Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Love-Incarnate, will Reveal Himself

The Dual or Non-dual approach to Divinity (Dwaitha or Adwaitha) are not distinct; they are stages of mental transformation. The fruit is the same; the sun and soil make it ripen through the intermediate stages of raw, tender and mature fruit. The day you realise that the Lord's address is as specified in the Gita: "Ishwarah sarva bhutanam, hriddese, Arjuna Thishthati (O Arjuna, the Lord is in the heart of every being)", that day you would have truly attained Him! 
To realize the Lord in every being, you must cultivate love and drive out the bats of hate, envy and malice that infest the dark caverns of your heart. Let the light of Love illumine your thoughts, your words, your activities, your movements and your judgements. When you are transmuted into love in this manner, the Lord, who is Love-Incarnate, will reveal Himself to you.
Baba (thought for the day)

In fact in my experience total non-dualism is not understood at all, at least not here. 
Dwaita or duality is the first step to get to the experience of oneness. In our every day life we live in multiplicity and we first have to get to the concept of duality to be able to merge and therefore, he calls it here the same.
If we do not have had an experience of unity experience, we don't know what it is.
The mind cannot grasp it, because it is the experience of the heart. 
I wonder what I imagined when I met in the ashram a so called devotee who said I belonged to him. 
Today knowing that it was the wrong answer and it had nothing to do with him at all, I wonder how he could just stand there and tell me, he knew, because that it the way he could take advantage of it. 
But I know what I hoped for and that feels kind of funny. I hoped for a friend or a man, whatever. 
I hoped for someone who would try to get the answers with me, I had to get, because I had to get answers. 
He said he had money, and I thought, great I don't have to worry about it and we can be more often in the ashram and as it turned out it was the opposite. 
The first time my mother met him she said, you will see, for that guy you will have to work one day. I was taken aback, because it was Baba behind, I thought and therefore kind of holy. Holy bullshit ... My mother was right. 
Coming back I was working with an American lawyer and there was a lady working and I guess she would have liked to know about the father of the child, because we were alone here. 
I worked seventy percent and after the older partner retired I lost the job. It was always like that being a single mother and not being able to work full-time. She noticed that the father of the daughter never asked how she was and he never came to look for the family or his daughter, she said, this guy is not a man. And she was right. 
He was really in no way a man. 
For sure he was not even aware that I would have done about anything to stay in the US because of my family here, to get away from it, but I couldn't if Baba said that he is stupid, that he doesn't know what he is doing and that he is destroying himself and if we would go back to him, he would destroy the child as well. 
It was just not possible to go back and it was not a question of US or not, it had just go for the best for her. 
He went to his sister's place and she could take care and he never asked how we were, because he didn't want to know so he didn't have to feel bad or take some responsibility.
It was after that work had ended, I got the papers for a divorce agreement and I took it with me, we went to India to Baba because the daughter had to change school and we were not sure which school.
That is when we met and he signed after all. 
I would have been happy for her if she could have gone to Swami's school, but that was not even an option anymore with that guy, because he was not present, he didn't exist.
My family meant only problems or I brought the background up to get the patterns and they don't like it that I asked questions and that I was not just happy with superficial level as they would have liked to see it. 
To realize the Lord in every being, you must cultivate love and drive out the bats of hate, envy and malice that infest the dark caverns of your heart. Let the light of Love illumine your thoughts, your words, your activities, your movements and your judgements. 
But it was kind of a nice time at the beginning in the ashram as long as that dream lasted. And it was kind of sad that my mother was right. And the fact that he lived in the US made it easier for him, because he had an excuse, he said, if we would have been there, he would have seen the daughter more often. 
My daughter said that she cannot call him dad, because she doesn't know him. She looks at his picture and wonders who that guy is. 
She said this week, because he had birthday and I told her to send him at least greetings and she said, that she looks at him and wonders that he should be her Dad?
Every guy could be her dad, because he has not been present. 
He didn't worry about her or us, he never asked how we were doing, I guess he didn't wanted to know out of fear that he would have to do something and he was never present at all. 
For her feeling she has no dad, because he has not been present. 
That time when she was born in the ashram is a long time ago and in the beginning it was still nice, but it changed very fast.

I was meditating regularly and we worked for TM, when the insights began. It was inner view and with TM I didn't know what to do about it, 'just meditate' was not the answer. 
It was kind of very difficult to not get any answer, but to still think that we did the right thing. One day I got a bit vibuthi, holy ash, I put it on my tongue before meditation. 
There was a fine feeling which went down in direction of the heart and it transformed into love and it felt like it became always more love until there was a small form in the heart, God.
All the other insights didn't make sense, but that was amazing and afterwards it was clear I would go to Baba, because it was Baba vibuthi. 
And I thought he would send me back to being a TM-teacher and was kind of surprised to be in the first Baba interview and he said, TM is not the right path. 
In the mean time it took that much effort and inquiry and thinking it over and over to understand the background and the insights, of course, it was not a right path, because we don't get any answers. If we just meditate, we don't get answers to the insights. 
We have to do more, we have to think it over to get the answers. 
It was an amazing experience that first interview. In the dream he had filled out my body like a glove, but coming back here was hard, because everything was gone. 
I had been quite happy as TM-teacher and it felt fulfilling, I loved the big courses and my boy-friend was the national leader of the Swiss TM-movement.
I said to Baba that my friend was with the Maharishi and I was with him and he asked, who is your friend, is Maharishi your friend or is your friend with Maharishi? And that is how I knew I didn't know and that all was upside down and that is Tamas and very difficult to understand and all that I didn't know yet at that time.
I came back and everything was gone. 
Family went to Spain, boyfriend back to TM and I questioned my spiritual path and would have liked to do everything else but not what I did. Why was it not just like for all others, going on teaching TM, being happy? But that didn't work, there were too many insights and I had to get answers. 
But that so called 'friend' I had met with Baba was even worse as it seems, he was for sure no friend as well and he took only advantage of it. And even if I would have done about anything to stay in the US, it was not possible. 

