Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Joy is in Doing, not in the Result

Your duty (Karma) has to be done righteously (in dharma). Those dominated by ignorance (Thamas) do their duty solely for the sake of the fruits thereof and they resort to all sorts of subterfuges in order to gain the results they desire. For this category of people, the end justifies the means. 
Those dominated by passion (Rajas) are proud and pompous, and boast that they are the doers, the benefactors and the experiencers. Those dominated by qualities of calm serenity (Sathwa) do their duties regardless of the fruits thereof and leave the result to the Lord. They will not worry whether it leads to success or failure, ever conscious of their duties and never of their rights. As a matter of fact, there is more joy in the actual doing, than in the result that accrues. This attitude must be the experience of every true seeker.
Baba (thought for the day)
If we listen carefully to Baba's words, what is needed to understand it, he tells us, if we are fruit directed or work for a result, we are dominated by ignorance (Tamas). We do the duty only for the sake to gain the result we desire. 
It means to understand it we have to think about the difference between Tamas, darkness, ignorance and Rajas, movement, activity and passion and Sathva, light, purity and knowledge. 
Your duty (Karma) has to be done righteously (in dharma). Those dominated by ignorance (Thamas) do their duty solely for the sake of the fruits thereof and they resort to all sorts of subterfuges in order to gain the results they desire. For this category of people, the end justifies the means.

It doesn't mean because we do our duty or see it as 'duty' it is sathvic and righteously done in Dharma, we can also do our duty for the sake of the fruits thereof and in order to gain the results we desire. 
Discrimination is needed to know the difference between duty in the sense of Dharma and duty for the sake of the fruits we want to gain, when the end justifies the means. 

Those dominated by passion (Rajas) are proud and pompous, and boast that they are the doers, the benefactors and the experiencers.
If it is Rajo guna we will be pompous and proud, thinking we are the doers, we have done and therefore, we are the benefactors and the experiencers. Those state of minds feel quite normal to us, if we are used to thinking that we are the doers, we will ask, why should we not be the benefactors and experiencers as well?
We get to the reality that he is the doer and to the fact that we don't know how to understand it, how to switch from what felt normal to us till now and now it is not okay anymore and thinking that in reality - he is the doer. 
Those dominated by qualities of calm serenity (Sathwa) do their duties regardless of the fruits thereof and leave the result to the Lord. They will not worry whether it leads to success or failure, ever conscious of their duties and never of their rights. As a matter of fact, there is more joy in the actual doing, than in the result that accrues. This attitude must be the experience of every true seeker.
And here we have the right way to do it with calm serenity and doing our duties regardless of the fruits, we leave it to the Lord. 
But it is not that easy to not worry if it will lead to success or failure and just going on doing our duty and we don't ask about rights. 
But of course we can put it into question, because it would not be honest, if we just think we are calm and serene, but we are in reality not at all. 
It is a skill to reach the point where we don't worry about success or failure and just go on, no matter what. 
The kind of joy has to be experienced first in the actual doing it and also we can only get aware of it that there is more joy in that than in the result that accrues, if we have actually done it. 
To get to the right experience we have to practice. 

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