Todays's thought for the day is an example how to deepen and how to think it over to get to a right conclusion. He mentions humanity, the progress of science and technology and that the mind of the individual is still polluted - he calls it greed, envy and gross selfishness.
We have the ego, as long ago it was a big issue that a master had said about someone that she had a big ego, that is a warning which was neglected. We have to see it in our own life to be able to understand it. And she went on course, but after that person came back we had only problems and in the light of those words we get aware how serious it was and we wonder why it was not being seen as a warning, because it had been a warning.
Every sentence has a deeper meaning and in listening we get aware of it. Egotism has deep roots in the heart grown into demonic proportions, that gives us a feeling about it how it had been in that experience as it was about ego, when a master calls it ego it is always the same seen in the light of the self and there was no awareness about it.
If he uses those words it is what we will find, what is reflected. We have the puppets, it was in the dream, as puppets on a sting and we didn't know where to find the fault, but here we get aware in his words that it needs to be no fault, it can be the result of that craving or egotism in the mind. But it is actually the picture that was reflected it was about being puppets and he is as well telling us why puppets if we listen and get aware of it. As we had that experience we begin to feel that we were puppets, because we were not able to check and there was no possibility of taking care of it ourselves, it was as well in the air exposed, what had to do with the same background.
He is telling us it was craving for temporary happiness, accumulating things that cater to their sense of power.
That is about the hidden craving in the mind, it is only about temporary happiness. Everything is seen out of their selfish point of view, it gives us a feeling of how it looks when it is all about selfishness, it is like a selfish environment and no light.
He calls it, enslaved by the monsters - envy, pride, fear and prejudice. We will find those monsters in that attitude of mind when thinking it over and we get aware of it that it was all present, in his words we get the right feeling for it.
The message is that we need true knowledge to be able to save mankind from ruin. He mentions the four goal of Veda, The human values. Truth, sathya, right action, dharma, peace, shanti and love, prema.
We need to understand the importance of those four goals, he calls it the foundation pillars. We should practice it daily. Only then the divine in us can shine in its glory.
As the ego had been mentioned and it had been in focus, in this words about the ego we find the same environment, it was what we had experienced afterwards, when she came back, we can see the hidden motivation, the troubles, we feel the craving for the power game and in listening to his words, we get to a right conclusion.
He had warned the leader of the big ego, and he ignored it, he was that stupid, he didn't think that he needed the advice of the master. It was kind of surprising the her friend at the course office helped her and nobody brought it to the point.
I was on course, probably they should have left me alone on course, I was not able to do something about it, but they had been themselves on course, so they didn't care or even took advantage of it, that is why the course was offered to me, because one called and said, that there were two and one too much and if it had been no, there was one too much, but it was Sophie, the one with the big ego, she was too much, nobody else.
She had been on course, it was her decision.
I went on course because of another reason and then it had turned into mobbing. As it was not based on truth and right action, it was about destroying dignity, if we make it look different than it had been it turns into mobbing, the truth is ignored.
Nobody thought it to the point and the leader was like nowhere present. He had said it had been no, that is why I was in that situation and then he said nothing anymore, he left it open, if truth and right action are separated only pieces are left. That is how it was ridiculed, I was stupid that I had believed in it and nothing was true anymore.
The puppets he mentions were there as well, but in that light it feels like that because we were not able to take care of it ourselves. The hand was not there, which should have taken care of it and all turned into enemies. It was mobbing.
He is telling us why and how it happened. it is craving for temporary happiness, by accumulating things that cater to their sense of power.
It was scary to see the others behind it, it means the leader didn't take care of it, he had been warned.
It felt more like, he also wanted to know how far he could go.
He didn't tell when she came back that it had been no, therefore, he had changed his mind, he let it open, whatever the reason, but I was in that situation only because he had said no. Probably he wanted to find out how far he could go and what would come out by it. And that is what came out by it, it broke into pieces and only pieces left means, that right action and truth have been separated.
Nobody can enlighten the world when only pieces are left.
It was there, it is exactly the same feeling we get in listening to his words, it was that environment.
And he explains that it has to do with envy, pride, fear and prejudice, now in the example I am thinking over it is for sure about the first two the others I would maybe have to see in a different situation to get the feeling for it.
We can see in his words, it was that the situation and it is in the light of the self we get the right conclusion.
That is the example how self-knowledge is growing in the light of the self, the self-realized authority is the light of the self, it reflects in the light of the self and we are all the same self, only he knows the answer because he has realized it and we are on the way and see it reflected in his words. If we think it over in his words, it makes sense, it describes the situation in a perfect manner. We never could do it the way he does, he uses the words of the insights in a better way then we are able to, therefore, we use his words.
This is the first thought of the day which is so that much about the ego, that it reflects the situation I had met at that time and he sets it right and in a perfect manner really.
That is why it is said, he is the knower, he the enjoyer, he is the doer.
We cannot enlighten the world if we don't have those four pillars.
After what had happened when she came back, the big ego as nobody was aware of it, it was no more possible, because the four pillars where not there anymore, only pieces left.
But before it still had been there, there was a time there had been pure love in the air, it was amazing and great.
What do we need to experience pure love? We need truth, right action and peace. And when right action and truth are separated only pieces are left and that happened when she came back, only pieces left.
It is not possible to enlighten the world if those four pillars are not there. That is why the master said to the leader, if he would not hold up the light, there would always be someone else doing it for him.
There was no light, the light was gone, the light was with inside and somewhere else and that was the direction we had to take, there was no choice about it. But it took a lot of time getting aware of it and also know why now. It got lost on a certain point and without help of the master it would not have been possible to set it right again and to make the right experience. Therefore, that the warning had been ignored, taken easy not aware of how much harm it can do, resulted in lots of troubles and misunderstandings and as he is telling us here, prejudice. Nobody knew what had happened as it was not brought to the point, the leader seemed to be an actor only he didn't do anything at all and it expanded and the whole movement was in prejudice really. What was created was fear, but because they avoided to see the way it had been and nothing was true anymore at the end. It was only acting and not truth. That is how we get aware why he said in the dream stage that the leader was an actor.
In that we find what is mentioned in the Patanjali sutra. The light of the self is for all the same self, there is no difference, we are one and the same and therefore, it is always reflected in the light of the self when we have a self-realized authority. He is telling us why and he is giving the answers, we just have to listen, think it over, see it in our own life and by that we absorb it in our own self and that is how self-knowledge grows and expands.
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