Friday, March 29, 2013

Now, the Reflection and topsy-turvy

"I know what it is. It is that what you see in a reflection."
Now, this is a difficult passage to understand.
What is it that you see in a reflection? You see things topsy-turvy. You do not see things properly. Suppose you see your face in a mirror, you see something wrong there. Your right ear looks like the left ear and the left ear looks like the right ear. There is a complete reversal of the original in the reflection. Now, in this Ādarśa; Puruṣha, or the reflected being, there is no reality inasmuch as there is a complete topsy-turvy perception, and therefore you cannot say it is connected, really, with the original.
This happens in our daily perceptions with the objects. We do not see things in their original capacity. When you see an object outside, you do not see it in its original form. The archetype of the object is not visible. The archetype, as the philosopher Plato would tell you, is in the heaven. It is not here in the physical world. What you see is only a shadow that is cast by the original.
I went to Baba because I couldn't understand the reflection. It was reflection which had to do with the hidden TM reality, everything was secret and therefore, we had no prove for it. Everything was just based on blieving it and not in knowing. All scientific research which lead People in the West into the wrong feeling that it was proven and scientific, was just like a make-up reality deceiving the mind, because it had always to do with the fact that the absolute reality was real and not the relative, but it never went into the matter of background and reflection of truth at all. For that the source had to be known and that source is in the higher self.

Therefore, the reflection didn't make sense and I could look at it as I wanted, it still didn't make sense, it means the outside believe and what we lived didn't correspond to the reflected reality.
I never met something more difficult to understand, because first I had to get aware of the reflection in itself and the topsy-turvy reality in it to be able to understand it and only afterwards I had to get aware somehow of the background to be able to know why it is reflected and after we had understood the reflection in the right light of being, it means it made sense in that light, we had to see why in the case TM it was distorded and why it didn't correspond to the reality it should have reflected.
We had to not only find the shadow reality, but also the mistake in that shadow reality and why it was not a right path. Do you wonder why I am tired?
There was a time when I realized I could turn around and around in vain and it felt not only tired, but it felt exhausted. 

The distorting factors are the space-time-causal connections, due to which a difference is established between the subject and the object.In every act of perception, when we see an object, we are seeing a distorted form of it, whether it is a human being that you see or any other object. It is distorted because of the fact that it is turned upside down. You see the top as the bottom and the bottom as the top and the right as the left, etc.
Now, you cling to this just as if it is an ultimate value by itself. Why do you cling to objects in spite of the fact that they are reflections? Do you want to cling to a reflection or do you want the original? We want the original, but we cannot see the difference between the original and the reflection. 

But it was not so much about the object involved as reflection, but the reality reflected. It was about the reality and understanding it and not about the object of reflection, but first we have to understand how reflection happens before we can understand the 'strangeness' and 'non-sense' in that reflected reality. It was not so much about attachment to the reflection, it was about the reality of it and by that it is about the difference between dream and reality.  

Our sense perceive the objects as real, but what we look at is the reflected reality and it is not real. But the reflection we see inside as mirror is the reflection of truth, but also that looks topsy-turvy.

The love of life is responsible for the clinging that we evince in respect of objects which are completely distorted and are not going to promise any satisfaction to us.
If we are clinging to objects it will not give any satisfaction to us and the reason is love of life, therefore, if we go for love itself we can get to the source of the problem, but we have to realize the difference between subject and object anyhow.

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