My Mission has now reached that point in time when each of you now has work to do.

I call upon you to radiate the Bhakti (devotion) within you so that its unseen power will envelop all who come into your orbit. To successfully perform your part, always remain centred upon Me.
Saib Baba - Your Mission
It is all wrong to think we know. It is wrong to think of the end, it is a Lila and that needs trust.
Why did he tell - that I am from America and I am not really and he means (we), because he made that inside relationship before he left the body.
My daughter is American too and she doesn't like it here and cannot go back, not after what Baba told her about her father.
He said to her in her dream, she was only six years old, that her father is stupid and destroying himself and that he would destroy her too if she would go back to him.
How could anyone ever make up the mind to do it anyhow if Baba said something like that inside?
It is not possible, she talks about it, but it doesn't happen.
What do we know how long we are going to be here?
What will happen to her when I am not here anymore?
There is nobody. She thinks people are strange here. That is her experience, if it is real or not.
He said once inside, you need to be healthy, does it mean I am that or I have to be it because of her?
Of course, I thought it means something else, we always think it is something else, but maybe it is just because of her. That is a reason for worry and anxiety.
Do we know the future? No we don't know. But we know that everything he does is for a reason, because he knows.
We don't have that much time left.
In quoting the thought for the day I get kind of centered on him more than I was before. I can see his darshan, no need to go and sing. Before I had to sing to get in touch and see him giving darshan. I don't know the role I have to play, but it seems related to both of us.
Maybe it is all it needs just being there and it could be something else, we know only afterwards.
Since I am writing and quoting him, going into that wisdom, that happens because you are in the background, because of that same 'I am that'.
How to know if we don't go for it, as he said, go for it, you are able to do it? Is it about relationship, about movement or about the child or about everthing?
We don't know ahead, but it needs trust to go for it, that is the deal, he said, 'love my uncertainty'.
Maybe it is about that?
You should know how it could be here if there is no father and no real family, what nightmare being alone.
You are a father, your are different, but in that sense we are also the same 'I am that', we are parents.
You know it probably better than I do how it could be being alone here and Baba said I should not worry, he will take care.
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