Monday, September 9, 2013

Disperse the Clouds in Training the Mind

The Sun is up in the sky during the day. It is the passing clouds that hide it from your vision sometimes, is it not?
Similarly, the sensory world is the cloud that hides the Divine (Atma), ever shining in the firmament of your heart. The same mind that gathers the clouds also has the capability to disperse them in an instant! The wind gathers the clouds from all quarters and renders the sky dark. Sometimes, in a few moments, the same wind can change the direction and send the clouds in a scurry to wherever they came from! Then, the Sun becomes visible. So your mind is all powerful. Train it to disperse the clouds, not to gather them. Every aspirant must accomplish this training of their minds by following rigorous and systematic discipline.
Baba (thought for the day)
The metaphor of the sun is the light of the higher self and the clouds are related to everything passing by. Mind is all what is relative, what has not lasting value and it is about desires, because they have no lasting value and that includes thoughts of money and riches and rich friends. It is hiding the sun from our vision, if we focus on that, we cannot see the sun.
The sun is the higher self and everything else is passing by. It is the screen. Without that light we are not be able to see anything. 
Everything around us is the sensory world and we cannot see the Divine, it is what we don't see. We can see it shine in the heart, but only if we live focused on the heart qualities and not the mind.
But if we understand it, the mind can disperse the clouds and the sun becomes visible. It is possible if we focus on the eternal values and not on all that which is just passing by. If we focus only at the clouds, it will just get always darker, more clouds.
We had been living in Portland and in waking up one morning I noticed in the inner view that there were lots of dark clouds and they even seemed black and it looked like it was heading into a bad storm. 
But at that time I was not yet aware of the inner view and how much that inside level is directing our real life. Everything else at the surface was just passing by, but the sun was gone, there was no sunshine anymore and it was all dark.
I guess it tells me today being more familiar with the inner view that the mind had taken that much over that it just got worse and worse and on a certain level it would result in a storm. 
In the mean time it is kind of clear that the state of is thinking about the past and related to the future. And the future is just like a tiny small star. 
The picture was in the dream after my father died and he had to tell me something in the dream. It felt very sad, because there was also a strong bridge he had built during his life time, but in that last moment of death he couldn't reach it anymore. 
A long time I didn't understand the inner vision, it was overloaded by sadness and I had to get answers and I spoke about it when we met in the family. As mother had come back after his death from Spain we met more often, but she avoided it, somehow I didn't even get a feedback. All others said something, only her not. 
I hoped to get some kind of feeling about it, just the idea of it. She could have said that he had a depression and that it was because of that all dark probably and he couldn't get out of it and that in time I will certainly know. That would have been the type of answer we expect from a mother. 
It would have been no problem and totally normal, but it was not like that. In fact, I didn't get any answer. She avoided it and I noticed after about ten years that I still didn't get a feedback yet from her side and that she didn't answer and that was strange. 
From the others yes, whatever they said, but it was somehow a kind of reaction, only from her side it was not.
It felt like something was wrong. 
After I noticed that I wouldn't get from her side a feedback or a comforting word about it, just about that dream of my father and that sadness about it, at that time I was doing in inner child workshop and he said inside, that it was right. There are so many ways we can look at it and so many levels of therapy work, that he confirmed it that it was right, but I expected it to be great and easy because it was right and it was the opposite. 
I maybe thought I would get another job like that, because he had said before that I should do therapy work. I went to Osho and I went into dynamic meditation, because I was tired of it and I didn't get any answers. 
It was all different than I thought. I hoped to get problems solved, hoped to get right insights and fell into a kind of a burnout, not even able anymore to walk steps or to carry something, that heavy it felt when reality hit. 
That is when I realized that everything was upside down. It was not as we thought it was, it was the opposite. 
That hit and now I wanted to know it for sure and I noticed I didn't get an answer and more things didn't make sense and it began to pile up. After my mother came back, she lived mostly at my sister's place and after a while it felt like only troubles. 
The vision in the dream was about mobbing, the mother in the middle of it, it went from one to the other and after that family meeting I had the feeling it drove me nearly nuts, my daughter left beforehand and went home, she just took the bus and I was glad I could focus on Baba, otherwise, it would have been real bad - that was mobbing. 

Focused on Baba, I looked at it as an obstacle and I had to go on no matter what, and I had to take it as usual, but it was really bad. 
I was glad to be focused on Baba and hoped that in time we will be able to see.
After I had written it down in a letter, I had sent it to her. But if I hoped for a better response, it was wrong. She didn't talk to me, but it seems to the youngest brother, that was for sure not the right person, because he has only problems. I guess she was complaining, as usual, what she was used to non-stop about the father and I said to her once after coming back from India that I don't want to hear it and that it was not my concern. 
She talked always about him behind his back, always complaining, making something else out of it, as she did now with the brother about that letter, it seems to be like a mirror. What would have been important to me and just normal, to get a simple feedback of what she was thinking about it, was all in vain. 
The younger brother interpreted it wrong and said if I would not leave her alone he would come with a lawyer. I said that he must be joking because it was only about a dream. In the mean time I know it is the mind reality which is shown like that in the inner vision, the darkness is past and the far away star is the future. 
That is how we get aware of it and go on no matter what obstacles are coming up. Therefore, it was not about the light being far, as I thought first, but it was about the fact that he didn't get out of it and that there would have been a bridge he had build, but it was of no help and use in that last moment and at the end of his life.
Atman and divinity is present in the now, it is presence. 
The mind is past and future. 
If we know that, we can disperse the clouds, but if we don't know and live only for desires which we hope to get fulfilled in the future, we live a mind reality. 
Our mind can only be all powerful, if we transform it into an instrument of discrimination. If we live the passing by values and a dream, we just gather clouds. 
The sun and the clouds are a metaphor between light and darkness to help to understand it, to make that difference, because in reality we live in world where everything is mixed and we have to be able to separate it. 
Baba words tell us that we should accomplish the training of the mind by following rigorous and systematic discipline. First we have to know what discipline, before we are ready to follow it rigorously and systematically. If it is not right understood, we will not go into a discipline and even less do it in a rigorous and systematic manner.
The sun is compared to a non-changing reality and whatever is changing is compared to the clouds, but what we have to reach is that non-changing reality in our own self. That is only possible if we focus on the non-changing value in the mind, we reach the higher self only if we go beyond the mind. 
Whatever our thoughts about money, worldly desires, that keeps us on the level of the mind, therefore, Baba always talks about ceiling of desires. 
But even if he tells it on and on, there are still some who think it is the opposite. The level of self-contentment is not reached by more desires, but by focus on the self and ceiling of desires. 
We cannot take a penny with us and therefore, all that focus on money has no real value, it is of no help, it creates only obstacles. 
Only if we reach the eternal value we find the real treasury, it is transformed into good character and it remains as good Karma and it is lasting, therefore, it is called divine.  
The level of character is that level, which doesn't get lost. 
Focus on money all life and not even the reward that it was useful or that it was the best, nothing left of it, no value at all. 
It is just time waste, thinking all life about something which has no value.
That was the same with our relationship, if it is just time and energy and life waste, in the end we get nothing, not even the satisfaction that we have done our best ... 
But if we listen to Baba's words and find a way to see it in our own life and go on no matter what obstacles will be there, we get to the right answer and we are able to be in touch with him inside. 
If we listen to Baba's words, it means first discrimination and afterwards, we have to think it over and see it in our own life and to be able to absorb it, we have take it as it comes and go on no matter what obstacles are there. We are not the doer, he is the doer. 
If we are listening carefully and thinking it over, it transforms into wisdom and teaching.

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