Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Skill of Balancing vs. Perpetuum Mobile

When you learn to ride a bicycle, you do not get the skill of balancing immediately. You push the cycle along to a safe and open ground, hop and skip, leaning now and then on one side and another, and make many an attempt to get the balance. Once you get the skill, you never even think or worry about balancing. You automatically make the necessary adjustments. You can now ride through narrow streets and lanes, and even through crowded alleys – you no longer need the large, safe, open ground!
So too, practice alone will equip you with deep concentration, that will sustain you even in your most difficult situation. Hence, do not get discouraged that you are not able to concentrate on prayer or meditation for long. It is just the start!
Baba (thought for the day)
If we need answers, for whatever reason, we don't question if we like it.
The question is how to look at it and the joy in it is to know it. It is that kind of skill and inside balancing the mind into a state of no question.
TM is a perpetuum mobile based on illusion. The source gets lost by just mechanical repetition of the mantra and by meditating they think it solves all problems but it is just making the source get lost and because they give up searching and they cannot find it, everything secret, they go on meditating and cutting of the source.
It is based on deception, a perpetuum mobile, either no problems or all problems, whatever.
They look only at the sunny side, no problems and don't talk of the shade, only problems. Behind is room for everything, heaven on earth and getting sick and hell, but for sure no answers.You just go on in your own perpetuum mobile hoping that it will work out and if for any reason it will not, it means you will be damned to search for answers, because hell opened up and the opposite, but there will still not be an answer, it is just no more heaven on earth, but the opposite.
Sounds tempting, doesn't it?
Not long ago I was in contact to a TM teacher I knew in the beginning and with him I got into it. And I told him that there was nothing more boring than a TM-teacher. I know it is not very nice to tell that, but I had that much problems with their blind believe in that perpetuum mobile that it is difficult to be nice. I cannot take to even feel it, because I don't believe in it. I believe in being aware of the perpetuum mobile, but if we live it on that level, we are also boring.
I know someone who actually resembles whom, myself. We look somehow the same, because we are both devotees and he seems to have the type of problems the catholic priests have.
I went into dynamic meditation with the dancing Buddhas instead of singing Bhajans, because I didn't want to be caught in that perpetuum mobile of no way out, but it was also no solution, because some of the leading people, as they cannot live with it, they actually adapt to the mind and it is no more spiritual.
They are not aware of it at all.
No problems and the end of the search, that is it what attracted more men into TM than women, because on that level they can do whatever they like and women will never be in power, because it is an intellectual path, if we cut off the source, it makes them feel free, but they are also alone, most of them.
No search, purely subjective only.
It is a state of meditation to keep that inner balance, but if it is on the level of TM, just a perpetuum mobile, it is nothing but boring. Knowing that is purely subjective means not getting lost in it, but being aware of it.
With TM we got lost in it, with Baba we get aware of it.
It cannot be the aim that we live it mechanically. If it is mechanical there is no more sharing. 

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