Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Sound of OM

If you have the ear, you can hear 'Om' in every sound announcing to you the Lord's presence. The bell in temples is intended to convey the 'Om' as the symbol of the Omnipresent God. When the bell sounds, the Godhead within you will awaken and you will be aware of His Presence.
The jeevi (individual soul) has come in with a dress (body), like a pilgrim on a visit to a holy place. The jeevi must have a guide who will show the sacred spots and help fulfil the pilgrimage.
That guide is the Lord Himself and the guide books are the Vedas, Upanishads and other scriptures. The essence of the scriptures lies in this one rule: Repeat the name of the Lord, keeping His Glow always before the mind.
Baba (thought for the day)
It said that in the right ear it is easier to hear the ocean of the OM and there are some meditations focused on getting aware of that sound, because is we are able to hear it, we hear God. This is an awakening in on the subtlest level of the ear and if we meditate for a long time, we can hear the bell.
Last night I didn't hear any of that, no ocean and no bell ringing, my stomach was in troubles and there was the impression, that it would not get okay, so bad it felt.
When I am able to write, it has already improved again, but otherwise, it feels like not able to move. If health is not as we would like it to be, it is sometimes like some kind of small death, like an impression of it.
That happens sometimes when it feels not okay and one day it will be real.
But these are not exactly the moments when we hear the ocean or the bell in the inside ear. 
I think about Baba who left the body and said in that very moment, when he left, no more husband, nothing left but an empty Western shoe.
And the inner vision showed some old worn out brown man shoes.
He was in an inside sharing and it woke me up scared, because we knew in the heart, not in the mind, that he had left. In the mind we still hoped it would not be so.
It was all inside in consciousness.
When I feel that bad I get worried, because there is nothing, but some heavy load and I don't know where that comes from, for sure not because of some inside contact and inner conversation with him.
It feels that scary sometimes, going through ups and downs and inner fears, not knowing where to find him in that very moment.

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