Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Experience of Oneness

"Sacrifice ignorance (ajnana) and ego (ahamkara) at the altar of wisdom (Jnana), and install righteousness(Dharma) therein" - this is the message of the scriptures. Every single unselfish act, which prepares the ground for the merging of the Soul with the Over-Soul, which broadens the vision towards the Divinity immanent everywhere, is a righteous act. Each such act is a tiny stream that swells the river of holiness rushing towards the sea of knowledge of Divinity. Your acts and activities are all rituals in the worship of the Paramatma that pervades the Universe. Whatever is done in an attitude of dedication and surrender is a component of the Dharma, which leads to Realisation. The strategy of the ancient Bharathiya (Indian) way of life is directed towards the sanctification of every moment and every word, thought and deed as a step towards realising the Divine. 

If we have to sacrifice ignorance and ego at the altar of wisdom, we also have to consider that righteousness, right action and therefore Dharma is without ignorance and without ego. If there is wisdom, ignorance and ego are not, and if there is ignorance and ego, there is no wisdom.
It is the message of the scriptures, the message of Veda, the old holy traditions. If he refers to the scriptures it is like we do to science, it is the authority and always true and in the scriptures it is in many ways confirmed by great masters and it cannot be mistaken. The Atmic principle is in the scriptures, it is therefore always the same, what is good news for us, it doesn't change and Swami is the embodiment of it, the living truth of that reality.

 "Sacrifice ignorance (ajnana) and ego (ahamkara) at the altar of wisdom (Jnana), and install righteousness(Dharma) therein" - this is the message of the scriptures.
Every single unselfish act, which prepares the ground for the merging of the Soul with the Over-Soul, which broadens the vision towards the Divinity immanent everywhere, is a righteous act.

We can see that with those unselfish acts the ground gets prepared for the merging of the soul with the over-soul, it broadens the vision toward the immanent divine that is everywhere and therefore, when it is about preparing the ground for the merging of the soul with the over-soul it is a righteous act.
It is not that obvious and that easy to know if a duty is a right action or not. If it is a sacrifice of ignorance and ego it is always a righteous act. 
It is not possible to merge with the over-soul if there is selfishness, it would keep us in the mind and the body, because going beyond the body and the mind is being selfless. It is not possible to merge if we are not selfless.
Selfishness and ego are identified with the body, only if we go beyond the body we can be selfless.
And if we sacrifice the ego and ignorance at the altar of wisdom, we prepare also the ground for merging of the soul with the over-soul. It is selfless and going beyond the body and the mind, thus it results in right action.
I first had an experience with the higher self in the dream stage, it was love, beauty and light and it was a light body and the body was sleeping and between the light and the body was a gap and in that gap was a blue ribbon and in it was written, ‘self’. It was actually a great experience. It was wholehearted responded and there was no other choice than answering it like that and there was later a feeling of longing. That day the Hare Krishnas came to my work place and they sold book.
That is how I got to know the Bhagavad Gita and Bhagavatam and I began to read it but it was difficult to understand. I had a totally different notion of divinity, but I also liked it and I began to visit their temples to get more answers or insights.
Today I know that experience was in the dream stage and it needs therefore an insight answer. It was soon clear that we have to make the experience, it was not possible to be communicated on the verbal level.
We had to go for the experience and at that time we still thought it would go fast, but as I noticed soon it was not just answered and it took time.
We renounced everything and that is how I met my own frustration, it was not possible to go for it and I was looking for an easier way to sacrifice everything and the ego and ignorance and still no answers to my dream stage level.
It seemed at the inside close and near, but on the outside it was not and it was not possible to talk about it.
I thought it was probably not the right path, with Krishna it was about merging of the soul with the over-soul, but that was new. I was looking first to know more about the higher self and the soul and not about how to merge it with the over-soul. And that merging with the over-soul was very difficult to understand and that all are the same One only.
I didn't like to only cook and I had no attention to only eat.
I was days and days in fasts and always eating was for me a burden. I liked always fasting and to be bloated by too much food was out of question and on those big feasts it was always somehow ending like that.
It seemed to me that they did nothing but cooking and if someone had to use the toilet during cooking, he had to take a shower and change sari and there lots of time and effort in that idea of purity and that I didn’t like as well, it felt like too much. But it was also a good feeling and we enjoyed it, we were not aware of it.
They served Krishna and in return he took care of them, it was light and simple but high quality living we needed not that much and after a while I began to enjoy it. It was like getting rid of that entire luggage, we needed not to live that comfortable and I enjoyed it after all because the simple life style had also something beautiful in it.
To get closer to that dream stage reality I began with meditation in Paris to get more in the inside and only many years later the man who is in our dreams to awake us, the inner master said, ‘you have been with the Hare Krishnas, so you have served me before'. 
That is how I got aware of it and in the meantime we know what it means when the over-soul has to merge with the soul.

Each such act is a tiny stream that swells the river of holiness rushing towards the sea of knowledge of Divinity. Your acts and activities are all rituals in the worship of the Paramatma that pervades the Universe.
Whatever is done in an attitude of dedication and surrender is a component of the Dharma, which leads to Realisation. The strategy of the ancient Bharathiya (Indian) way of life is directed towards the sanctification of every moment and every word, thought and deed as a step towards realising the Divine. 

It was the spirit of worshipping the Paramatma that pervades the universe. It was a service to all, but it was new for me. It was an attitude of surrender and that leads to self-realization as Baba is telling us here and that is what I wanted, I just didn’t understand the oneness in it and that we are all one.
Swami said, he is the man who comes in our dream to awake us. We get answers on that level, but nobody can tell it to us, we have to listen and by listening to his words, it reflects in our own self, it is a mirror and by doing we get aware of it.
We don’t get it on a verbal level and to get into contemplation was also not that easy to get into. It is inner view, inner seeing and the man in our dream who is there to awake us, will give a dream, but we still have to be in contemplation to get the right picture of it.
In the dream stage we had a different way of seeing things, we see it and it reflects. It is not done with the mind and with our thought process. We have to see it and that is reflected, it is communicated by inner view.    

The strategy of the ancient Bharathiya (Indian) way of life is directed towards the sanctification of every moment and every word, thought and deed as a step towards realising the Divine. 

That experience reflects how the soul can merge with the over-soul. It was just difficult to understand. In the dream stage was the higher self, how it could be one with the over-soul that somehow was not in my focus, I wanted to know more about the higher self, that they are one that is another reality. It was all about preparing the ground for the soul to merge with the over-soul. And it is not understood on the verbal level, it is on the experience level, the verbal level helps to know what we are doing, but without experience we cannot know it. 

Your acts and activities are all rituals in the worship of the Paramatma that pervades the Universe. Whatever is done in an attitude of dedication and surrender is a component of the Dharma, which leads to Realisation. The strategy of the ancient Bharathiya (Indian) way of life is directed towards the sanctification of every moment and every word, thought and deed as a step towards realising the Divine. 

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