Friday, September 1, 2017
Digest the Food we have Taken

Thursday, August 31, 2017
The Characteristics of the Mind

If we see it in our own life, we wonder what is sloth, how did we experience it. And what about passion? In these words is the characteristics of the three gunas, but not just as principle, but the experience. We experience the stress and the storm and how it is to keep inside calm and in sathva to get to truth.
Sunday, August 6, 2017
We Don't Know that we Don't Know

Monday, May 29, 2017
The right Conclusion; in the Light of the Self

Todays's thought for the day is an example how to deepen and how to think it over to get to a right conclusion. He mentions humanity, the progress of science and technology and that the mind of the individual is still polluted - he calls it greed, envy and gross selfishness.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Food and Sharing Experiences

First I tried to express it with meditation and it was about truth, but it was not thinking it over and it didn't answer all the experience or insights in the dream stage and it was always about truth and even if it felt right, there was still a lot that didn't make any sense and we didn't find the answer by thinking it over. The principle about it was true, but it was not possible to use the right words and there was no thinking it over and in time the experiences didn't make any sense anymore.
He is telling us to get to correct understanding we need three things, direct perception, inference and the written or spoken words of a self realized authority.
The Boat Across the Sea of Worldly Life
How do you experience those two, devotion and faith, do you remember in your life an experience when you can relate to that boat and how you got aware of the to oars of devotion and faith. We can ask ourselves, how do we get that experience?
What do we remember and we can make a kind of brain storming, we write down what we remember and then we see if it makes any sense and when it begins to make sense and we begin to remember it in our own life, we think it over and by thinking it over we get a feeling for it and it is not just something we read or hear, but we begin to listen and listening is more than just reading or hearing, it has to go deeper and then only it is possible to absorb it and only when we have those three things we can talk about contemplation.
When we see it in our own life and we remember a moment in the past when it began with faith. In my life I remember I was looking for self-realization and more or less all over and I couldn't find it anymore and I had the experience of it before, but it was gone and no way it was to be found again.
I wondered how it had that experience present of it and it was during writing, at that time it had been a diary, and it was as well thinking it over, but it was just about values and ideals and getting aware of it and enjoying of writing it down. With time I somehow didn't believe that there had been a feeling of self-realization anymore, there seemed to be no way of getting aware of it again. But it had been there, I didn't need that much faith, I had the experience of it, it was just no more present and no more part of my life and my experience and it didn't feel good. it felt holy and it was very important and therefore, even if I couldn't find it, it had been there and it was not possible to forget it. More I was looking for it less I was able to find it.
Contemplation on the Divine
Friday, May 12, 2017
Engaged in Service
In our society everything is institutionalized and it is very difficult to go and help, if the help is not wanted we shouldn't even try to do it.
If he mentions the body and it should be engaged to service t others, body is different from the Atma or our higher self, therefore, he calls it the body that should be engaged in service to others. It can be also of service if we just think it over and contemplate on his words. If we just read it, we think, that's it we know we have heard it before or something like that and it needs an effort getting into it seeing it in our own life and getting a feeling for it and that is what contemplation is, it is not just reading and forgetting it and next moment we don't know anymore what we have read. We must make it experience, we should feel it and when we see it in our own life, it is just about that. When we hear that a conflict should be always brought to the point otherwise it expands, we even think we know, but the next moment it is forgotten and when we have a conflict in our life, we don't know what to do about it. It is a sign that we have not absorbed the wisdom.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Celebrate the Day
Every Action has Consequences

Swami speaks here about action and that every action has an effect and the result of action depends on seedling being planted, just the nature of the tree depends on the seed which is sowed.
The consequences are inescapable. We can get aware of it in thinking it over.
Sunday, May 7, 2017
The Quality of Love
Friday, May 5, 2017
Mother is God

