Sunday, July 14, 2013

Being the Caretaker and not the Owner

A millionaire pays income tax with tears in his eyes. A Headmaster joyfully gives up the furniture and laboratory appliances of the school when he is transferred to another place. Why? Because the headmaster knows and believes that he is only the caretaker, and is not the owner. They are not attached to these articles, for they know that these belong to the Government.
So too, every one of you must feel that your family, your house, your fields, your car are all the Lord's property.
You are just a trustee and must be ready to give them up without murmur, at a moment's notice. Sacrifice does not mean that you should not attach value to things. You must indeed care for everything.
But remember, that all of them are transient and the joy they give is very trivial and temporary. Know their real worth, do not overestimate them and develop attachment to them.
When we are employed and have a job, we would never think that the business we work for is actually ours, but if we are the owner it is a different matter. 
My parents were the owner of their business and there was pride and attachment, but it didn't feel like that. We didn't know what it was, it was just somehow strange and once there was a precipice in the air, but without analyzing it we don't get aware that precipice means 'pride'.
After my mothers death there was an avalanche in the dream and is the same, without analyzing it we don't get to the insight that it is attachment. And even if I know that it is attachment, it still needs to be understood to be able to see it in the right context and that is a constant growing level of inner awareness.
We have seen and experienced it first in the mind and we need to analyze it to be able to see it in the light of the self.
There were difficulties to understand it right and it was not possible to talk freely to my parents, but it was all on the level of the mind. In following the inner master, we see that he is in dreams and insights and thinking it over we get a different feeling about it, we begin to understand how it really was and we have to fight to the end, it means it has to be analyzed until we are able to see it in the right light to be able to finish the game. 

And after all it will reflect and get clear as insight and we realize why it has been a challenge and deception and for us on the opposed side and why it was impossible to be right earlier.
The light of the higher self will give us all the answers we need, it is a matter of time and the right focus. 
That is what Baba said in today's thought for the day that we should not feel like zeroes, but that we have to become heroes and analyze the deception we have to face and that is just what I am doing here in my blog, because it cannot be analyzed if we don't think about it. 
This is all hidden stuff and it is not just obvious, because we lived a mind reality and now we have to see it in the light of the self and that is different, it is a matter of time, it needs that right focus and time to get to the insight. It has to be analyzed to be understood and to make sense and to be seen in the light of the self. 
We cannot just meditate and all is done, that is an illusion. It makes life easier, but we don't get any answers on that level, it is not about the self and there is no transformation of the mind.  
In analysing we get to the reality of it, the divine level is not obvious, it is hidden.
What felt on the surface level upside down and strange, is seen in a different light when we are able to analyze it, but as Baba also said, Tamas or darkness is very difficult to understand and it is difficult to get out of it. 
Behind the dream of attachment, if we realize why attached and what was the reason, we are able to go beyond the mind reality and it transforms our life into light, because when darkness or the clouds move and go away what we see is the light. 
The same with my ex, there were too many things which didn't make sense, but with Baba's Lila it begins to make sense and the trouble behind has to do with manipulation. If we get aware of it, we understand why it didn't work and why it was a deception or why Baba said in his dream that he lived a dream. If we consider everything in the end we don't have a relationship, but just a dream.
Nevertheless, it has been disturbance, nothing but deception and it turned into obstacles and created only problems on all different levels and we need to know the difference from right and wrong, we have to take right decisions, we have to analyze it and do our best to understand it right to be able to do the right thing. In analyzing it we will be able to understand it right.
As he has no insights and he is too lazy to analyze his life, going the path of least effort, he is dull and inflexible holding on to strange views, not being aware of what he is doing. Whatever is coming in his mind in the moment and whatever is arranging him, he goes for and thinks it is Baba, it is the bad monkey mind, just jumping madly around without any proper focus and he interprets that as the Lord's will, even if it has nothing at all to do with divine reality. It is not possible to count on someone like that and it was real stupid to get into that relationship and into that mind game.
But why it was stupid has again to be realized and that is only possible if we analyze it, we have to know why it is like that to be able to let go and to go on. In the end we realize why it was different than we thought it should be, what was the illusion and what reality and we know our lesson we had to learn. It means we have to do our homework. 
If Baba said that he is the man who is in our dreams to wake us, we have to analyze it until it does make sense and we understand it right and realize the difference from what was wrong and just a dream.
It is not just understood. We understand it first on the mind level and he is never on the mind level and it needs self-inquiry and analyzing the situation until we are able to see it in the right light.
It is not possible to get to his reality without putting it into practice and analyzing it. Truth is always hidden and indirect, it is never obvious and direct and therefore, what we first think it is, that is always direct and on the mind level and we have get to the reality which is indirect and on his level.
It has to get clear somehow and everything else is just wrong understood. It is not just clear and easy, his dreams have to wake us and some dreams take more time to make sense, and if we don't analyze it, they probably never really will, because we don't do the work, we don't put it into practice.
Nothing relative and temporary can be ours, because we are not able to take it with us and if we are identified with it as being the owner, we are attached and that is not helpful, because we have to be able to let go.
Detachment is essential to live in peace and joy.
If we realize that everything belongs to the Lord anyhow, we can relax and it is not such a problem to let go.
It just needs some thinking about it to get to the right conclusion.
We should get real human values, because that we can take with us, it is the treasury which is still available after death. It can transform our life and our Karma, but attachment not and on the relative level there are always two sides, joy and grief. And he reminds us that we have to be ready to give it up without murmur.
That is maybe easier for some than for others.
At the moment of death there will be a big difference if we are able to let go without a murmur or if we are attached and worry about it what will happen to our possessions, it is the moment we will have to face truth.
You are just a trustee and must be ready to give them up without murmur, at a moment's notice. Sacrifice does not mean that you should not attach value to things. You must indeed care for everything.
But remember, that all of them are transient and the joy they give is very trivial and temporary. Know their real worth, do not overestimate them and develop attachment to them

Nothing we can take with us on the relative level , it is just binding if we are attached. 
If we understand the permanent value, we know that everything is transient and trivial and temporary. What is temporary is just passing by. Therefore, he tells us the first step is discrimination between what is lasting and what is not, what is just transient and trivial and temporary and what is real and we have to be careful to not get deceived by our own mind. That is already the second step, it means we have to see it in our own life and the third step means to go on no matter what obstacles will be there.
That is spiritual work or Taps.
We have to find the right values, that has to be permanent and lasting. The reason it is called truth is, because it is always the same and a non-changing level. If we don't do that work, we are deluded and live in an illusion, we see divinity not in our own self, but outside of us and think he will be there, whenever, but he will not be there if it is a dream. He said it once in my ex dream, 'you lived a dream and that is your problem not mine'.
He is present in the reality and in truth, he is not present in the illusion, but he is present in the discrimination, but we have to know the difference from real and unreal. If we don't do what he tells us to do, it will not be his problem, but ours, because we live in the ego and the mind and he tells us nonstop to discriminate and to know the difference.
If we don't do it, it is not his problem, we made the wrong choice and lived the wrong level, that has nothing to do with him, but with our ego. If we think we are the doer and live that level, we also get the result. If we realize that he is the doer, he will get the result. Without discrimination we don't get there.
We just have to think about it to realize the difference to be able to discriminate and find the right answers in our own life.

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