Thursday, May 9, 2013

Melting of Feelings and Realization

The thirst for worldly goods can never be allayed; trying to satisfy it makes it only more acute. Thirst can never be quenched by drinking salt water, which is the objective world.
Human desire is illimitable, without end.
It makes you pursue the mirage in the desert, it makes you build castles in the air, it breeds discontent and despair once you succumb to it.
But develop thirst (thrishna) for Krishna, and you will discover the cool spring of bliss within you. The name of Krishna makes you strong and steady, it is sweet and sustaining. Whoever has the thirst, Krishna will quench it; whoever calls on Him in the agony of that thirst, Krishna, the rain-cloud, will answer that call and appear.
Baba (thought for the day) 

In that context it seems interesting to see the combination of some feelings together and to see where it leads. The text is from P. Yogananda. If we put some feelings together, it is like a chemical labor, we get a third product out of it. 

Attachment to material objects result in tragedy or accidents, but if we go in direction of spiritual inclinations, we can get to realization.
Spiritual thirst as Baba mentioned in that thought for the day, the thirst for Krishna together with peace of mind will result in bliss.
Selfishness and egotism create greed and attachment to material things, (whirlpool and avalanche in the inner view.)
But it we put selfishness in the awareness of a higher self and recognize it in others, the spiritual horizon will expand and lead to spiritual insights.

Ambition together with the desire to make money will result in selfishness and discontent. But ambition together with real compassion for others results in a higher level of selfishness which will bring lasting joy - a selfishness which is in reality selfless, because there is joy to serve others.

Human desire is illimitable, without end.

It makes you pursue the mirage in the desert, it makes you build castles in the air, it breeds discontent and despair once you succumb to it.

Anger can be violent or be tempered by reason. It usually arises if the own interest or the interest of another gets injured.
The chemical mixture of violent anger and egotism or self-interest can cause an emotional outburst, which can degenerate into violence or hysteria (in the inner sight present as volcano). Anger together with greed or excessive sense-enjoyment creates satiety and indifference, (pride is an abyss in the inner view.)
If anger serves a proper cause and a duty, some things in the world can change and turn into good. 

Hatred for the sin (error, delusion) in connection with indifference results in contempt by which we harm others and ourselves.
But if we hate the sin and match it with compassion, which tries to avoid actions which harm others, it results in self-control. But if there is hate for the sinner, we are dropped or fall down in God's eyes.
Deep inner peace and controlled sense enjoyment result in self-control. Obsession together with sense-enjoyment results in insatiable desires, (desires are seen as a storm in the inner view).
Each emotion taken separately leads to a certain limited result.
If combined with other qualities, it can lead to the highest spiritual realization. The higher feelings can be developed with practice.

But develop thirst (thrishna) for Krishna, and you will discover the cool spring of bliss within you. The name of Krishna makes you strong and steady, it is sweet and sustaining. Whoever has the thirst, Krishna will quench it; whoever calls on Him in the agony of that thirst, Krishna, the rain-cloud, will answer that call and appear.

If they are taken separately, it will produce normally nothing but conflicts and contradictory, relative human experience of liking and disliking, pleasure and pain, etc.
Only if melted together, they create higher feelings, which lead to self-realization. I guess that melting happens when we direct it towards divinity.

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