Friday, March 8, 2013

Love transcends the ego

If there is a boil on the body, we put some ointment on it and cover it with a bandage until the whole wound heals. If you do not apply the ointment and tie a bandage around this boil, it is likely to become septic and can cause greater harm later on. Now and then we will have to clean it with water, apply the ointment again and put on a new bandage.
In the same way, in our life, there is this boil which has come up in our body in the form of 'I, I, I..'. If you want to really cure this boil, you will have to wash it every day with the waters of love, apply the ointment of faith on it and tie the bandage of humility around it.
The bandage of humility, the ointment of faith, and the waters of love will cure the disease that has erupted with this boil of 'I.'
Baba (thought for the day)
How to get rid of body consciousness?
During the time as meditation teacher when people came into the door we asked them to sit down and meditate and we didn't allow them to talk or socialize. If we wouldn't have done that, there were some they just wanted to talk and empty their mind and that would have destroyed the energy. 
All those problems in our mind come up in the body with the I, it is based on body identification and if we want to cure it, we wash it with the waters of love, because pure love transcends the ego.
Faith gives us the strength to trust into a higher level of energy which will solve all problems.   
And humility is the trust that he will take care of it.
It is the same, there is only one difference and it was in the source. 
If we know the source, we can understand it and if we don't know the source, we think we do understand it, but we cannot understand it.
The boil Baba talks here about it is body consciousness and on the level of the 'I am that', the universal 'I' it is a principle.
If we just meditate and are not aware of divinity and the universal 'I' we can get lost in it and the source gets lost. If the source is kept secret it is quite the same, it cannot be understood.
I liked the example of churning the milk in the process of identifying the butter. 
To identify the butter is getting aware of the source and realizing the 'I am that'.

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