Friday, March 29, 2013

Psychic and Dreams

The bodies of the objects, higher and lower, seen in dream are created out of the substance of the mind alone. Even if a hard brick wall or an object of granite that you see in dream is made up of your own mind.
The mind is regarded, generally, as ethereal and non-physical. How is it then that you see 'physical' objects in dream when they are manufactured out of mind alone?
You can hit your head against a dream wall; you can break your nose in the dream if you fall on a granite stone. How is it possible if it is psychic only?
So, the distinction between matter and psyche is ultimately not sustainable on a generalisation of principle.
You do not know what really it is. In this state it, the mind here called a Devata, manufactures various forms and enjoys its objects of sense, laughs, dances, and sometimes cries. 
What we observe is the activity of the mind, but what is behind the mind, nobody can see. The director of the Drama is always invisible. You see only the dramatic performance. There is some secret operating force which seems to be behind the activities of the mind. That is never observed by anyone. You enjoy the pleasures of dream and suffer the sorrows of dream, but you cannot see what is the cause of the dream itself. The mind cannot go back behind itself or climb on its own shoulders, so to say. It can only project itself outwardly in space and time, even in dream, as it does in waking.
It tells me that my dreams, Baba or not, are in the essence psychic, it means in the dream the desires get fulfilled.
When my ex had a dream and Baba said to him that he lived a dream and that was his problem not Baba's, he said that he needed a Psychic and that he will give.
I never knew what was meant with psychic, because there was no level of awareness and such a disturbance level of not being able to change or look at things a real way, between him an me, it was not possible to get aware of anything, but that it got worse and worse and that we had to stop that downward direction some way or other, before someone would get killed or would be destroyed otherwise.  
This text in the Upanishad is more or less the confirmation of it.
It means in other words, he didn't get the wife as in his dream, but he got the psychic and that was also Baba's Lila, because that is what he needed.
But he cannot live with it. He tried with all means to ignore reality and even if there are many ways and different people and Baba himself who told him in his dream, he goes on living his stupid dream and was able after all to tell again that his friend said divorce was not possible. 
I answered that he couldn't get married in that case, because he had been divorced already before and if it was not possible, he was still married to his former wife.
Moreover, there was the reality coming up that I never said yes, as I tried to understand those inside pictures and as it seems it is about that psychic level.
It is a fulfillment of desires in the dream and also a certain information. If I see between us the green light of the heart chakra I know it is a love relationship, the color is not only fulfillment of desires, but also information.
The color in my brother was an ugly brown redish and it said on what level that was, root chakra and downwards and that my own brother. It felt like incest and I saw myself nacked and stoned with black dirt.
That is not my own mind fulfilling desires, but the reflection of the reality, and the inner master said that he did the worst he can do, that reflected on that psychic insight level. It was a confirmation.
The director of the Drama is always invisible.
He is the level of the director, therefore, my ex got a psychic, because he needed it, whatever the reason.
I am tired to find out for him, because he never gets it anyhow. 
He goes on blaming and finding faults, so what is the use?
I have given up in trying to make him understand his own dreams, it seems impossible. Maybe it needs a third person telling him, otherwise, he doesn't get it.  
For sure that husband, wife relationship he had in mind was 'not that' and he dreamt that already about twenty years ago and still doesn't get it. That is the mind of my ex.
It was never a husband and wife thing.
I went into that relationship because Baba took the letter and because I had to get answers and that on the psychic level, it was not about being his wife. I never could say 'yes' anyhow.
This is the confirmation that everything is okay as it was, only it looks that different from the dream level of my ex, he cannot accept it. After all it was anyhow Baba's Lila only with a different purpose and it would have ended more peacefully if that guy would have been able to be a bit more open minded.

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