Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Stuck with wrong Beliefs

The world is building itself upon the sandy foundation of the sensory world.
Like the monkey which could not pull its hand out of the narrow necked pot, because it first held in its grasp a handful of groundnuts which the pot contained, people are suffering today.
They are unwilling to release their hold on the handful of pleasurable things they have grasped from the world. When people do not place faith in the Self, but pursue their senses alone, the danger signal is up!
People are stuck with the wrong belief that the accumulation of material possessions will endow them with joy and peace. Divine Love alone can give you everlasting joy. Divine Love alone will remove anger, envy and hatred.
Baba (thought for the day)
That is why I follow his inner Lila, hoping that the hand will not get stuck in the narrow necked pot, we have to be able of letting go the groundnuts the pot is containing.
We have to get detached to be able to let go. To whatever we are holding on it will be a reason that the hand cannot get out of the pot.
Yesterday came the reality up with my mother and my parent's house. She refused to understand my problem when I was not even eighteen.
And I still don't understand it. She had to save my father and that means she did everything to make it look good. She saved it for our memory. She was afraid that he will fall down if she would give him up, but for me that was codependency and not saving someone.
Nothing was allowed, nothing was okay and I never understood it. There was a precipice, it means pride, but I don't know why she was pride and attached, because she worked that hard to keep it okay and accepted. She became very controlling with age and I just didn't get it. 
I had the feeling I never understood her and I still don't. 
There are always details and it is difficult to get it together. 
I never understood her motivation to save him, probably also to save him for us that we should not be ashamed, but somehow it resulted in the opposite I guess. We are ashamed because she had to do that.
An avalanche was in the dream after her death, it means attachment. Also something to understand and bit by bits it comes up. 
And because he was the problem we have to behave. It was all about right behaviour and nothing was tolerated. 
The constant inner struggle to understand it. I guess, I just didn't get it. It felt like after all no mother at all, father anyhow not, I mean of course, they existed but not in the role of mother and father, but it mirrored as concentration camp.
Home was no home and we left and it felt upside down and it was not understood. 
Baba tells he gave problems with the mother that we went to him, certainly if it would have been easier, I probably would not have gone. It helps to see it positively. 
There was always fear, nights waking up in fear, feeling of being home was gone.
I didn't get it, what was wrong with them. The inside mirror was, he was a nazi and the family in the concentration camp. But also that has to be understood, because in reality he didn't look like a nazi and we didn't feel like concentration camp. 
It was possible to be in Baba's presence without fear, in my own parent's house fear was in the air even thought after having been in his divine presence for months, it somehow didn't change and it probably could because she was attached. 
turn nuts.
Like the monkey which could not pull its hand out of the narrow necked pot, because it first held in its grasp a handful of groundnuts which the pot contained, people are suffering today.
If we churned the milk enough and it tunes into butter.
When people do not place faith in the Self, but pursue their senses alone, the danger signal is up!
People are stuck with the wrong belief that the accumulation of material possessions will endow them with joy and peace. Divine Love alone can give you everlasting joy. Divine Love alone will remove anger, envy and hatred.

That was certainly the case, because she tried on that level to save him. It had to look good. And because they had a big house in the end she saved the situation.  

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