Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I am Atma, not the Body

When a tree sways with the wind, its branches bend and toss up and down. But the tiny bird sitting on it is not afraid? Why? Because the bird relies on its wings. Even if the branch falls down, as long as its wings are fine, it is safe. With this realization, the bird sits bravely on the swaying branch. However, human beings do not have so much faith as a tiny bird. Even with the slightest problems on the tree of life, people get very worried, why? It is because they have lost their self-confidence. Even at the slightest suffering, people are frustrated, depressed and unable to bear. Instead of depending on your intelligence, physical strength or wealth, trust your self-confidence. Do good deeds; let every step and all your efforts be directed to win His Grace and proximity. Then, you will surely triumph!
Baba (thought for the day)

Do you see the tiny bird tossing up and down with the branches in the wind not afraid?
As long as its wings are fine, it is safe. When Baba said in my dream, ‘I wanted to fly’, it was probably about self-confidence and knowing if we have self-confidence, we can fly.
And he also said in my dream, ‘I wanted a big house’, and if it is about the house of self-realization the fundament is also self-confidence, the walls are self-contentment, the roof is self-sacrifice and living in the house will be self-realization.
What Baba said is, ‘self-confidence, self-control, self-contentment, self-sacrifice, self-realization’.
It is all based on the self and not the mind.

In the dream he was two Babas, one was the value ‘insight’ and the other Baba was the following step, but we have to understand the insight right.
At his birthday 86, he was in my dream at midnight and opened a door, we went into a personal interview room inside and there was a beautiful golden light and he said, ‘why are you so old and not married’ and there was even shame about it and he said, ‘don’t worry I will take care, what about Al’ and he was giving lectures in the ashram and I was kind of surprised, but it felt like he wanted me to get married or to be married and I didn’t worry, but nothing happened and after a while I would have liked to Al and asked him about it how to understand that dream, but it was not really possible. I was probably too shy.   
Baba asked often, where is your husband?
He never asked me, but the husband had something to do with our inner self. I got afterwards in a relationship, but it turned not into a marriage, but only a bitter lesson and I rather would not have made that experience, but it was probably also part of it.

Baba also said, if the light was blue, light blue, in the inner view, it was okay to go on, because at that time I began to see colors in the dream, even without pictures, just colors, and he got me inside ‘engaged’ and I began to write about it, because otherwise, it didn’t make sense and he was present in the dream and the colors as well.
Telling the story …, going through the feeling coming up in those insights and dreams, it was one night in the inner view, that special value of ‘insight’, what is also Baba and the following step.
The insight was, ‘I am the One’.
It was very special, but it was all his doing. 
He was the dream, he was the question, he was the result. 
It was alone his doing and all that mattered after all. The insight; ‘I am the One’ is about the principle and we are the instrument and experiencing it. 
The question is, ‘who am I?’
It does make sense, as he was the dreams and he is the insights. We have to get aware of the difference, between the doer and the instrument.  
What can we learn from that?
It is about sat-chit-ananda. Divinity is the universal I, our intellect can understand it, but to realize it that is another level, it has to be realized. How do we get to oneness?
If we know that he is the doer and he is the parents and we are only an instrument, the insight turned into, ‘I am the one’.
During my meditation in the mountains once I didn’t notice that Baba was standing in front of me and when I opened the eyes there was an incredible insight, it said ‘I am that’, it was standing in the air above all of it and it felt for my mind like all would be thinking the same thought.
Al said; ‘your brother’ will set you free. 
We call it in purpose ‘brother’ not sister; it is the spiritual meaning and has nothing to do with the body. I was ‘Arjuna’ who was in the insight when Baba left the body in an eternal Lila with Krishna and it was not Krishna’s sister. Arjuna is married to his sister. Baba’s Lila aims at getting us to the insight of ‘I am the one’.
It is not about ‘he is the one’, it is about – I am the one.
Why? For our intellect it is somehow possible to get it that 'he is divine', we made him different from us, we are just in the mind and therefore, we are mind, mind means men, people. But if it is about the 'I am the one', it is not different from our own 'I', it means there is no difference, it is the universal principle the same 'I' in all entities. 
It is about our ‘I’-principle inside of our own self. 
It is about, ‘who am I’? It doesn't help if I think who he is, I have to realize who 'I am'. 
In the inner view, in the dream, in the insight Baba can tell, ‘I am the One’ and there is no difference between our ‘I’ and his ‘I’, it is for all the same.
That is how we realize the oneness of the universal ‘I’.
Sat is eternal being, the never changing principle, chit, is our own realization of it and if we realize the ‘I am the one’, it is done. That is the answer, what is there to tell if it has expanded to an universal level, now we just have to know how to live it. 
The 'I' is the One, the big 'I', bigger than the biggest, and we have to live it. The search ended, but for the words to express it that is just a new beginning.
It doesn’t mean we have to be silent, it means we have to share it with others. 
The realization of it will be ananda, the sweet fruit.
We should be like the bird feeling safe as long as we have wings to fly.
Being God, it is the mantra Baba gave us. He gave us the mantra:

‘I am God, I am God, I am not different from God. Think dust, you will be dust, think God you will be God.

It will lead to the inside realization, to the inner view, the insight, ‘I am the One’, it is only ‘He’ – his reality, but it makes us understand that there is only One and our ‘I’ cannot be possibly separate from it. 

That is also the meaning of 'I am that', there is no other way to express the universal value of 'that'. 
Baba tells, ‘forget the world, remember God, never be afraid of death’.

In the ashram we listened to lectures and tried to understand it until Baba began to make him part of my life and his Lila, when he enclosed all this in my dreams.
That is how our awareness grows, today I am not listening to lectures anymore, because we do not know what this is all about, it has changed.

We understand it if we listen carefully and we think it over and absorb. 

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