Happiness is essential for God-realization. It is one of the big gateways to Divinity. If man is unhappy, this is not just a flaw. This is one of the most serious flaws!

In many cases, the reason for people's suffering is that only through suffering God can convince them of the necessity of turning inside, into the depth of the multidimensional structure of their organisms, of the necessity of self-examination. Without this, such people will never get rid of suffering! God is inside, in the depth! He heals from there!

Many years ago I met the reflection of the higher self in my dream and after I knew 'that's it' and I wanted to just go in that direction. It is a while ago and it went up and down.
But to finally reach a stage when I realize that the first step, it was with the Hare Krishnas, what I didn't understand at that time at all, was after all not that wrong, that just feels good. At that time it felt more like Hippie time, we felt free, we didn't worry and we went in the right direction.
Afterwards I began to meditate with TM to go inside, because I didn't get any answers, as I thought. It felt like a mental prison and I had to get out of it and since it felt always like a struggle to get out of it.
But to finally reach a stage when I realize that the first step, it was with the Hare Krishnas, what I didn't understand at that time at all, was after all not that wrong, that just feels good. At that time it felt more like Hippie time, we felt free, we didn't worry and we went in the right direction.
Afterwards I began to meditate with TM to go inside, because I didn't get any answers, as I thought. It felt like a mental prison and I had to get out of it and since it felt always like a struggle to get out of it.
But as this thought quote of Baba's words tell, if we don't go inside, there will be no self-enquiry. Of course, looking back that time with the Hare Krishnas has been much more light and without sorrows than any later time, but if I would not have gone inside and faced that, I would not be able to appreciate it.

Most of people I met seem to stay on that outer level of either work for divinity in using meditation, teaching others to meditate, but still not going inside.
Or they stay outside on a level of devotion and devotional songs.
And even if we talk about it and we mention it, it is still not heard and understood.
It feels like they don't have any access to it.
But for us here it is more than clear. If we are suffering, God wants us to turn inside in to the depth of the multidimensional structure of our organism.
And how do we do it? How do we turn inside into our organism? How do we get into self-examination?
It is the main aim in my blog, self-inquiry.
And do you trust in Baba?
Trust his words, he is telling it here.
Turn inside into the depth of the multidimensional structure of the organisms, the necessity of self-examination.
Without this, people will never get rid of suffering! God is inside, in the depth!
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