is teaching and are not aware of it and still think they are Baba devotees. 
The Vedas and holy scriptures teach to rather die and sacrifice for someone else than to cheat, to hold up high other lives and low our own, to always be ready to give and to sacrifice. 
If we go and live Baba's ideal and meet others and find out later on that it was just taking advantage of it, makes everything turn into foolishness. He was thinking all desires will get fulfilled. But only until he had to do a self effort, afterwards he went to his sister's place and she should take care, as he was not able to do it ... 
He is about the worst example of devotee and perverted thinking. He was just taking advantage of it. 
The result is grief, and not healing grief, but it is causing grief.
So we went to Baba and instead of being healed of grief, we walked into it and the result - only grief.
The question is just how that had happened.
It was the side effect of it. It was in the air as perversion. 
He said in his dream that he warns him and that he would not get the right answer in that room, but it went on anyhow.
As it was his dream, it was not possible to end it there. We were in the ashram all thinking that he took care and it was his doing etc.
But it turned into the opposite. With someone who took only advantage of it, it was not anymore about miracles and such stuff, because that was no miracle.  
Whatever, the grief has to be healed and that is part of it. 
We have to go into distance. The nice guy and devotee I had met, the father of my daughter and the person who shared the same interests or path, has long gone long ago. 
He has shown another face in the mean time. But he is capable of making a smile and telling, can you blame me? He is caring a mask not flexible, not able to let go and not able to see what he has done. 
The grief of having to face such reality with Baba, who tells inside in the dream just before he leaves the body, that I should send my ex the bill. I never even said 'yes' to that marriage, because I didn't know. We had to get a new passport and I was pregnant and it was not possible to live in the ashram as family together not being married. It is like East and West hit and forced us to do things, we never would have done otherwise. And it didn't work. 
The foolishness of the Western thinking was too strong to be able the live the wisdom of the East.
He just took advantage of it. He wanted a wife and a career and thought Baba would give. He just needed to ask for it.
He didn't care if it was true, if he would cause grief, in the opposite he said, 'I will be a great husband'. And he is even convinced of it, even if never there, he didn't go the right path, but the path of least effort, he didn't care about his daughter ... he washes his hands in innocence, because we left, because Baba told us to not go back. It is all our mistake in his mind, he is bullshitting us. 
'Of course, if we turn it upside down, I was the person who went to Sai Baba thinking I could just by wish fulfilling thinking get a husband and a job...
That is a joke, because it would never have come to my idea that anyone could go to Sai Baba because of that. If I want a career, I work in my country and if I want self-realization I go to Sai Baba.
But on the relationship level it looked differently, because it seems we had the same level and the same masters, because we were with Baba and he said he was with TM as well, but that was all his former boss. He was with TM and he was the one who was with Baba and that guy just went there, because he didn't find a new job and he thought that way he would stay in touch with his former boss and get the job back in time again.  
If I lose my job I don't go with my ex boss's help to a spiritual master and thinking in doing that I will get the job back... who thinks like that? That it foolish, but not for my ex, he did. He thought in calling his former boss 'friend' he would finally with Baba's help get all he ever wanted.
That is grief and grief has to be healed because it feels like a sickness and to heal that we went to Baba and not to get abused and taking advantage of to get only grief as a result. I don't know how big the grief was when I left, why all was gone with TM getting back. 
It was caused by TM and because the source got lost. That was the problem. 
I had to find the lost source to be able to understand it and I had to follow Sai Baba, the inner master, because I didn't know why the source was gone and how it was gone and how to find it again, I just didn't understand it, that means lost.
It was an awful feeling coming back from India to Zurich and to realize all was gone, but not knowing why. It didn't feel right and we didn't know where to find it and what to do, so we went back to Baba as soon as possible. 
So I met my ex, who took advantage of it. I told him that Baba had asked in the interview room who I was, to whom I belonged and what our relationship was? It seems it looked lost and I didn't know, that was the reflection. The relationship in the past had been lost, but how to know when we are not aware of it? 
But he seized the opportunity and afterwards he said that there was nothing wrong, but I was wrong. 
My life felt upside down. I went into that relationship with Baba asking those questions because I didn't know and I had to find an answer and that guy turned it upside down and said that there was no problem, more or less telling me that I was just too stupid to know.
That was the abusive level something that arranged him, he wanted to keep it finding fault with someone else and not with him.
I guess he realized only after I told him, that there had been really a hidden and lost relationship in the TM movement. That is when I wanted to fly... that was the key. Baba pointed it out inside as 'I wanted to fly. 
That guy felt like a soulmate, but in reality he was the husband, that got lost. The lost husband was the reason I went for the teacher's training and it felt like a 'marriage', but without knowing the husband..., anybody can be soulmate.
When Baba said, 'I wanted to fly', it was his motivation and therefore, my own self. He said, 'I wanted a big house', it was his motivation and that is how I went to the Hare Krishnas. 
The TTC, the TM-teacher's training was not Baba and therefore, it was not my motivation, but I went there to be able to work with that guy - soulmate (who could be everybody). I thought it was important, because of the feeling of soulmate. 
But he didn't tell me it should be French, that means it was all kept secret and he could hide behind TM. Afterwards, we didn't know if we were fooled or tricked into TM, but it was him the motivation and that is how the source got lost. 
Afterwards I went on, but I didn't get any answers and things began to make no sense anymore and it was not clear why and what had happened. That is how the source got lost and if we don't know the source, we cannot understand it. 
It was not only no problem, but a huge problem. 
I began to meditate in Paris and that guy was in the south of France. My motivation was, 'I wanted to fly', that were the siddhis only. It was not my motivation to go on that TTC and teacher's training, that was the 'soulmate' who wanted me to do it and I went because of him and he talking me into it.
I had some contact with that guy not long ago and it came up. He had the attitude that it was not the right time at that time. He didn't take any responsibility for talking me into it, that was TM. He had indirectly created all that and said, not the right time, hiding behind TM, using TM as a shield, but now it should be better and I told him to get lost. TM was all secret, they all could take advantage of it and hide behind it.
With the leader I felt exposed, but it began with the 'soulmate'. 
After I told my ex that there was a lost relationship with TM, I didn't get an answer back, big silence and the rest would be just bullshit anyhow. If we get an answer, it was usually just stupid. After all, it seems truth came up and Baba helped to get the lost source to get up and we can understand it again - after all those years.
The answer of the inner master was that it is all the same with those people, no case. They avoid it, just bullshit answers, they go with the wind, in whatever direction the wind blows, they will adapt. They all just take advantage of it. 

