Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Avalanche, the Whirlpool and the Precipice

Sparks From The Divine Anvil

If we get aware of the man who comes in our dreams to wake us and have had the experience of Baba dreams, we somehow get alert and watch inside what happens and it is nearly to expect that we understand it not that right in the beginning, because we know, dreams cannot be understood on the mind level, we have to look at it a different way to get to the right answer.
That inner view reflects what is present, it is closer to truth than the mind ever can be. To know the difference between mind and what we think it is or what it should be that it arranges the mind and our lifestyle to be able to understand the reality of reflection ... that are two different levels of awareness.
One assumes to be right and to not have to look at anything at all, but what is already there and the other knows, only 'He' knows and therefore, we have to go on searching for it, if ever answered it will be by his grace only. There is no other way we can get that level of insight or knowledge out of the higher self, but to go on and practice until we will be able to understand it right. And we know, if we don't put it into practice - we will never know. And that part in us asks, how can I do the best to put it into practice?
I had that experience of the avalanche and the precipice and as it seems also the whirlpool and I don't care about making the experience of the 'vulcano', because we know what it does to the environment and that it results in a catastrophe.

But I had the calamity to see that avalanche after the death of my mother in the dream, but only after listening to Baba and getting aware of the meaning it began to make sense.
I tried since years or it seems nearly all my life to understand my mother and it was somehow not possible. I thought I understood her, but there was a strange feeling of emptiness always after a visit, I couldn't find myself in it and the feeling I had before in my childhood - just being home or mother at home ..., whatever that was, it just was not there. Maybe if we go and visit our mother and get back once with a feeling of emptiness, we know it was not too good and it will be better next time. But in our case it was repeated that often, that it felt like a problem and I would have liked to know why, but there was no answer.
To know that the answer was reflected in my dream as avalanche and it means I had to listen to Baba first and to understand it, to get the meaning.
How does an avalanche feel? It is real dangerous, because if we are in it, we have hardly any chance to survive. We get buried in show and ice and it is like swallowing up everything in the environment.
I saw that avalanche and it missed me by little, but I was not in it, but I was scared of it.
What is that avalanche, what is attachment and how does it feel, what was she attached to that it felt always like empty after a visit? Whatever that was, it was dangerous and as we can think, we had to be constantly at our guard to not be at the wrong place and wrong time just there, were the avalanche came down. If we have an avalanche warning we are not allowed to go in that region, because we are in life danger. It is a mind conditioning and it was impossible to get closer to it. I always went into distance to feel okay. To know and understand the influence it had on my life, as it was in my mother it was quite present and it was not possible to live comfortably with it, the insight about it is still growing, whatever it is, it doesn't change, but it is a lesson to understand the mind and why attachment, a lesson I am working at. 
And there was the precipice, but it was not in the dream, but it was in the air. It was during a family gathering I was sitting at my mother's side and we spoke about the neighborhood and an old connection of mine in that neighborhood and in the air was a precipice. Now she knew that neighborhood better than I did, she lived there all her life until retirement, afterwards they went to Spain. She spoke about a neighbor who had died and he lived just in front of our house and he had been an old friend of mine who ended up as trouble maker and she refused to see it.
That was the precipice, it is rooted in pride and it was not possible to reach her on the other side of it.
I had to do with the neighborhood and her avoiding to see it as it really was, I guess due to pride. Whenever I said that he was disturbing in the neighborhood, she made either fun of it or answered, you should not and that was real disturbing to me, because she was my mother and it means I couldn't reach my mother anymore.
About the neighbor was in the dream that it was 'manipulation only'. I was in the ashram that it was in the dream, he was a 'scorpion' who wanted to stitch my hand with his deathly poison. It was clear, that was not a good Intention and I was not aware of it, I saw him in the neighborhood as cancer and therefore, I didn't understand it, but he was just no friend, but the opposite and I had never really spoken to him and couldn't therefore get aware of it, because I was scared of the neighborhood or my parents. But that was probably just the reason, he seemed aware of it and that was the result of that manipulation, whatever it was, it was not good.
That is how we integrate the dream insights in our understanding, the situation at that place in our neighborhood was all different than my mother wanted to see it, because she was attached, she refused to look at it and because of pride she avoided it and we had a scorpion in the neighborhood who did everything to disturb and my Family let me down and said it was my problem and even made fun of it. Therefore, that place and my parent's house was very different in reality and my mother refused to look at it or she was not able to see the problem, because of attachment and pride. And whatever the problem, the family was loaded with misunderstandings and bad feelings.
There was an avalanche and that is not fun, because out life is endangered.
What about the whirlpool? That has to do with greed and the environment of my ex. If we get in a whirlpool we are also in danger and we cannot get out of it anymore. 
As Baba tells us, we have to keep it away.
It is not just in our mind and we are in control, the picture is quite a different reality, we are not in control and are kind of swallowed by it and the mind is that in control that it cannot think of anything else but that. 
I guess what I try to understand is that the mind conditioning is kind of dangerous.
All my life I tried to just be able to talk again to my mother to feel her as my mother again and it was impossible. After seeing Baba I went to Spain for a visit constantly hoping it would get better and it didn't and we didn't know why.
The answer is the avalanche..., it was in her mind and it was not possible to be changed.
The best we can get from it is that we see it as a lesson, and we have to get aware of it.  

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