Friday, May 3, 2013

He is the Force, I am the Instrument

So long as you have a trace of ego in you, you cannot see the Lord clearly. Ego is the curtain which even noble saints ask the Lord to remove from their minds. Egoism will be destroyed, if you constantly tell yourself, "Ït is He, not I". "He is the force, I am but the instrument." 
Keep His Name always on the tongue, contemplate His glory whenever you see or hear anything beautiful or grand; see in everyone the Lord Himself. Do not talk ill of others, see only good in them. 
Welcome every chance to help, console and to encourage others along the spiritual path. Be humble. Never become proud of your wealth, status, authority, learning or caste. Dedicate all your physical possessions, mental skills and intellectual attainments to the service of the Lord and His Glory.
Baba (thought for the day)

Today I feel just sick. My daughter wanted the key for the car she spoke about it already a few days ago. She doesn't know driving yet tells me her friend knows driving and I don't know her.
And I told her that doesn't work, I don't know her friend and she is just beginning with driving, will have her first driving lesson next Monday. 
She came back late it was nearly eleven and began to misbehave. 
I told her no use, I would not give her the key even if it was because of her bad behavior. Than she said she would just take it. 
She was screaming, shouting, breaking glasses, throwing things around. As it was not possible to talk to her, she screamed just her head out as loud as she could, I went in my room and had to lock the door, she came also there and began to bang things around. 
I called the police and they said that it would get serious if they would come, therefore, I should call again if she doesn't stop and gets violent. I told her and she creamed once more what stupid mother I was to call the police, but then she stopped. 
I have the key with me and the replacement key and the center key and will go there after work, for sure not back. I don't know at what time they go out but usually late and I also don't know how much they drink. 
I feel not only exhausted, but like I would have been drunk yesterday. 
I am so tired of that. We live like that since she became a teenager, ten years now. 
She doesn't take a no for a no and thinks she can get it by force. 
If there would be any of that teaching in her, she just would accept, because it is not meant to be. 

Welcome every chance to help, console and to encourage others along the spiritual path. Be humble. Never become proud of your wealth, status, authority, learning or caste. Dedicate all your physical possessions, mental skills and intellectual attainments to the service of the Lord and His Glory.
When I read that we should welcome every chance to help, console and to encourage others along the spiritual path, I don't get it. There is no one. Since we came here there is nobody here, only for singing Bhajans, but the problems are not solved. That means nobody there to talk common sense to her, it just doesn't exist. 

Dedicate all your physical possessions, mental skills and intellectual attainments to the service of the Lord and His Glory.

No response means no response. If someone tells that business belongs to the lord, he should also take care of the Lord's business, but we are used to that. On the level of talking we are all devotees, but not on the level of action.  

Welcome every chance to help, console and to encourage others along the spiritual path.

I guess anyone who is the spirit of the 'I am that' could fit in that picture and it means someone who is actually living it and not just thinking he is. 
'I am that' is Baba, that transcendental reality. It is not business. It was TM who said it was only about getting on a levels of all possibilities and being unlimited an all levels, it makes it look very simple. The 'I am that' is the higher self, it is on the level of Atman and it reflects in the observer. 
It is not just a level of infinity, it is reflection. Atman reacts, reflects and resounds. 
To get aware of that reflection is getting in touch with the Lord, it is not just unlimited. We can be focused on the unlimited state thinking we will get the experience of him in the end, watch very carefully, get rid of the ego, that means being unlimited and finally get to the reflection Atman in the observer of 'I am that'.
It has to be realized. 
And even if the observer reflects the light of the higher self after that waiting and going in the direction of it, in the end it still has to be realized. It is not just there and understood.
There are three levels, the first is sath, that is the basic experience of Atman that reflects and after we have chith, that is like going to school getting the knowledge. It is like learning a new language, only it is the language of the sublime Atman. And if we are able to understand the experiences and integrate it in life. And if that is done, there will be bliss, it is the sweet fruit of sath-chith-ananda.
I have to find a way to move out.

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