Thursday, May 4, 2017
Difficulties are no Hindrance

We had an interview together with people from the same country. In one of those interviews he said, 'follow the master, fight to the end, finish the game'. Even when he spoke individually to people in the room, we usually remember only what was for us. After the interview I began to wonder, how I could follow the master and how to fight to the end and how to finish the game.
When something came was there and it was not clear or for some reason or for some reason it seemed it had been avoided in that past, now it began to come and it following the master I began to address it usually it was by some unknown reason in the dream.
After I went to Swami I was staying at the ashram as long as possible, without that I had to go against the rule, it was limited by the visa and by the time we were allowed to stay at the ashram. Swami moved always from time to time to Whitefield and his other ashram near Bangalore and when coming back it was possible to start new again.
There was a reason why I wanted to leave on the spot again when coming back here, because it usually didn't feel good, it was like I had not roots in my county and I didn't know what I was doing here. As long as he was near and in Swami's presence, things felt great and okay, but when coming back I didn't know what I was doing here, it was like cut off and a few times it said in my dream, when we don't know the source, we cannot understand it. The question was, what was that source, it was unknown and why. The source is as well mentioned when it is about the divine, with him we were at the source, the question was rather, what else we didn't know?
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Masters and the Great Ideals

Monday, April 24, 2017
We are One

Swami mentions here the worship of idols, and it is a help to remember the divine, but he is as well telling us that it is only okay as long as we do not

Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Two Wings are Needed if we Want to Fly

Just today he mentioned the two wings we need to fly or the two wheels we need to be able of pulling the cart.
Getting aware of it and contemplating the words of Baba is the other wing, all we do in the Sai centers is the wing of practice, people are singing a lot and like to sing and are great singers and other are doing practice in some service activities, but what I notice often is that something seems missing and it is that basic wisdom. To make it more clear that with contemplation we are not talking about the same wing as we do with practice, I put the picture, I have already in my blog.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
18 Service
Jeder muss den Geist des Opfers (thyaga) entwickeln. Du musst den Leuten mit deinem Körper dienen. Du musst gute und edle Gedanken in deinem Geist schätzen. Sie müssen Ihren Reichtum für die Unterstützung von Bildungs-und anderen Institutionen, um die Menschen zu helfen. Gib dem Verhungern Essen. Dies ist der Weg, um ein zielgerichtetes und erhabenes Leben zu führen. Das Leben ist dir gegeben worden, um dich nicht selbst zu fetten. Der Körper ist das Grundinstrument für die Praxis der Gerechtigkeit (Dharma). Dedicated Ihre gesamte Zeit zum Service und für die ordnungsgemäße Entlastung Ihrer Aufgaben. Gott allein kann deine spirituellen Anstrengungen in eine transzendentale Erfahrung verwandeln. Gott ist allgegenwärtig; Er ist überall und in dir. Du bist göttlich! Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre spirituellen Praktiken (Sadhana) nicht für irgendeinen egoistischen Grund sind. Es muss das Gute der anderen fördern. Selbstsucht aufgeben, selbstlose Liebe für andere kultivieren und dein Leben heiligen Dann wirst du Sakshatkara erleben, die Vision des Göttlichen aus dir.
18. Everyone must develop the spirit of sacrifice (thyaga). You must serve the people with your body. You have to cherish good and noble thoughts in your mind. You must use your wealth for supporting educational and other institutions to help the people. Give food to the starving. This is the way to lead a purposeful and sublime life. Life has been given to you not to become fat yourself. The body is the basic instrument for the practice of righteousness (Dharma). Dedicate your entire time to service and for the proper discharge of your duties. God alone can transform your spiritual efforts into a transcendental experience. God is omnipresent; He is everywhere and within you. You are Divine! Ensure your spiritual practices (Sadhana) are not for any selfish reason. It must promote the good of others. Giving up selfishness, cultivating selfless love for others, and sanctify your lives. Then you will experience Sakshatkara, the vision of the Divine from within you.
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Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Right Action, Dharma, the Code of Conduct and the Ideal
Friday, March 31, 2017
Blend Truth and Right Action and there will be Peace
That was a constant issue in my life, when I went for a visit to my parent's place, as soon as I arrived I wanted to leave again. It was that strong that I had a feeling of longing to travel and going somewhere else and what was the worst about it, I didn't know why.
The Inner Eye of Wisdom
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Become Divine - that is Your Destiny
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Realize the Sweetness within