Since I moved freely among people, talking and singing with them, even intellectuals were unable to grasp My truth, My power, My glory, or My real task as Avatar. I can solve any problem however knotty. I am beyond the reach of the most intensive enquiry and the most meticulous measurement. Only those who have recognised My love and experienced it can assert that they have glimpsed My reality. Do not attempt to know Me through the external eyes. When you go to a temple and stand before the image of God, you pray with closed eyes, don't you? Why? Because you feel that the inner eye of wisdom alone can reveal Him to you. Therefore, do not crave from Me trivial material objects; but, crave for Me from within, and you will be rewarded. The path of Love is the royal road that leads mankind to Me. My grace is ever available to devotees who have steady love and faith.
In this Swami quote he talks in the first person as Godhead and that reality we have to get the insight first and see it to get a feeling for it. We tend to think that he talks about him in the form, but he is not the form, he is the Atma. He is bigger than the biggest and smaller than the smallest.
If we contemplate his words, we don't see with the external eyes we see with the inner eye. He was in the dream as insight and as the following step and in the insight he was one night present as, 'I am the One'. In the dream that is totally different reality than in the waking state where we question everything. When it is in the dream we know it is him and we know it is God, if in the dream someone is telling, 'I am the One' there is no doubt that it is Swami and that there is only one and no second one.
Swami said, he is the man coming in our dreams to awaken, all it needs is a Swami dream to be able to contemplate it without that we ask, am I using the intellect, is it the internal or the external eye? The higher self is the same light in all of us that reflects in the mirror of the Atma as light and there is no difference on that level, we can see the light and understand we are all the same light, but it is different when Swami is in the dream and tells, 'I am the One'. All we need is Swami as the man coming in our dream to awaken and the rest is about contemplation of his words and self-inquiry to get to a right conclusion. He is the doer, he is in our dreams to awaken, and when he tells, 'I am the One', on that level of consciousness in the dream state there can be only one, that is how we get a feeling for it, when he tells I and talks about the Atma and not the body, as the 'I am I'.

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