Friday, July 17, 2015

Righteous Path and Divine Omnipotence

Police and law-makers can defeat only external foes; they have no power to destroy internal enemies. They will find the task impossible, for they are not the authorities for that. The internal foes, six enemies(arishadvarga) that operate within a person, can be uprooted only with the teachings of great saints, love for God, and the company of the noble and holy. The world suffers harm at the hands of wicked people when the law-makers responsible for apprehending thieves themselves become entangled with them. Equally, the world becomes enveloped in darker ignorance when righteousness(dharma) is destroyed and those contemplating on the Brahmanincessantly and the 'great' spiritual aspirants give up the path of well-being of the world and become victims of sense enjoyment or ambition to earn name and fame. Then suffering will increase every single day. The whole world will bask in peace and joy only when everyone — leaders of countries and spiritual aspirants alike — realize the righteous path and ponder the omnipotence of the Lord.

We had a great center evening last night even though because of too many people in vacations there was only one person attending the study circle and that it too little, so I will make summer holiday and begin only midst of August again.

It is amazing getting aware that it is the same and that there is no difference, that means the same feeling no matter what. I was enjoying the memory of the same, not the same activity, but the same feeling.

Police and law-makers can defeat only external foes; they have no power to destroy internal enemies. They will find the task impossible, for they are not the authorities for that. The internal foes, six enemies(arishadvarga) that operate within a person, can be uprooted only with the teachings of great saints, love for God, and the company of the noble and holy.

I was surprised after an interview with Swami years ago when I was talking with a young woman, she had a son and she wanted him to attend Baba's school, but she felt like my sister, no difference, she was the same. We had been in that same interview with Baba and she spoke about her son, she was an alone educating mother and she would have liked her son in Baba's school.
But the feeling of no difference with my own family and that she felt that strongly like my own sister, that was startling. She felt so totally like my sister and the whole interview like a family meeting at lunch around the big table of my own family. There was no difference on the feeling level between the times with family and how I felt after the interview with Swami.
It was not possible to make a difference between my family and that devotee and she felt like my sister. It was Baba's presence and it felt that strong, that the difference of home was gone and present in people I didn't know before.
Last week was a feeling present, memory of sitting in my room at home and it felt totally the same, undisturbed the way it was in my parent's house, they were usually outdoors in the business at work. There was no pain that the place is no more, no pain that the parents are no more, as it is the same.  
Now the same happened again and during that center evening and during our singing I remembered the that time and how I had been simultaneously translating tapes in the past or thirty years ago and the same.
We wonder how that is possible as it had been thirty years ago and that is a long time ago and it is not the same type of activity, during that time it was about meditation and now we were singing Bhajans and still it was the same, no difference on the feeling level.

The world suffers harm at the hands of wicked people when the law-makers responsible for apprehending thieves themselves become entangled with them. Equally, the world becomes enveloped in darker ignorance when righteousness(dharma) is destroyed and those contemplating on the Brahman incessantly and the 'great' spiritual aspirants give up the path of well-being of the world and become victims of sense enjoyment or ambition to earn name and fame.

He is telling us here if we are no more incessantly contemplating on Brahman and as 'great' spiritual aspirants give up the path of well-being of the world and live only for our own sense enjoyment or ambition to earn name and fame, it will get even darker ignorance, because right action is destroyed and we become victims of sense enjoyment or ambition.  
That time with me ex felt in a sense like that and it was not possible to do that work with the meditation anymore and it had been for the well-being of the world.
So in that sense it was just and only about sense enjoyment, no deeper meaning.
Going into Montessori we tried to find the meaning again the well-being of the world, but it didn't work really or it was already too late.
The work for the well-being of the world seemed impossible and not the way it had been before, engaged in constant activity with lectures, meditation checking and initiations, center evenings and meditators weekends and it seemed lost, not to be replaced ever and in that sense it was also not replaced, it is not the same spiritual activity, but it is the same feeling and that is wonderful.
Our path is the path of well-being of the world. We are not interested in only sense enjoyment or ambitions to earn name and fame.

Then suffering will increase every single day. The whole world will bask in peace and joy only when everyone — leaders of countries and spiritual aspirants alike — realize the righteous path and ponder the omnipotence of the Lord

It was kind of difficult knowing how it is to be on the path of well-being for the world as we had already experienced it. It didn't even come to my mind that it would be still the same, that is what he said and now I see the yogi behind, telling me – don't worry it is the same, you will be okay.
It was painful to not find it and not know how to ever get there on that path of well-being of the world and the mind didn't see a way, it was lost and gone and no more and now I was sitting in Bhajans and realized that it was the same, different activity, different people, even different practice, it was only about meditation before, but it is Veda and it is still the same and even if it is for us about devotion and not about a mediation technique anymore and nevertheless, it feels the same. It is astonishing.
Realizing that nothing gets lost even what we thought lost for always didn't get lost, is an incredible insight.
I am still stunned about that feeling that it is the same. It didn't even come to my mind that it could be the same on that level, I thought he said it because they wanted to keep me back and it felt like that. In fact, they knew I would leave as there was that criminal in the air standing above his head. It was too long time ago and it couldn't be okay again, when trust it lost, it was gone.
When he said it is the same, he was telling me indirectly that I will find it again.
But it never came to my thoughts that it  could be the same on that level the same.
Yogis are our friends and when he said that it is the same, it is not because it is the same path, but because it is the same feeling and it was kind of difficult to get that insight after all. Only now I see the recognizing assurance, when he said it and that it was like, just go ahead you will be fine. And we had no idea how long time it would go until we get there realizing that it is the same and what and why it is the same, that we still have to think over for some time to come I guess. It is the same feeling, no difference inside, even if outside everything seems to be totally different.


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