Thursday, March 21, 2013

Blurred through Exhaustion

Pay attention to your physical health. Satisfy the demands of Nature. Otherwise your head would reel and your eyes might get blurred through exhaustion. The car must be given the fuel it needs, is it not?
Maintain your body well as an instrument for a higher purpose. How can the thoughts of the Lord be stabilized in a weak frame? A road roller is fed with oil, coal and other types of fuel. But why is it fed and well-maintained? In order to lay and mend the road, is it not?
So too be careful not to forget the purpose of this body, even as you tend to it. Never forget that you have been gifted this body, so you might realize the Lord and end the cycle of birth and death.
Baba (thought for the day)
Actually, my eyes feel quite often blurred, but sometimes it just needs some more time to get there.
I went always in direction of the higher self and there was a time it was projected, because I thought they had the same purpose and they looked like 'that'.

We know the ideal is in three words 'I am that' and begin to see who is 'that' and who not and who just pretend to be it, all those past TM connections get divorced and even shot down, the inner self knows how to get aware of stupidity and how to make a difference, it sets limitations which TM made impossible to set. 
The level of appearance is around us, but when looking at the reflection, because Atman (consciousness) reacts, reflects and resounds, truth gets revealed. It can reflect only what is real and not something else.
We can change the mind, we can project, but not on the level of reflection, it always will show truth, it is an exact mirror of reality.
If we just watch we get to that reflection and when I go in direction of the higher self it was always in that direction, because the higher self was itself a reflection as light in the dream. Going in direction of the higher self is in direction of the reflection and by doing it and practicing we learn to understand it. The light of the self is the reality of reflection.
That is certainly what we believe in and it is just a question of understanding it right and being able to absorb it.
During the time when Baba left the body, there was a reflection of a statue put in stone in a desert and that reflection is difficult, it shows that it was different and not what we think how it should be. 
Divinity is not the form and he always said that he is not the body, but people anyhow projected the divine power into the form and made a difference between him and them and they put him on a pedestal and adored him.
He also said that his body belongs to us.
That statue in the desert was the inner view and what we had made out of him. That is the reflection and therefore, there was a reaction, it was the reality of people and the same reality was reflected in the last years that he was in the wheelchair.
Atman is the reflection of the reality we experienced, we should look at it and understand it right.
It is not his will, it is divine will, but his body is the reflection of that divine will and it includes us and our own Karma as well, it is not just him, but it is oneness between him and his devotees and even everybody else if we see it on an universal level.
It is not just his will, but our will too, the question is only if we understand it right or if we put him on the pedestal and see ourselves as different from it.
If my Karma would not be still active, my life would be all different. It is the Karma behind what made the Lila as it is.
He is the guiding light showing the way and he is that light reflecting in the self and it is able to discriminate between the people who are on the level of 'I am that' and therefore, real and all those who pretend to be on that level and are not, it is the observer which is discriminating out of itself.
All those people I know from TM have been rejected by the higher self, because they are either stupid or pretending to be something which is not real or something else than they really are and it was not possible to set limitations during that time, so the limitations are set now.
They are no friends and they think they do only good and it is the opposite.
Therefore, the light of the higher self is more discriminating and today we are able to understand the difference and we don't get taken in by projection as easily as we did before.
In that light the higher self is able in the inner view to shot down someone, who is not on the right level and by itself to correct the situation. 
The power of the higher self has improved and that is invincible in its nature and not that produced invincibility made by a yogi and a master who was only present for some as 'personal staff' and therefore, they are different from others and seem to be chosen to be the leaders and for all others he was not present and making puppets out of people.
That is not invincibility, it is fooling people and controlling them, making with them what he wanted, because they are ignorant enough to believe in it. Once he was asked if the Christ was suffering on the cross and he answered, if he suffered, he could not be able to respect him.
That answer said that he didn't respect us, because we would all have suffered not being on that level. He was not considered about the individual, if he spoke about enlightenment it was on the world level and only on the big scale and people were just a means to get there, if they got lost in that process or not, that was not his concern, they were anyhow ignorant ... did it matter if they became puppets?  
To Baba it mattered, he said once that if he would let devotees repeat the teaching by heart, he would make puppets out of them and he would never have done that.

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