My ex's mother seemed kind of a lost Italien lady in New York, she didn't even speak English really and when they talked it was a mix between English and Italien. I somehow got the feeling that it arranged him because of his family, it was kind of a lost state..., she seemed a foreigner in New York alone and uprooted, the Italien roots gone.
He was not interested in me getting answers and helping me trying to find the answers, he was interested only in not getting answers and keeping that lost state to feel in power. Getting aware of it that felt terribly wrong and ridiculous beyond measure and perverted, it was awful, because it was the opposite of what Baba had said, he was not on Baba's side, but on the opposite side.  
That is the reason for grief, it is like a sickness, and we have to heal it. 
It was not just done and healed and okay again, it was much worse, because it happened in Baba's presence. Even if it was the lost relationship with TM, the guy who thinks, nothing to worry about, we can do it again... What a joke! 
They all don't know what they are doing. 

We go into that because they promise enlightenment and what we find is the worst ignorance of all, much worse than in normal society, they are hiding behind and taking advantage of it on and on.
After we left not yet aware of the sick state of mind of my ex, therefore, I wrote him still in the hope to get it in time. He never changed, he wrote me in his last stay with Baba that he had met a great TM guy, meditating six hours a day and so established, he had some title, I guess (all appearance only) TM intends to create that illusion ... and he said again that there was nothing wrong with TM, it means he said, I had to be wrong. No use to tell him that it was not I, but Baba who said it. It was of no use that I told him that Baba said it, that it was a wrong path. He didn't get it and he was not interested in it, he was just interested in blaming others, so he could feel better.
He was interested in taking power away, it arranged him to be right and we should be wrong, no matter if it was Baba who said it. 
But it was not about right and wrong, it was about reality.  
It was like turning my stomach upside down, hearing that again and again, nothing but bullshit. 
That was the cause for grief, because it was my first interview, it was Baba who said that it is not the right path and that it was very difficult to understand. 
That was in 86 and thirty years later I still get such stupid letters of my ex. Kind of incredible to think that we had been together and even married. It is just a shame. 
He didn't even understand that when Baba tells it is not the right path, for whatever reason, it is not the right path, we just have to find the reason why. He is always right and not wrong. 
Indirectly with that stupid attitude, he put Baba in question and what he had said ..., and that is out of question.
Sai Baba's words help to understand the insights, he is enlightening us ... he makes us see it the right way, it is not a level of right and wrong. That it the wrong level and my ex's mind.
He didn't even get that much of Baba to understand that he reflects reality and that it is not something we can argue about it.
It took all energy away, it was just deathly to have to listen to it ... He knew..., he knew ..., he knew, that is the guy who always tells he knows and he doesn't even get the basics. 
How could it not be grief? It turns into grief that we had been in such a relationship, in such a situation, whatever the reason. 
It cannot be joy ..., it had a too devastating influences on life. 
Only a fool can get together with such a fool. 
It is the source for grief. 

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