Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Masters and the Great Ideals

You are unnecessarily struggling and planning several schemes, thinking about them day and night. In spite of all your struggles, what has to go out of your hands will go. The body is like a water bubble. The mind is like a mad monkey. If you follow this mad monkey, you will get into trouble. In the same manner, if you believe in the body, you do not know when this body, which is like a water bubble, will burst. Nothing is permanent. Only the Atma (Self) is eternal and immortal. 'I', 'Self', 'God' are all different names by which the Atmaswarupa is called. God incarnated as Rama, Krishna, and the like, and underwent several difficulties to demonstrate great ideals. Finally, they too left the mortal coil. The physical bodies of the Avatars undergo changes, but the Divine Atma in their bodies remains the same. It is omnipresent, eternal and changeless. Divinity in all the human beings is one and the same.

In this quote Swami talks about things we plan and think about non-stop and what keeps us busy, and he is telling that everything that has to go will go. Even though we are fighting for it and even if we are day and night busy thinking about it, when the moment comes, we will have to let go. The body is perishable. It is like a water bubble and the mind compares Swami with a crazy monkey, which we can hardly control and if we follow the monkey mind, we will inevitably get into trouble. And the same with the body, which is like a water-bubble, when we believe in the body, one day it will burst, and it will be gone. In the relative world nothing is permanent.
Only the Self is eternal and immortal. We know it as' I ',' Self ', God', the different names we give to the Atmaswarupa, the embodied Atma. God incarnated as Rama and Krishna and others, and they had to face lots difficulties to demonstrate the great ideals, and they also left the mortal coils. The body is not lasting; there is no difference for an avatar. Also the bodies of the avatars change, but the divine Atma is always the same, it does not change and it is as well in every human being, we all have the same potential, the question is if we are able to realize it. It consists of omnipresent, eternal, and unchanging consciousness. The Divine is one and the same in all human beings.

 We should always be aware of unity, it never changes, it is unlimited and it means no difference. The difference is in our way of seeing it, in our realization and how we are able to understand it and if we are capable of demonstrating it. As Swami said, the holy men had to face difficulties to demonstrate the highest ideals. We face those difficulties in a way as well. It is of importance if we are able to understand it and if we know it is not the body and oneness a consciousness level.
The people with the light body cult are asking the devotees who are rich and have lots of wealth for donations. The business flourishes in the name of the light body Swami, and they are building schools, hospitals etc.
And they get a lot of money from those devotees. They give donations to a pretend Swami probably because it feels good to be asked for, to get that much attention, what never happened with Baba.
It looks like Swami, it is a copy, but it is not Swami, there is no message of unity.
Therefore, oneness is always the same, we feel like we talk always about the same thing, but it depends on how we are able to understand it and put it into practice, to know what is right and what is not right. If we get taken in by actors, or not, it is a sign that we don't know.
If we listen to his words,  after some time we know it cannot be Swami; the ideal is oneness and not a light body.
But illusion is deceptive, and they play a game with the outer appearance and the trust and believe of others, that is how they get mostly from the VIPs donations and get rich and famous, people seem to be flattered and happy that the pretend Swami is thinking of them and asking for donations. 
It makes a huge difference, if we listen to his words and are able to demonstrate as well in words and deeds the highest ideals or not. Atma reacts, reflects and resounds. (Baba) It is the light that is reflected in all of us. 

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