Saturday, July 27, 2013

Witness and Transcendence of Time

There have been many manifestations of the Lord in Bharath. For teachers have to be present where schools are and where children eager to learn are found.
You cannot have the teachers in one place, and the school in another; the blackboard in one place and the bell in another. There are mica mines near Gudur; you cannot ask why they are not found near Peddhapuram. It is so, that is all.
So too in India, there is a rich mine of spirituality and so engineers have to come here to operate it, extract it and prepare it for use. That is the reason why more manifestations of the Lord appear here. The atmosphere here is also conducive for the practical application of new modes and methods of extraction and use for the benefit of all humanity.
Beautiful India, India is a rich mine of spirituality and the West can try and try to get it and they still don't get it.
There are more manifestations of the Lord. And what does he mean with the practical application of new modes and methods of extraction and use for the benefit of all humanity?
Baba is traditional, it is very old knowledge the 'Thou art That.
Today was beautiful weather and I decided to follow an email and to go to a weekend life concert, dynamic meditation for a change.
I have changed. Because some years ago going into dynamic meditation I was that focused on 'not this and not that', 'neti, neti', I couldn't let go. I had learned it was Baba in darshan and was in that time period and it had to come to a conclusion I guess.
I was scared to forget it again, that means I remembered it non-stop and went into that inner freedom, it is the best experience ever. And today I met more people than I have met in the last years all together. People I know from seeing, but I never was open for socializing.
I went and danced and that was the end of it, it was all about going beyond the mind and meditation only.

I said it to a musician driving back with me in the car that I never socialized in the past and therefore, I didn't meet people, only meditation.
What I remember from that time is that incredible feeling, driving back in the open car with loud music after dynamic dance, the wind in the hair and such a fulfilling feeling. What I remember is that it felt like when I had been six years old, before the conditioning of teachers and schools began.   
And I got some answers, the mind comes to a stop when there is not past and no future, but only the presence and that is the real reason why I couldn't get up anymore and also I missed the joy of that presence in dancing.
We always live for the small star in the future and that idea let us go on, but we don't live really.
What we practiced with dynamic meditation is the present and being in the present. It is easier to go beyond mind and body level if the body is involved. That is why the Hare Krishnas are dancing during their Kirtans and that is why TM went into yogic flying because that is on body level.
During Bhajans we have lots of Indians, as it is their culture, it is much easier for them to just witness and to understand it right.
Our national meeting at least half of the people were from India. Baba is totally living that tradition and we in the West have no real knowledge in comparing it with Christianity. That is also the reason why I liked the spiritual rebellion as well, because it is adapted not only to the East, but also to the West, even if it lost its efficiency because it adapted too much to the West.
Remembering the wind in the hair and the freedom of driving back with the radio on through the city after dance, is what I remember after the dynamic meditation. It didn't matter what others think (mind), it didn't matter how old I was (body), it didn't matter at all (relationship), it felt free.
There was no relationship which would have been able to make me stop it.
Usually I came back and dreamt of beautiful flowers, they call it the flowers of enlightenment. Feeling free and like a six year old child is beyond description, beyond sexual attraction in an age where it didn't matter at all yet.
To feel close to people during dancing is great, sharing the beat, sharing the music, enjoying and dancing together, but the faces had changed.
There were lots of new faces and in the joy of enjoying together the beat is  sharing, we knew lots of people and that is how the city opened up, it feels integrated and at home.
In our center are always the same people, they don't change and we have no new comers.
That means today I recognized why I don't feel motivated to move at all anymore, because of the future gone. The present is better.
We live the romance in the music, it is a love story if it is in the present and when I hear the sound of the wind, it talks of that, it is just presence. 
The small star of my father in the picture after he died shows a mind reality. We always live for the future only directed by past experiences and we don't know how to live in the present. Past and future are the mind, only the present is Atman.
I love the sound of the wind, there is that silence. As it was very hot, it will change, tomorrow evening it gets stormy and not as sunny as it was today. I hear the soft sound of a car passing by, even that feels different.
That is why he said I should stop dancing, because I connected it with the 'not this and not that', not the body and not the mind, just witness.
But I was that occupied to constantly thinking not this and not that, it was not possible to socialize, I was in constant meditation.
That has changed and I let go, and I realized how easy it is to know them, they know each other after ten minutes. Only I am able to not know anybody after ten years. I guess I was the only one who was not socializing. Whatever it was why it was not possible, it has changed.
With all that knowledge I got from dancing and using the body to transcend, I went different into Bhajans, it was a question about going beyond the mind. People project 'ABC, always be careful' on the wrong level, it is on the socializing level and that is why they don't get to an experience of freedom.
That is just what I always get as conclusion, the West has not enough knowledge to understand it right.
They project it on the mind level and into socializing, not knowing the difference between socializing and staying inside alone and just being in the presence. As they base it on socializing they think it is about family

The wind is moving the dry leaves on the floor around and it makes that sound, it feels like he is playing with the wind. It is about 'I am that' and his presence in that sound. 
There is that tenderness in the air, and that we know from Baba's presence and Darshan, I guess it is about fulfillment and it feels like overflowing and silence and it is spirituality in the air. 
In the beginning the transcendence is only a glimpse, but in time it gets more and that is just what this is, the conclusion of a time period on the worldly level and on the spiritual level it is transcendence of time. 

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