To realize the Lord in every being, you must cultivate love and drive out the bats of hate, envy and malice that infest the dark caverns of your heart. Let the light of Love illumine your thoughts, your words, your activities, your movements and your judgements. When you are transmuted into love in this manner, the Lord, who is Love-Incarnate, will reveal Himself to you.
The men I have met with a spiritual background were I don't know what, no father, no men. From the first step getting aware that he is inside the heart to the realization that he is in every heart, seems to be a long way. 
The insight was on another level. During meditation in Ooty I opened my eyes and there was Baba, it was after Darshan, he had come back and I had not noticed it. 
In the moment I opened my eyes, they fell on him and I was still in meditation and above him in the air was 'I am that'. 
It was kind of amazing, but it felt like closing eyes and going on meditating. I thought that all had the same thought and in that meditation state I was not even surprised that it was not possible really and that it was therefore the level of Darshan. 
I was during meditation, I was not thinking, neither reflecting on it and therefore, I got aware of it only much later. 
We had in that week three interviews with the group and that was amazing and it was a beautiful time afterwards. 
Baba was there and looking a very long time in my eyes until I wondered, what is he searching? After that thought came up in my mind, he turned his eyes away, it was about searching.
That is how who we got aware that he is always searching. He said later during a yagya, I am searching, I was searching and always will be searching for a real devotee.
During that time in the ashram with him I was a lot meditating, whenever I waited for him to come I had the eyes closes. Waking up in the morning I was still regularly meditating before getting up. I always woke up the first one if shed or room or whatever and when all the others were still asleep I meditated and went usually in the bathroom before the others. One day a devotee said, that I had to always be the first one. That was kind of strange, because I was not even aware of it. It was the consequence because of my meditation, I was aware when the others would wake up and therefore, I went so the others had more room afterwards.
That is how we think if we are in the mind, she was comparing to the others and I was kind of surprised because it never had even come into my mind that I wanted to be the first one.
We had been good friends before, but afterwards not anymore. 
I couldn't share with her my life at all.
Of course, the Lord is in every heart, but to realize it that is not easy. Only before Baba left the body, he said 'engaged' inside and in that inner view we were 'two devotees' and the same 'I am that'. That is how I got aware that 'I am that' as well, before I had seen it only in Baba. 
Afterwards I went to Prasanthi and during singing it was in the air above another devotee, an Indian lady, she was permanent in the ashram and I had never even spoken with her. I just knew her from seeing and it was also 'I am that' in the air. As I knew from the inner view that I was the same as well, it expanded from her to all the singers. 
And with the brothers and sisters it was again different, because he said, take care of your brother and I thought it was my worldly brother and all that family background came up and that is how we finally realize that our real brothers and sisters are only when it is possible to get answers. 
During our study circle last week was good energy in the air. 
But just before I got an ugly SMS from my brother, during the study circle in the memory it was present as abuse.
Before he left the body Baba was in my dream as two Babas, one was the insight and the next is the following step. 
As I cannot be on that 'abuse' level, I told them that 'I don't belong to them', to make a break. 
It was not possible to just keep silent. It is a difference if it is only one person or if it is a group. 
If it is only one person, it is somehow clear, but when it feels like all turn into abuse, it turns on another level. It means 'he is that - all are that', on that level it is not anymore possible without setting limitations.
And when it is present as inner vision, it is no question anymore, it has like reached another dimension. 
Before I was maybe thinking about it, but it is not a brother level, because brother is devotion. 
If he tells take care of your 'brother' the 'abuse' level is for sure no devotion and therefore, not a real brother. It is time and energy waste. Taking care of the brother is on a devotee level. 
It is important to know, we have to use discrimination. 
As he had always problems, I worried about him, but the result is 'abuse' and good to know, because it is not what is meant with 'take care of your brother'.  
It is about another level, it is about being devotee and we have to keep good company to realize divinity in all hearts.
One vision of 'abuse' is enough. It is the same with my ex, after Baba said that he just took advantage of it, it is done. 
I would never ever consider such a relationship as okay again..., he had that opportunity and that is how he has used it. 
We don't make the same mistake twice ..., we would be real stupid if we would do that.
We can only realize divinity if we are in good company. 
I guess on the level of family they are considered as close by, but that is illusion and therefore, we have to actually be able to discriminate between right and wrong brothers. 
It is about right discrimination.

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