Monday, June 3, 2013

The Reflection of the Divine Light

While in the forest, Rama was once reclining with His head on the lap of Sugriva and the monkey leaders were around Him. The moon was shining overhead in full glory, but there was the tell-tale spot which marred the fullness of the effulgence. Rama asked each one of them what the spot indicated. Each one gave a different explanation. The reflection of the sea, one said, a deep pit, said another; a mountain range said a third. It was Hanuman's turn – He said, "It is Your reflection I see on the moon, Your colour, nothing else!" That was a simple example of his devotion. Everywhere, every time, in every person, he only saw Lord Rama. One must dedicate all tasks as offerings to the Lord. Never deviate from that attitude. Hanuman was such a devotee; Rama was the very life-breath for him.
Baba (thought for the day)
I like that thought for the day, not because it is easy to understand and not because it is clear, but because it is about reflection.
Since a few years, since Baba's Lila began which said inside in meditation - engaged - it is all about reflection.
What is reflection?
The sun is the light, the moon is the reflection of that light. Divinity is the light, we are the reflection of that light. The divine is the 'Thou art That' and it is reflected on the individual level of our consciousness as 'I am That'.
In the reality of 'engaged' or being engaged in service to him, we get aware of being the same, we have a duty. You said you have a duty, we are the same 'I am that', we have a duty. The reflection is about inner seeing. If you have a duty, I have a duty as well. Therefore, we have a duty and 'we' is 'He'.
In Prashanti during the Bhajanas there was that 'I am that' above a devotee, I never had even spoken to her, I didn't know her by name, I know her only from seeing her, but above her was the 'I am that' and as I had realized in my meditation, because he had said, 'engaged', because of that, knowing 'we are that' as well, it expanded to 'all are that'. It is realization. 

If we translate it to the moon and the stars, it would tell us that the moon is 'that' light and the stars are 'that' light as well, they all reflect in the light of the sun. That is the principle of unity or total non-dualism. There are not two, but all are one.
It is not easy to understand, because there are still two, the light and its reflection, the sun and the moon, divinity and the devotee, the ocean and the waves, but they are one.
It was Hanuman's turn – He said, "It is Your reflection I see on the moon, Your colour, nothing else!" That was a simple example of his devotion. Everywhere, every time, in every person, he only saw Lord Rama. One must dedicate all tasks as offerings to the Lord. Never deviate from that attitude. Hanuman was such a devotee; Rama was the very life-breath for him.
The question is how do we get to that realization?
It is about color, it is about inner view and reflection and it is about light.
In the inner view is reflected the reality of it and the colors tell us about levels and chakras and inner motivation.
If Hanuman tells, 'it is your light and nothing else', it is about light and it is teaching. 
The first time I was present at Baba's birthday, the first year I was with him, I had in my meditation an interview, he opened the door, he was dressed in white and there was a golden light.
This was inner seeing, inner view, he opened the door and since we follow the inner master.  
The first experience of the observer was in the higher self and it was in my dream as beautiful, radiant white light, and it was love only.
That is the observer and since we get the reflection in the dream in the light of the self and it has to be realized and understood to be able to tell, it is You only, it is He.
The reflection of the light in the moon is the reflection of divinity in our own higher self, it is the reflection of our own divinity and therefore, we are 'that'.
We are like the moon, reflecting the light of the sun, reflecting the light of divinity and Hanuman had realized that, he knew it, that is self-realization.
The sun reflects in the glass of water and the individual glass of water gets aware of it as - I am that.

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